Two Men Charged With Attempted Murder

April 11, 2011

This morning [Apr.11] two men appeared in Magistrates Court in relation to the shooting of Princeton Burrows in August of last year in Sandys parish. Anwar Muhammad [22] and Shawn Williams [19], were both charged with attempted murder and use of a firearm to commit an indictable offence. Neither man was required to enter a plea, and both were remanded in custody.

court apr 11 2011 (3)

Mr Burrows was shot while at the junction of Middle Road in Sandys and Woodlawn Road outside Maximart on August 23, 2010. His injuries resulted in him being airlifted overseas.

After the incident last year Police said, “Police responded to a report of a confirmed firearms incident that took place at 3:45 this afternoon at the junction of Middle Road in Sandys and Woodlawn Road. It appears that a man traveling on a cycle in the aforementioned area was shot. The 19-year old man was taken to KEMH were he is currently being treated for his injuries.”

court apr 11 2011 (2)

Mr Muhammad was separately charged with possession of cannabis in an increased penalty zone on October 26, 2010, and was also charged with traffic offences said to have taken place in February 2011. He pleaded not guilty to these offences.

court apr 11 2011 (1)

Also appearing in court this morning was an 18 year old female who also had the last name Muhammad, and was also charged with possession of cannabis on the exact same date [Oct 26, 2010] as Mr Muhammad was. She was said to be on a bike along with a male who ran off once approached by the Police. The cannabis [1.3 grams] was found under the bike seat. She pleaded guilty to the offense and was fined.

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Comments (137)

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  1. W.T.F.??? says:


    • 270 shotta ! says:

      w.t.f ![edited] you you [edited] dem some real shottaz you the wannabee !![edited] !1you needa recognize !!

      • 809 says:

        What’s a shotta?

        • United says:

          instead of studying tough guy here decided to play thug chump so he missed spelling bee day where he meant to spell shooter.

      • mixitup says:

        Real “Shottas” are the ones that hold the University Degree in their hands. Not the ones being carted off to court in front of a Judge.. Get ya head right!

  2. Conspiracy says:

    How about Anwar’s shirt says “Survival is not mandatory” ?? I will let you give your own input on that.

  3. GPS says:

    It’s not safe being a gang member these days, it seems like the Po Po got these gang members checked like a thief in the night….

  4. young black man says:

    shut up dnt judge a person because they are accused of a crime wait till their case is finishd b4 u criticize it could be a person u know one what will u say then thats the problem too many people so quick to brand every young person before the courts as a gang member n so forth take time to understand why things like this occur before u talk

    signed young black man

    • Reality says:

      Many people go before the courts and get acquitted but we all know they live a life of crime. I personally know someone who went up before the judge and got off on a technicality and he knew he was guilty as sin. Not going to jail does not mean you are innocent of the charges brought before you.

    • GPS says:

      I am a young black man….and I’m sick of seeing other young black man in the news for this type of stuff!….So Please understand where other young black men are coming from.

      Now Back to some Troy Anthony – Black On Black, Too Much Of Dat!!

      Bob Marley – Free Your Mind From Mental Slavery

      Beenie man – Pull Up Your Socks And Steer Your Career

      Martin Luther King – I Had A Dream

      Malcom X, Marcus Garvey, Freddie Wade, Nelson Mandella, Bob Marley, Dr. E.F. Gordon and The Month Of February makes Me proud to be black!

  5. IT IS WHAT IT IS says:


  6. young black man says:

    ps hold your heads young black men do not let people who have no concept of what is going on to us on a daily get u down kuz it seems everybody got u guilty before they even hear any of the facts of the allegations so typical

    • Tired of nonsense says:

      what happens to you on a daily basis?

    • jason says:

      i feel you brother. These people dont know how it is out here right now. They jus sit up and read/believe the newspapers everyday. I bet majority of these same people believe in God and the Bible..smh

      • Candy says:

        @ Jason after reading your comment I can assume that you don’t believe in God and the bible which is precisely the problem. How can you say that we don’t know how it is out here right now? Do you live in a different world from the rest of us? I don’t think so. It’s all about choices and you poor soul are not making the right choices in life. Also it’s people’s disbelief in God that makes it so easy for them to pull the trigger. You people don’t see the big picture. The world has always been in a war. The war against good and evil. The war against God and Satan. So all of you continue to be Satan’s soilders fighting against God. When judgement day comes you’ll wish you believed in God and took the time to read the bible.

        • Bermudian says:

          This makes me sick. You don’t have to believe in a “GOD” to be a good person and lead a happy life. You need to keep your damn religious views to yourself. Not everyone has to believe what you believe so keep that to yourself. I don’t believe in your God and I’m living a great life. My parents taught me right from wrong. Stop pushing your religious junk all over everyone.

          • The 411 says:

            So disrespectful and so unnecessary. God is the solution. He is the reigner of all things. And you live a “good life” because of him not “despite him”.

            • SOMERSET OG says:

              @The411. We live great lives because we don’t live in 3rd world countries. What makes you think God favors us or you over those people that are starving or getting raped and killed in Africa? What makes us so deserving? Why didn’t god stop that lady from driving into the water and drowning her innocent children yet he’ll go out of his way to make sure you have a job? You’re a bunch of wackos! Let me get this straight! God told these guys about how the earth was created in 7 days. Let there be light and all that jazz. Then he created Adam and Eve, snakes, lions, tigers and bears! Why did he leave out dinosurs? They were here before man. It’s because the guys who wrote the bible were not talking to God and were making up stories. Make up your excuses but it’s only one of many ancient story books. If your god is all powerful he could have spoken to the whole world at the same time instead of one group of people over many years. Why does god need me to write down his story? According to your beliefs he flooded the whole world so I think he could probably speak to the whole world at the same time. He can hear all of our prayers yet he can’t talk to all of us at the same time! SHEEP! Anybody want to buy land on the moon. I have condos being built there right now.

