Cricket Board Condemn “Misleading Article”

April 28, 2011

cricket logoThe top three officials at the Bermuda Cricket Board have released a statement saying they “unanimously condemn the misleading article” published in another media outlet yesterday [April 27]

Reginald Pearman, President, Allen Richardson, 1st Vice-President and Lloyd Fray, 2nd Vice-President said they are “completely appalled by the content of the article.”

Reg Pearman noted: “The article makes a number of insinuations and claims regarding BCB matters that are patently untrue and very disappointing. Having to read this mischievous and irresponsible nonsense is very frustrating. It is quite clear to everybody that Bermuda as a country is working through a difficult period and the impact on sporting bodies has been significant.”

“Nevertheless to read reports of supposedly secret meetings and to have claims made that the key employee positions of Chief Executive and National Coach are under threat is overwhelmingly frustrating as it is all complete rubbish. Neil and David are outstanding employees and are crucial resources in a small organization and their work is universally recognized by the Executive as world class. To insinuate otherwise is patently misleading,” concluded Mr Pearman.

Lloyd Fray, who was Chairman of the recruitment committee that conducted the hiring process of David Moore added: “The BCB Executive has a clearly documented strategy which is regularly reviewed. The BCB has been outstandingly successful in the past 8 years and has repeatedly and deservedly, won international honours for the quality of its development programs, its governance and management and its operational effectiveness. As in any well-run organization financial matters are regularly reviewed and decisions may be taken on strategic and operational issues. With the current economic climate the BCB will continue to look for new revenue streams in addition to reviewing its operations and programs offered to the community.”

“I can categorically refute any ridiculous speculation about the future of both David and Neil as complete nonsense. The BCB is fortunate to have such talented, hard-working, dedicated and effective personnel and at no time have their positions ever remotely been under threat. Their efforts are critical to the future of the organization. It is more than bizarre to me that anyone might try to suggest otherwise. Both gentlemen are internationally recognized as being world class in their respective fields and we are fortunate to have them, particularly when times are tough.”

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  1. Living in Hells kitchen says:

    “World Class” oh please to win the world cup 4 yrs ago to be relegated and keep on losing and they have the nerve to say that they are world class. Someone please pinch me and wake me up because what I’m witnessing from sports in this country is absolutely appaling.

  2. Billee the Kidd says:

    Another great example of those “other people’s” made up reporting, smdh

  3. Baby Rocko says:

    Slight correction above – Bermuda participated in the World Cup 4 year ago but certainly did not win it.

    Funny how the BCB executive can refute the writings of another publication but would pull out of an appearance on “Let’s Talk” last minute where that had an opportunity to dispel any rumors, talk, or misconceptions surrounding the governing body of cricket.

    Governing bodies need to get rid of the attitude that they do not have to answer to anyone and communicate. Umjustsayin….

    • Living in Hells kitchen says:

      thanks for the correction i should’ve known they couldnt win it lol

    • Baffled says:

      Can you be more specific

    • Baffled says:

      Baby Rocko–When you say”Governing Bodies (GB’s)” are you referring to all?Or are you directing your comments to specific bodies? Are you recommending that GB’s speak to the Daily and bi-weekly press on a more regular basis or are you saying that they just need to inform the public in general? I ask because I and I’m sure many others are confused by the statement. If one visits the BCB website, one will be provided with current information. Same can be said for the BFA and most other GB’s.If one goes to Island Stats the information for football, cricket and other sports is significant. When one goes to the Bermuda Sun, the information from GB’s is more than adequate. In fact the Bermuda Sun went as far as printing the entire BFA strategic plan two years ago. Visit the BFA’s website and you have answers to all questions, detailed interviews on just about everything outlined in their strategic plan and business plan. Same can be said about the BCB. The BCB and other GB’s also provide a great deal of information. The challenge my friend for the BCB and BFA is the clear bias the daily has taken in their stance against the two sports. I won’t cite them all because I could be here all day but the above response from the BCB is one very clear example. As often as it has been reported by the BFA, on their site, in interviews with Island Stats, and press statements to all local press, the daily as late as April 15th in the Editorial is still misleading the public into believing that the $15 million over 5 years ($3 million per year for 5 years) pledged by the Government of Bermuda (election year politics) is on track. The facts (and the daily is well aware) are that the BFA received $3 million in year one, $1.5 in year 2, $1 million in year 3 and $750,000 this year, being year 4). By my math, that’s $6.25 million over 4 years. That’s just one HUGE and very clear example.So I for one truly understand their reluctance to engage the daily and why they have used other media to get their message out.