16-Yr-Old Fined For High Speed Chase

February 23, 2011

A 16-year-old student today [Feb 23] pleaded guilty to two traffic offences and one criminal offence. The DPP gave evidence that on 3rd October 2010, the student stole a motorbike and, when accosted by Police in the Langton Hill area, he led them on a high-speed chase.

The chase went on to Woodlands Road, across the roundabout, down Par-la-Ville Road and through the traffic lights, through another set of traffic lights on to Front Street, along Front Street, up Queen Street and East along Church Street where he decked out. He was caught when he attempted to run.

When Magistrate Juan Wolffe asked him what he had to say, the student replied: “I saw a bike and I thought I wanted to ride. I saw it with keys in it. I’m sorry for my actions.”

Magistrate Wolffe asked if his parents were in Court. However no one stood and answered. However a person, older than the young man, and identifying herself as the student’s sister stood for him. Questioned by the Magistrate, she gave answers that seemed unsatisfactory to the Magistrate who then advised her to sit down again.

Magistrate Wolffe then cautioned the young man that he was facing a possible prison sentence and of having a permanent criminal conviction. A Probation Officer from Court Services stood and said that the student was already on two years Probation for a recent drugs offence. That because of that offence, the student had recently had a Social Inquiry Report prepared on him.

Magistrate Wolffe then sentenced the student to another two years probation with a 10:00pm to 6:00am curfew. The Magistrate also fined the student $250 for riding while disqualified by reason of age; and $250 for riding in a manner dangerous to the public. He gave the student until July 31st to pay the fines.

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  1. Nicki says:

    Another young criminal. We’ll be hearing about him again. SMH.

  2. Not Impressed says:

    Talk about a slap on the wrist!! “I saw a bike and I thought I wanted to ride. I saw it with keys in it. I’m sorry for my actions.” … yea I’m sure he’s sorry! When I was 16 I was fined $250 for doing 56kph and that was over 10 years ago!!

  3. W.T.F.??? says:

    and he got NOTHING for the THEFT of this Bike!!

    500 is nothing to these young kids!
    I bet he laughed his ass off when he left the Court House!

  4. Remembers when says:

    Well I remember when we didn’t even have to lock our bikes and nobody troubled with them.

    Aaah , the ‘bad ole days’ that we’re always being reminded that we don’t want to return to…


  5. percival says:

    sure bet he will be back again….the first set of probabtion didnt work….lets see what another set will do

  6. Um. says:

    We’re worried about the sentence? Where are his parents? It’s one thing for the general public to give up on the child but, at 16, where is his mother?

  7. Sheriff says:

    His parents need to pay as well.. Get up there, stand by him and receive “their” judgement.

  8. Winnie says:

    Shaking head, WOW dude was on a previous probation. Do some of these people sitting on the bench take the VICTIMS into account. They say its never too late, however it is clear to see the path this young man is taking. To make matters worse he’s being encouraged to continue on,son we’ll just slap you on the wrist.

  9. Truth is killin' me... says:

    I blame the Judge and this week ass judicial system that we have here. No teeth and a bunch of puppets! Juan Wolffe seems to be soft as cloth from what I see him meting out these days along with Charles-Etta Simmons! The law abiding puplic should demand more from these two!!!!!!

  10. For Real.... says:

    To: Um; , Regardless of the fact that the parents were not PHYSICALLY present, doesn’t mean you can make judgments about whether the parents ‘gave up’.

    To: Sheriff, Nowadays these youths are gonna do whatever. Unless you’re literally attached to your child, you don’t know what they are doing! CLEARLY, this child is the ONE AND ONLY person responsible for his actions.

  11. real talk says:

    Where was this judge when I got my $1000 fine and thirty days to pay or three months in prison. WTF

  12. SMH says:

    @ For Real

    It has alot to do with the parents, most of them try to be their childs friend… one thing for sure if my brother (14) or i (20) tried something stupid like this we’ll be lucky to make it to the court hearing cause my mama would have beat the black off of us… so it has a lot to do with parents… at 16 he is not to old to get a slap upside his head!