              • LOL (original) says:

                Dude the things you describe above have one common issue Human people we as humans are the wicks. That answers your question? Oh and as for this part “Then he created Adam and Eve, snakes, lions, tigers and bears! Why did he leave out dinosaurs, didn’t he also leave out the insects. The bible is about mankind all the rest illustrates God’s power, glory, and mind as he made sure that we had all we needed. Nitpick all you want it’s almost like your scarred of him. I can understand being scarred of those that say they follow him but I think I addressed that some where below. If you don’t like the belief ignore it and stop dissing those that do. You spend a lot of time trying to convince people that they are dumb to believe in it you must have a desire to make sure your not the only one or something……………………………


          • b easy says:

            @ Bermudian,

            Wow, you’re kinda angry. it’s ok that you dont believe in our God. I aint mad at cha but think about this a minute…Pharaoh didnt belive in God either Exodus 5:2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go. Pharaoh eventually found out who God was. and your right about not having to believe in God to be a good person and lead a happy life. Hebrews 11:25 (Moses) Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the PLEASURES of sin for a season. And i’m not saying that you’re living in sin but what i am trying to point out is don’t be deceived into thinking that just beacuse life is great then everything must be ok with you spiritually because man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. There have been many ppl that “appeared” to be in the prime of their lives with everything going for them and fell down dead for no apparent reason. Many of these ppl had heart problems that were not obvious to the natural eye but never the less, they had a HEART issue. When all is said and done, the Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” So God volunteers through the grace of His Son to give us a new heart because ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. David said we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us……So if we have ever told a lie then we have a heart problem, if we ever lusted, then we have a heart problem, if we ever hated another human being then we have a heart problem, if we wish injury on another, we have a heart problem. If ever stole anything (including time from our jobs) then we have a heart problem….1John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous

          • Candy says:

            Did you read anything in my comment that said that you have to believe in God to be a good person? I think not. Neither did I say you have to believe. I SAID YOU HAVE CHOICES.If you choose not to believe in God that’s your choice. NO I WILL NOT KEEP THE NEWS OF GOD TO MYSELF. God wants me to teach about him and his will to help save lost souls. Do you believe that the people committing these crimes were not to taught right from wrong just like you and I? Of course they were but they choose to do wrong. I’m not pushing religious junk on anyone. Once again life is about choices. You choose.

            • LOL (original) says:

              The job of a Christian is to inform and let the person make the decision. They have made their beliefs know move on. You and they have freedom of speech some choose to listen and some don’t.


          • United says:

            GOD is the reason there is WRONG AND RIGHT. God is the reason for respect for one another and GOD is the reason for LOVE. Without GOD there is none of that and you wonder why the whole planet is going into the shytter is because we have turned away from GOD!

          • Away says:

            I’m with you Bermudian!!!

        • SOMERSET OG says:

          Bible means little library. It was a compilation of books pieced together. The choosen ones in this comic book were not like you and me. It was written by them for them and you believe it like the sheep you are. I don’t follow that book and I’m not going around killing people.
          If that book was true then Adam and Eve would be everyone on the planets Great, great, great x9000 grand parents making each and every one of us kissing cousins. Think about it. No way someone can live in the belly of a whale all that time. No way somebody got 2 of every living thing on a boat. And how come faith healers only seem to heal things headaches and bach aches? They can’t cure burns, amputations or cavities. Comic book! Where’s the stories about dinosaurs if this book starts off from the beginning? I know! I’m ranting but I’m bored. Buddah’s name be praised!

          • Bryan says:

            BIBLE…… B asic I nstructions B efore L eaving E arth ! Truth is the truth regardless of what we say or believe in our own hearts. Buddha lived his life in a Christian manner but those who followed his example made him a “Deity” much like the Catholic church made “Saints” of Peter, Paul and the rest. Study scripture in tandem with world history my brother, a lot of things for you still to learn….after all those who have stopped learning have stopped breathing this side of judgment!
            ONE LOVE, ONE HEART!

            • shamel says:

              1. depends on the tradition of buddhism we’re talking abt, but buddha shouldn’t technically be made a deity.
              2. couldn’t the same be said of jesus? that he lived the ideal of a christian life and was then made a deity? which is not to say there’s something wrong with this, just sayin.
              3. buddha predated jesus by a few hundred years
              4. both are very good examples indeed, so quibbling like this is not too productive. better to focus on their message
              5. this being said, even if you don’t take the bible literally, it’s message is overwhelmingly positive and would be very helpful in these times

              anyway – it’s good to get the facts straight. learning and breating will keep more people breathing longer.

            • LOL (original) says:

              Agreed Buddha was a state of being originally. The person that was called Buddha “enlightened One” had a name and he was a son of a noble tribe that cast aside his heritage and released himself from certian this that he felt could cloud his judgement of things. Due to this profound belief people followed him. I agree that he is not a deity but more of a state of rational.


          • 4real says:

            @ Somerset OG u have to be blind to not be able to see that the world and everything in it has the fingerprints of a designer! The synergy of this wolrd is simply incredible and the odds of it being a result of a “big bang theory” are what you should really consider to be a comic book! the earth was designed in such a way that if we move 1 or 2 degrees away from the sun we freeze to death and if we move 1 or 2 degrees toward it we burn up. What are the odds that this and so many countless perfect appointments were by chance? Even we humans with all of our supposed intellect and resources rarely get an invention right after numerous attempts (just ask the wright brothers, Ford, Thomas Edison etc) yet we want to believe that “chance” and “happen stance” occured and this amazingly designed earth that we live in simply came out just right by a big “bang”. We can even pick out the handy work of an architect that we are familiar with or car engineer who’s designs we like yet we struggle to recognise the abundant work of the greatest creator/designer who ever existed.

            A University professor challenged his students with this question. “Did God create everything that exists?”

            A student bravely replied, “Yes he did!”

            “God created everything?” The professor asked.

            “Yes sir, he certainly did,” the student replied.

            The professor answered, “If God created everything; then God created evil. And, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then we can assume God is evil.”

            The student became quiet and did not answer the professor’s hypothetical definition. The professor, quite pleased with himself, boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

            Another student raised his hand and said, “May I ask you a question, professor?”

            “Of course”, replied the professor.

            The student stood up and asked, “Professor, does cold exist?”

            “What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?”

            The other students snickered at the young man’s question.

            The young man replied, “In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat.”

            The student continued, “Professor, does darkness exist?”

            The professor responded, “Of course it does.”

            The student replied, “Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton’s prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color.

            You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn’t this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present.”

            Finally the young man asked the professor, “Sir, does evil exist?”

            Now uncertain, the professor responded, “Of course, as I have already said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily examples of man’s Inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil.

            To this the student replied, “Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God’s love present in his heart. It’s like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light.”

            The professor sat down.

            Make no mistake, if there is a design then there has to be a designer. Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. So you claim that things like staying alive in a whales belly and 2 of every living creature being placed in an ark as implausible. Well, for us humans beings they are impossible but for the One who designed and created the universe, it is as easy as when He created you and me! Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? MAtthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

            • You're an idiot says:

              I just want to point out that Hitler – a self professed Christian – murdered over 5 million Jews. He manipulated a nation into believing he was doing God’s work and was protecting the Christian faith. Millions upon millions of German Christians supported this small, evil man’s disgusting and atrocious acts of violence.

              And you said that evil was due to the absence of what exactly?

              • LOL (original) says:

                Sorry but Hitler may have said he was a Christian but he was a man who had been rejected by most of his piers and thus used what he knew about his culture to his advantage did you not? How do you think elections are won? Show me where in the bible it says that the extermination of others is God’s message to his people. You should change you name to Can’t Comprehend the Message……………….


                • LOL (original) says:

                  piers and thus used what he knew about his culture to his advantage did you not?

                  replace the you with “he”.

                  • You're an idiot says:

                    Did I say he read something out of the Bible? No, I did not. And even if Hitler was lying about his faith, he still used the Christian religion as a tool to manipulate his followers (the followers being the German Christians who i presume believed in God). I’m not making the point that all Christians are evil. What I am saying though is that people should not be exempt from being evil simply because they believe in God.

                    I think you should stop trolling these boards, silly troll

                    • You're an idiot says:

                      And in case you can’t comprehend my message, the subject of this is the German people, not Hitler.

                    • LOL (original) says:

                      Contrary to your intent you subject is Hitler.

                      “I just want to point out that Hitler – a self professed Christian – murdered over 5 million Jews. He manipulated a nation into believing he was doing God’s work and was protecting the Christian faith. Millions upon millions of German Christians supported this small, evil man’s disgusting and atrocious acts of violence. ”

                      My point agreed with your assertion that he used the faith of his people to gain favor and if you know anything about the “third rite” you would know he used brainwashing tactics and prolonged mandatory rituals to do so.

                      LOL…..If I read your name right you are an idiot..lolololol peace!

                    • You're an idiot says:

                      Just to point this out, I was referring to my second message. Perhaps you’re too much of an idiot to realize this.

                    • LOL (original) says:

                      Cause you can’t communicate clearly your point of reference. Please you are the troll here.


              • 4real says:

                @ you’re an idiot…….So much I could say to you but the following should suffice:

                All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler:

                Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

                National Socialism and religion cannot exist together…. The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity…. Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)

                10th October, 1941, midday:

                Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)

                14th October, 1941, midday:

                The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death…. When understanding of the universe has become widespread… Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity…. Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity…. And that’s why someday its structure will collapse…. …the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little…. Christianity the liar…. We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. (p 49-52)

                19th October, 1941, night:

                The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.

                21st October, 1941, midday:

                Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism, the destroyer…. The decisive falsification of Jesus’ doctrine was the work of St.Paul. He gave himself to this work… for the purposes of personal exploitation…. Didn’t the world see, carried on right into the Middle Ages, the same old system of martyrs, tortures, faggots? Of old, it was in the name of Christianity. Today, it’s in the name of Bolshevism. Yesterday the instigator was Saul: the instigator today, Mardochai. Saul was changed into St.Paul, and Mardochai into Karl Marx. By exterminating this pest, we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea. (p 63-65)

                13th December, 1941, midnight:

                Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery…. …. When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let’s be the only people who are immunised against the disease. (p 118 & 119)

                14th December, 1941, midday:

                Kerrl, with noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don’t believe the thing’s possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself…. Pure Christianity– the Christianity of the catacombs– is concerned with translating Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to the annihilation of mankind. It is merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics. (p 119 & 120)

                9th April, 1942, dinner:

                There is something very unhealthy about Christianity (p 339)

                27th February, 1942, midday:

                It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man who made concessions in this field. I realize that man, in his imperfection, can commit innumerable errors– but to devote myself deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie. Our epoch Uin the next 200 yearse will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity…. My regret will have been that I couldn’t… behold .” (p 278)

                A reader asks,”Where did the quotes from Hitler’s Secret Conversations come from? How do we know that they are accurate?”

                Hitler’s Secret Conversations is a translation of a document called the “Bormann-Vermerke” or Borrman endorsements. They are a collection of hand written notes made by Martin Bormann who was Hitler’s personal secretary during the war. Bormann is known to have been an extraordinarily powerful figure in Nazi Germany and a notorious opponent of Christianity.

                There is no real dispute regarding the authenticity of these notes. They are what Borrman wrote. They are published in the original German in Adolf Hitler, Monologe im FĂ¼hrerhauptquartier 1941-1944. published by Orbis Verlag, Hamburg, Approved Special Edition in 2000.

                The quotes are disputed by some because Hitler is often quoted as publically professing to be a Christian. The simplest reconciliation of this seeming contradiction is that Hitler lied to gain the support of the German people, 90% of whom where professing Christians.

            • SOMERSET OG says:

              @4Real! What you say still makes no logical sense! If god could create the heavens and the earth why does he need a little man to build a boat when he can simply will it to be? Coo cooo!
              Why two different stories of creation in the same book? You think we all came from Adam and Eve? All written by man. A woman came from a man? Coo coo! Of course because man back then thought the y were better than women. The whole book is from a man’s point of view.

              The Genesis creation narrative is a description of the creation of the world, as written in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. As a creation myth it is markedly similar to several other ancient Mesopotamian creation myths, while differing in its monotheistic outlook. As a sacred narrative it is part of the biblical canons of Judaism and Christianity.
              Chapter one describes the creation of the world by Elohim (God), by means of divine incantation in six days and the designation of the seventh day as Sabbath, a holy (set apart) day of rest. Man and woman are created to be God’s regents over his creation. Chapter two tells of YHWH (God) creating the first man, whom he forms from clay (or dust) and into whom he “breathes” the “breath of life”. The first woman is formed from the side of the first man, and God plants a garden “east of Eden” into which he places them. Chapter two ends with a statement concerning why men and women are given into marriage.

              According to Old Testament scholar Gordon Wenham this creation account bears the marks of a carefully contrived literary creation, written with a distinct theological agenda: the elevation of Yahweh, the god of Israel, over all other gods, and notably over Marduk, the god of Babylon.

              The opening passages of the Book of Genesis consecutively contain two creation stories. In the first story God progressively creates the different features of the world over a series of six days, resting on the seventh day.[Gen. 1:1–2:3] Creation is performed by divine incantation: on the first day God says, “Let there be light!” and light appears. On the second day God creates an expanse (firmament) to separate the waters above (the sky) from those below (the ocean/abyssos). On the third day God commands the waters below to recede and make dry land appear, and fills the earth with vegetation. God then puts lights in the sky to separate day from night to mark the seasons. On the fifth day, God creates sea creatures and birds of every kind and commands them to procreate. On the sixth day, God creates land creatures of every kind. Man and woman are created last, after the entire world is prepared for them; they are created in the image of God, and are given dominion and care over all other created things. God rests on the seventh and final day of creation as Sabbath, which he marks as holy.

              In the second story the creation of man follows the creation of the heavens and earth, but occurs before the creation of plants and animals.[Gen. 2:4–2:25] God takes dirt (adamah, ochre) from the ground to form a man and breathes life into him. God prepares a garden in the East of Eden and puts the man there, then fills it with trees bearing fruit for him to eat. The man is invited to eat the fruit of any tree but one: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God commands the man not to eat of that one tree “for when you eat of it you will surely die.”[Gen. 2:17] Birds and animals are then created as man’s companions and helpers, and God presents them to the man. The first man gives names to each one, but finds none of them to be “like him.” So God puts the first man into a deep sleep and removes something from man’s side, and uses it to make the first woman. “For this reason,” the text reads, “a man will leave his father and mother for his wife, and they shall be joined as one flesh.”

              They can’t even get their stories straight. Anyway is this bible class or about these two guys here? I can believe their could be a designer but not the god those ancient maniacs describe.

              • LOL (original) says:

                So as history was mainly passed down by word of mouth and that the stories have a common thread is what you are basing you triad on nice…………

                LOL good to see you at least looked at something from the bible let me guess it was the Book of Leviticus that threw you off init.

                • LOL (original) says:

                  Oh did you ever consider that the stories had this common thread because they could have come from the same place originally. Try playing the Chinese Wisper Game with say 50 people or so see what happens.


            • GPS says:


              It Opened my eyes WIDE OPEN to so many false teachings!!!!

              So Many Ministers and Priests say they have the truth when in actual fact they have absolutely have no truth….its all scare tactics for followers to come to church so the Ministers and Priest can eat and live flashy!!!!

              • SOMERSET OG says:

                @GPS! Say word. Churces get rich from their sheeple who die thinking they can tithe or pay their way into heaven.

                Check this site and I dare you to watch the whole thing before undergarments get in a bunch!


              • 4real says:

                @ GPS….Bill Maher is a bitter and unhappy man who obvisoulsy hates God and spends far too much of his time fighting against someone he claims does not exist. Why are there no atheist in the fox holes of war? Why are there no atheist when the plane is about to crash, why are there no atheist when your child is faced with a lethal disease?! Most atheist are ppl who are angry at GOD for one reason or another. Usually, they believe that God didn’t answer one of their prayers or let them down in some way; therefore, they’re going to strike back at HIM by rejecting Him and denying HIS existence. Kinda like families do to one another as when a father and son have a falling out and one of them decides that the other is now “dead” to him followed by “never mention that name in my presence again! Again, if i’m looking for God, i would not seek out Bill Maher because God is the God of the living. Bill Maher is spiritually dead and God said let the dead bury the dead. Maher has no answer for your life, he can only feed your negativity and bitterness. The angel @ Jesus tomb said, “why seek ye the living among the dead?” If i’m looking for GOD i’ll go where HE is moving, where the waters are stirred and where HIS presence is welcomed. Even Jesus did no mighty works in certain places because of their unbelief (Matth 13:58). There are many christians even here on this rock who have had undeniable miracles from the Lord who are afraid to testify about them because they fear being called “coo coo” or worse but the truth is if you really want to see the manifestation of the living God then you need to seek HIM with your whole heart and not with lip service. I have seen many ppl healed of sicknesses and diseases on this island but few give GOD the glory outside of the 4 walls of the church for fear of ridicule.

          • r u serz? says:

            Buddha? Buddha couldn’t even succesfully overcome the buffet line!

          • LOL (original) says:

            Actually National Geo did a bit on the possiblity for someone being in a whale and they infact said it was possible. As for natural healers China has had so much success with medicine that insurance companies are now covering the cost of it. As far as burns, amputations, and cavities western medicine has not had much success either. What’s your point? Dinosaurs I admit I do not know much about were they came and went but as the bible is dealing with human life more that anything else why do you feel they would be mentioned.


            • SOMERSET OG says:

              At LOL! If God was telling you about the very begginings of earth why would he leave that out? Ancient man wrote the bible and knew nothing of them. You go try to live in a whale and see what happens. I’m just trying to make the point that you can’t possibly believe earth was created in 7 days and then came man immediately after when there were creatures here millions of years before man. There is no science in the bible just poppycock. If you grew up in China, trust me you would be defending whatever other religion your parents taught you. You only believe what your parents force fed you.

              • LOL (original) says:

                Actually I did break away from what my parents taught me. I went from atheist, Buddhism, study of energy, learned from Muslim teachers, heard the Seven day Christians and still ended up as a Christian, go figure. Science is funny as I think all it proves is how thing may have been done, that’s it. Why do I say this you ask. What happened to start the big bang which states that all the matter in the universe was squeezed into the size of a pencil tip. As you can imagine it would be very densely packed so how did the energy for the explosion generate? Even if you say vibration of particals being that dence why wouldn’t the whole thing vibrate together at the same frequence thus still avoiding the potential needed to create the bang? I do not want to put what you believe down but you seem to have no issue doing it. I think you have more faith than any Religious person on earth……………..


        • Lineage says:

          Um..i didn’t get that perception from Jason that he does not believe in God and the bible. My perception was that he is saying the same people out here reading and believe everything they hear or see in the media, making judgemental statements; are the same ones who claim to be of God and the gospel. That’s what i got from his statement.

          • true dat says:

            @Lineage thats what i got from his statement also!

    • Skeptical says:

      So what is going on out there? Fill all of us in so we can be more informed and not judge people.

      • Tired of nonsense says:

        They can’t or else they will be snitches.

        So we should all just feel sorry, for some reason or another, for these guys that are tearing this island apart with their violent ways.

        You can’t really expect anyone to feel sorry for these guys just because you say we don’t know something that might change our views on their antics.

        If you hold the magic key and yuo are all about helping your brothers, then do tell.

        Or else Boo friggin hoo…

  7. just me says:

    i agree with “it is what it is” but just a touch different….always two sides to a story, most people only HEAR one and know about NONE!!!!

  8. lady G says:


    • 270 shotta ! says:

      i agree but most of d time its guilty until prooven innocent .&nd i think thats how this case will go

    • SOMERSET OG says:

      If only GOd can judge then what do we pay judges for? Close the courts and free all the inmates until judgement day!


      • GPS says:


  9. Terry says:

    These sort of headlines are out of control. Bernews should be censored. Damn police…..locking up people for no reason. All de pleece do is pik horn young black men.

    It’s dee YooBeePees fault. Set em free and open a bar on south shore called the ‘ok corral’………

  10. Some People says:

    Don’t you all know that all of these guys that are being charged with these crimes are innocent little boys that are so sweet and nice and humble and do no wrong. I mean didn’t you all know that it’s some alien life force coming to Bermuda and mudering our young black men and committing all theese crimes. Our Country is full innocent Saints. All I can do is shake my head at all of you people spitting this garbage about “we don’t know the story” well I know the story, you all have blinders on and when you finally take them off it’ll be too late.

    • The 411 says:

      these boys are babies….19 years old..probably with the maturity and mindset of a 15 year old. speaking and writing ability of a 12 year old…these guys are victims. Terrible victims of a poor educatio system, poor domestic structures and poor morale leadership…

  11. young black man says:

    like i said the leave it to the courts let them find out what really hapnd until so do not critique a person u do not know and look at them as guilty because the newspaper says they are a gang member or affiliated with a gang because as far as um concerned every young black is man affiliated somehow and thats is what i meant by what we go through on a daily n i did not say anybody is guilty or innocent i said let the process of courts decide

    • Nicole says:

      Oh shut up already stop acting like these guys are saints. They aren’t. Tired of people like you commenting multiple times acting like they are innocent when you know it’s not true.

  12. Steel Pulse says:

    To Some People….so true there are aliens on this island shooting our young black men….if you want us to knew the truth then tell us the truth, if not these aliens will keep committing these awfull crimes against our youth….

  13. young black man says:

    to jason their is a God the one n only but on other hand the bible well thats a whole nother situation which is very deep and i will not get into that

  14. Cush says:

    Hey Young Black man really help us help others by telling us what is going on you are right me and others dont know but If you can help us we can maybe help our sons and others. This is a serious request no hidden agenda my brother.

  15. Damian says:

    it doesn’t matter if people are black or white or anything in between… people base issues on colour which is unnecessary. It is terrible that this is happening, they just so happen to be black. black should unite with not only other blacks but every islander. lets base our main concerns on the actual violence and ways to prevent that. because i am black and I am sick of seeing people complain that its a black man doing it. If they were white would it make it better? I think not so each individual must learn to better themselves first, then begin to teach others respect and equality. we start with unity not singling out such unimportant things such as race. its 2011 all colours are the same and all issues are just that issues! fix them!

  16. Steel Pulse says:

    Hey Young Black man I agree with Cush please help us help others and tells us what is going on. Help us to help our sons and daughters. Again this is a serious request and I also dont have any hidden agendas.

  17. Terry says:

    I think what ‘young black man says’ is trying to get across is the fact he has had some upbringing with “God” but has gone astray.

    My feeling is and I am quite sure about this after reading many of hihs posts here is the fact that he is seeking help or looking to help others.

    The irony is he leaves out what he wants to say about the Bible…….

    And, “An eye for an eye”.

    Call Wayne Perinchief. Tell him Terry sent you. He won’t have all the answers but he sure as hell will help and guide you. Thats all he can do. If not him, seek councel in any Church or older wiser down to earth individual.

    I hope you get to grow very old young black man.

  18. young black male with no job says:

    look pon d life we livin……noothin agwan ghetto yout have to sit pon d corner we a hustle to get a lil chum change society plz let bermuda see better days…… if time so hard rite now i wounder what gona happen to the island in another 10 years …..uuuumm…….. bermuda need better ways and a better life…..look pon d live we livin….tell me how my yout gona survive cant even put food on the table in theses times…uuuummmm polishition come pon tv…. with a big smile… nothin agwan for me….uuuummmm…look pon d life we living……gaze kartel

    • Nicole says:

      Are you Bermudian? If so stop typing like that.

    • Tired of nonsense says:

      You’re Bermudian…not Jamaican

      • young black male with no job says:

        so what does that mean what i sad is real talk that is happing in bermuda

        • Missy says:

          If your Bermudian write properly, and if your not take your lil happy self out of my country and go get a job in your own country. Please pick a book and not a rap or reggae album and educate you damn self.

        • LOL (original) says:

          Well you can’t be an editor, writer, or singer maybe you should try some thing youu are good at cause the above list isn’t it. Platnum pure platnum where have I heard that before. Oh right BOT………………….

          Stop with the excuses and do something that you and you fam can be proud of publicly. Keep doin what your doing and chup change will be all you’ll ever make.

        • Lineage says:

          I thought he was singing a song…and instead of us picking at him for what he typed why not reiterate on the statements he is relaying from the song, which is how most of our young people relate to life and the world, because most of them have had a box or tv as a frigging babysitter. This is y our young ppl don’t feel to reason with us cuz we look beyond the revealments they’re really trying to show us. Young Black Male sharing a revelation through a son, and the message was totally overlooked…which is exactly what’s going on in a lot of these youngens homes. They get overlooked because they are young, they get overlooked because their pants are not pulled up…children get stressed and frustrated just like adults especially when the stress and frustration is thrown at them from their own family. How many artists out here are not Jamaican and they sing or express themselves as such…we big them up. Second of all our Bermudian accent is made up of a diverse # of races INCLUDING West Indian/Carribean. Young Black Male, “de system giv we more den we can bare….Where is dah love society, yuh destroy de ghetto family, promise without no guarantee, we just cyant baddah wif dat no more…NOT A LOVE SONG ITS A SAD SONG….Vybz Kartel and this too is what’s happening in Bermuda…smh

    • The 411 says:

      you might have a better chance of putting food on the table if you learned to read and write….pitiful

    • 809 says:

      What’s gaze kartel?

  19. Ke says:

    To young black men and jason.. Yeah ur innocent until proven guilty. But if u live this life u have to suffer the out come of the STUPID choice u made.. Yes itys hard out here i understand I have 2 jobs and bustin my butt each day.. I say get out their find a job instead of sellin drugs and robbin peeps cause the only outcome of that is a bullet in some1 and the person going b4 the court. Grow up , make wise choices and maybe u all would be able to travel your island cause it looks like you all arent able to travel to the airport ither .. smh !!!

  20. Terry says:

    Yoo nut d honely vun p dog wiff howt ahhhhh job bruddarh…….

    I also hear that Gaze Cartelo is opening a new shop in the Borader Lane district…..

  21. JB says:

    Why was Mr. Mohammad free to commit two other offenses, one in Oct. last year for cannabis and a traffic offense in Feb. this year, when he is now being held on attempted murder charge committed in Aug. last year? There is something seriously WRONG with the judicial system which let him free on bail to begin with.

    I’ll say it again… there is something seriously WRONG with the education system which is failing these boys giving them no alternative to a life of crime and gangs. Will there be any radical changes from our Education Minister, or is that too much work ? If no one admits there is a problem how will it get fixed?

    • Cayden says:

      I wouldn’t be so quick to blame the education system (and I’m not claiming it doesn’t have its problems) but what about these boys’ parents? What kind of home did they grow up in??? We cannot expect the school system to raise a child.

      • LOL (original) says:

        These days it does not seem to matter as people with traditional homes still doing a pack.


  22. young black man in college says:

    im from the streets in bda n i strongly believe lifes about choices its never a easy road but u must stick to the wicket n keep the end result in site , if everything was easy everybody would be able to do anything,imagine how boring the world would be, we all have a purpose in life n u have to find what it is some may find it quicker than others no matter wat it is do it to the best of your ability because every mans job n purpose is jus as important as the next mans, for example if all the parts in a bike wasnt operating sufficiently it wouldnt move,,

    • Nicole says:

      What streets? lol Bermuda has no real hoods or ghettos! These thugs who idolize rappers, who they themselves don’t even really live that life turn beautiful Bermuda into your own mini hoods. You type a whole lot but you aren’t saying much. What does being up for attempted murder have to do with what you are saying? Of course everything isn’t easy for everybody. Life hard. No duh.

      • LOL (original) says:

        Its a record I agree with Nicole.


      • Let's speak the truth says:

        I am a young black Bermudian male in university, and I am tired of all this shit happening in my Beautiful island. But we must start speaking the truth. First truth, young man in Bermuda only started calling themselves “gangsters” after the newspapers, news media, and public give them that name. Before that my fellow young Bermudian males and I only considered ourselves to be a group or crew of friends/brothers from the same neighborhood/”hood” that was there for each other when society failed to be; which in most cases happen often.

        Second truth, there are “hoods/ghettos” in Bermuda. It’s the word “hood” derived from the word “neighborhood”; which is an area which one lives. Urban Dictionary defines “hood” as “an undesirable area”, but the fact “hood” is just slang for “neighborhood”. I believe we can agree that there are “undesirable areas” in Bermuda. Whether it be because of the conditions of homes or so called “gangsters”. Because I am sure that there are some places in Bermuda that you(Nicole), along with others, will not go in.

        I would go far and say that a “hood” is what happens when neighbors stop acting like neighbors and become house-centered. Meaning that they are no longer their brothers/neighbors keepers. Society has taken the word “neighbor” out of “neighborhood” and therefore we have “hoods”. Neighbors no longer lend a hand to their neighbors when they are in need. And thats how society has failed these young males and females.

        Third truth, although Bermuda may not be as big as the United States the same stuff that happens there, that gives the “hoods” there the right to be called a “hood”, happens here. The people their suppose to trust let them down and everyone turns their back to fact and blames them for why they are this way. Family, Teachers, and other Trusted Adults using, raping, a abusing them and their friends and it’s their faults they turn to these so called “gangs”. I am puzzled.

        Finally when we will this unnecessarily violence end? The Final Truth, when we stop just complaining, stop writing pointless comments on articles because we all know that the majority of Bermuda is tired of it, also when we stop pointing fingers at the PLP, UBP, government as a whole, parents, family, education system, justice system, and communities and point it at ourselves. And ask what could we do to prevent and stop this. You see colleagues/ acquaintances/children/families in need of help and what do you do? Because this stuff did not appear over night or since the PLP has been is government. It has been happening along and we all have seen the signs and just ignored it. Simply because Ignorance is Bliss. It could only be bliss for so long because the signs would no long where signs they where the results of ignoring the signs. It was and is reality.

        P.S., for them Bible readers continue to read the Bible and the whole Bible not bits and pieces. Because hope fully you will see the parts that speak the wars international and domestic. Prophecy must be fulfilled in order for the Time of End to come.

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        • Let's speak the truth says:

          Spelling correction to my Public Notice: worry not “weary”.

        • Tired of nonsense says:

          There are no ghettos in BDA, no matter how long of a post you write to try and claim there are. There are neighborhoods all over the world, that I agree with.

          I have travelled all over the world just about and I have seen REAL poverty and real ghettos first hand. People, like most Bermudians, who drive around in CRVs, take multiple trips and own their own property and claim still to be “stuggling” have no idea what a true struggle is about.

          Bermudians are spolied people that live inside their 21 square mile bubble with no idea of how the rest of the world lives. People are beginning to feel the pinch of a true recession for the first time in their lives (like all Bermudians) and all of a sudden we are experts on the “struggle?”

          All fakers as far as I am concerned…

          PS: Why do posters always feel the need to state their color when posting a comment? Does it vaildate one’s comments or something? Why are we so sad of a country sometimes?

        • true dat says:

          @Lets speak the truth you had me,I was with you, i was like Yes sombody speaking about real issues!!!
          until you start talking that 2012 crap!!! :/

  23. young black man says:

    i am gona ignore all the ignorance n respond to those who want to know what to do kuz that should be everyones issue at this point and not just bashing every young man that appears in court on allegations how can we stop it we must get to the youth in youth i mean the pre teens kuz uma b quite frank this is just the tip of the iceberg most 17 year olds and older are very much influenced or living a certain way because of what they see and hear on the news televsion e.t.c. and these are the ones we will b reading about because they are blind to the fact that they are being brainwashed by the media that they are gangsters n them being so young n new to the party life n looking good nice clothes jewelry e.t.c. mostly will do anything to b recognised as a somebody n this is where when they have been fed so much reckless behavior as cool that they begin falling into a trap of following a lifestyle that is self destructive so i would say lets get to the pre teens n jz hope n pray for the ones that are already involved directly or inderectly at the end of it we must protect our uneducated young men and if u do a check on most of the young men before the courts um sure we will find that 80% are high school drop outs not to bash them but to shed light on how many have been failed by the system and i understand u may feel that if they droppd out of school they have no body to blame but themselves but when i can tell u that i know by “guestimating” that nearly 60-80% of the young men i went school with did drop out before finishing that must ring some type of bell

    • On a Different note says:

      So…what is your solution, papa? What do you want us to do with our pre-teens?

  24. young black man says:

    i have not gone astray my reason for not getting to the bible is because i am only partially informed on alota things that the wider community i.e.the world has been fed about the bible and it origins n i will not put myself on a gauntlett and start a convo that i will have to argue back n forth with everybody and their opinion on it but i will say i am startn to believe the bible we have been taught to believe has a very large influence of outside elements anyways i will not get int this with anybody on the net like this unless they really have something of true realness and purity to teach me for the betterment of my eternal life

    • LICKS IS TRUMPS... says:

      O.k , Here Goes ,
      Live and learn my brother…THATS A LESSON FOR ETERNAL LIFE FOR YA

  25. I'm Just Saying says:

    betta they in jain the d streets on wuld b takin off the streets by goons

  26. Please says:

    @ Cayden…I always have a huge problem with people that want to place blame on the parents or the way in which they raised their children. As a parent I will attempt to raise my child right (church teaching him right from wrong encouraging education and keep him busy in extracurricular programs) however this does not mean that he won’t turn out to be like these young men. What most fail to realize it takes more the good parents or a good home. It takes a good community so I say with all these young men being caught up mean we as a community have failed.

    • DM says:

      ploease makes a lot of sense in SOME ways or most….

  27. Buck says:

    A lot of u sound like u need help. Seems like most of u all are going thru issues. How many are willing to go to these (as u say) gang members and say these exact same thing u posting here. Is that why u have fake names? To hide who u really are? How many have even asked why these things are happening? How many have tried helping? As I have said before.. things happen for a reason. The world is round. Stop Judging people and try helping…

    • LOL (original) says:

      Ok so why in your opinion are they happening?


      • Buck says:

        All ill say is that the saying “IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD” dosnt work in our community today.. Most will ask why… Many are quick to turn their back on one thats on the street… That takes the “VILLAGE” away from this community.. I like the phrase “IF YOU WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD…. YOU GOT TO SAVE THE CHILDREN” Teach them from young and once they get older it becomes natural…

        • LOL (original) says:

          OK so your saying the villiage is teaching the kids to act out like this?


  28. 234 says:

    free my mates cops always tryna say it was a black young man in the crime what about the whites guys that bring in pure drugs gotta stop free my n&$%as keep yah head up fams dnt the the government mess wit u cus only real recognize real

    • LOL (original) says:

      Got any names to go with your accusations tell it to the cops.


  29. Lineage says:

    Young Black don’t have anything to prove to anybody on this network. You know what needs to be done on your individual path just do what you gotta do Brother and if you know of ways to help just impliment them. On another note…these children idolize because the traditions of this country have vanished. A lot of our traditions have been skated to the side to suit and make the foreigners that have flocked over here, to feel comfy *raised eyebrow* and the bigger picture is that its not just the youth that are idolizing it is we who are idolizing same way…don’t forget where you came from…don’t forget you got yanked from your tribes and mother’s breast to be bought over to the west to IDOLIZE….um just saying….

    This is why these youths don’t know where to start leading, because they don’t know nothing about where they come from something that should have been taught to them from home, to kindergarden and on up, but no instead they are taught that the beginning of their exsistance was slavery instead of ROYALTY and DIVINE CULTURE coming from lineages of tribal and spiritual leaders. MISEDUCATION OF THE VALUE OF LIFE….that’s the bigger picture….

    • Tired of nonsense says:

      “don’t forget you got yanked from your tribes and mother’s breast to be bought over to the west to IDOLIZE….um just saying….”

      Really? he must be the oldest person in Bermuda. Strange for a guy calling himself “young black male.”

      You also do realize that not every black person on the face of this earth are descendants of slaves?

      • Lineage says:

        Childish…and i never said that EVERY black person is a descendant of slaves…and if you were reading the other comments you would know just where that statement was directed…therefore you missed the whole point of me saying that AND what i was defending. Makes me see more and more that people just comment on these things not to reason respectfully but to pick and mock others comments…as if you know it all…

        • Tired of nonsense says:

          I get your point.

          Blame foreigners, slavery and just about anyone else for the actions of these guys…because somehow personal responsibility for ones actions and or non-actions are soooo yesterday…

  30. DM says:

    GOD? peopleuse this book called a bible and say that its the truth. there is no physical evidence of a god. and its fine to believe in something butdont condem the ones who dont. its pathetic to say you represent god and yet walk around judging and “sinning” your life away.if thats the case we will all go to hell though here on eather is close enough… killings going around and people looking to god for what? to zap them with his powers. its not good to rely on a fictitious character named god to solve every problem.. while you are waiting on the world to change through him people are still dying.. get up and fix this world. yes value life( whoever said that) honor what we have.. honor eachother with respect. Bermudians walk around this judgemental chip on their shoulders. there is a bigger and scarier world out there. we are too small of an island to be going against each other for ANY reason. its pathetic!

  31. Saddened ... says:

    After reading a lot of the comments here, it’s no wonder Bermuda is in the state that it’s in. Only difference is that the gangsters took it beyond words and started using guns. The rest of us are still bashing away at each other with our words … smh

    If we can’t get along and show respect in how we communicate then why should they??

    • Tru2dGame says:

      All of you guys perspective on the thing is wrong until you have to go out and hustle, robb, or wa ever it is to get money or to make a means of living than u can talk. right now on the island we as young black man really dont have a choice they aint hiring us for jobs n they dont wana hire us for jobs. the police is labeling us as thugs/gangster just because we sit off together they fail to relieze that we all are friend/family and with out a job or a hustle or nuffin wa else do they expect us to do sit inside all day??? NO we gona get up and go out and get it by any means nessicary. show us a way then all the fightin would stop

      • SOMERSET OG says:

        @Tru! Did you finish high school? Did you try fishing, painting, carpentry? Things you can do to make money for yourself. What are your skills? If you don’t know how to do anything then you are your own worst enemy. I’m not trying to put you down but your spelling is terrible. Fix yourself and then things will fall into place. You will only be as great as the people that you associate with. If you hang with dummies you will remain a dummy. Why don’t you read a book while you’re sitting off wasting time?

        • GPS says:

          @SOMERSET OG….That’s REAL TALK!!…..




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  32. Tru2dGame says:

    Tired of ppl talkin about stuff they dont know about, they cant even grasp how things are ryt now for us as young men.

    • LOL (original) says:

      Sorry dude you must try harder and blanket the market place with resumes that’s how it is for everyone right now. If you give up and stop then your choice becomes limited. The first thing that needs to happen is you need to get a positive outlook about things and yourself this is done by cutting out the negative influences in your life, surround yourself with positive things and people, stop looking for the negative in all things. Remember also that if things don’t go your way (and they won’t at first) look for the other opportunities that you might not have thought of ie place and add, look to employment agencies, approach Government for labor opportunities. People dis religion but religion provides hope. This hope for a better thing is what keeps you trying to achieve the better thing that only you can envision. It’s alot of hard work putting yourself out there and selling your qualities but life’s not easy and besides you do it already when looking for a piece of leg/ girl/ woman adapt to what you might be able to offer a job not always what the job can offer you that come after you perfect the skills you offered the job. I don’t have all the answers but I know first hand giving up is the easy way but generally leads to a mest up place. I want to see all my people achieve (Bermuda) can do it.


  33. starr says:


  34. Killah says:

    Honestly there are a lot problems within this whole group of people.
    To the Christians (even though I am one) Half the reason why people don’t wana hear the stuff about the Bible is because “we” shove it in ones face at the wrong time! God didn’t give us the “job” of shove’n scriptures down sum1 throat. Honestly, some Christians on here give the whole “religion” a bad name. DO YOU HONESTLY think you will get through to people at a time like this, in a place like this, doing it like this. IDC (i don’t care) how devoted you are to God, slappin the Bible in sumones face when they are hurt I HIGHLY doubt is going to be thier “saving grace”. Like the Bible says there is a time to reap and a time to sew..and obviosly this isnt the time. It really hurts me to see people trying to fling the name of God all over the place as if he is the automatic reasoning behind everything. Things happen for a reason and God will give everyone a chance to hear his word ( if you know the Bible you should know that). So i ADVISE from 1 Christian to another to calm down with alla that. It is in my opinion that the Lord does not appreciated that.

    I swear i pray for “people” who think they can just go around saying things in the “name of Jesus” i really do because right now all you doing is making a big flippin mess.

    • SOMERSET OG says:

      @Killah! The same people flinging the their scriptures are the same ones that will curse somebody out in a heartbeat. The same people that will be rude to a stranger or won’t let someone out of a driveway. The same people up in the club on Saturday night, in church on Sunday and back to doing dirt on Monday. I have never met a knee bending Bible thumper that practiced what they preached to the letter. They are all hypocrites. They are just going along so they conform to society. I grew up with religion and now that I’m older and wiser it doesn’t make sense if you really think about what you’re reading. It’s good for offering people hope andwhat not but it’s still a bunch of hog wash. Everybody can’t be right about religion and everybody can’t be wrong. Who here ever met anybody that came back from heaven or hell? Nobody! The bible was written by jews for jews. They are the chosen ones in that pieced together book. Not your sheepish black arses! Your great, great, great grand parents were brainwashed by their slave masters and now you people don’t know where you came from or where you’re going. Your history and original religions have been erased and replaced. Think about it!

      • LOL (original) says:

        Funny you say this “Your great, great, great grand parents were brainwashed by their slave masters and now you people don’t know where you came from or where you’re going. Your history and original religions have been erased and replaced.”

        So Egyptions did not go around enslaving people and converting those people to Ra, and Anbus. Please. All I see is history repeating it self. Think about it. OG meet…………………………………….

        LOL OZ

        • SOMERSET OG says:

          @LOL! Plenty of races and what not enslaved people. You mention Ra. When you say Amen you are talking about Amen Ra. So what are you praying to? Your bible is mixed up! Please explain LOL!

          As the cult of Amun grew in importance, Amun became identified with the chief deity who was worshipped in other areas during that period, the sun god Ra. This identification led to another merger of identities, with Amun becoming Amun-Ra. In the Hymn to Amun-Ra he is described as “Lord of truth, father of the gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life.”

          • LOL (original) says:

            You heard that right even a quick search on the orgins of amen shows no support for what you are saying. Don’t beleive look it up. There is no academic support your view on the etymology of the word amen. Infact the meaning is “so be it” and as of yet there seems to be little evidence that this word does not have a pure Hebrew root. Look at how you your self spell the nsme in the below paragraph.


            • SOMERSET OG says:

              @LOL. You are so wrong! Just do the research. No this! Most Hebrews wouldn’t let your black bumpy come within 2 feet of their daughters.

              The bible was copied from Egyptian myth sucker!

              After doing some research it has come to my attention that Jesus is almost exactly like the Egyptian God Horus. Both were born of a virgin on Dec 25th and visited by 3 Kings. Both were baptized by a “Baptist” who was beheaded. Started to preach at the age of 30 and had 12 diciples. Both were Crucified and buried; then resurrected.

              I’ve always thought that Jesus was a Semitic copy of Horus. Also Horus was the son of Ra, the supreme god of the Egyptians, and Jesus was the son of God???

              Another copy from the Egyptian gods was Set. He was probably the original source of Satan. He was the god pf chaos, wildfires, and storms. He tried to overthrow Ra and take his throne. His actions proved him to be a liar and a murderer. He is even described as having a forked tail. Even the modern Church of Satan recognized the relationship between the two when they changed their name to Temple of Set.

              • LOL (original) says:

                Love you to prove it with academic sorces. Does it matter to you that every civilization has the same stories and set ups from Vikings to Egyptions all this proves to me is a common sorce and that’s it.This does not prove where it came from and since thats your aim here prove it. Till then you are just as much a sucker as everyone else.


              • Killah says:

                @Somerset OG
                I accept that you have found some relevant “similarities” but you are mistaken on one. Jesus was not born on Dec 25 , scholars both religious and non-religious have proved that. Shepperd’s would not have allowed there sheep in the fields during these cold winter months therefore that theory has been dis proven. If you are referring to Christmas as Jesus’s Birthday your incorrect for Christmas was started as a pagan holiday. Just to note.

      • LOL (original) says:

        “bible was written by jews for jews. They are the chosen ones in that pieced together book. Not your sheepish black arses”

        This is a telling statement too. Maybe if you have so much free time you shoule read the New Testiment cause this is not what it says. Better yet go do some research on Africa’s history or is it that you focus on slaver and S.A. Just saying.


      • 4real says:

        @ somerset OG….we Christians dont claim to be perfect…that’s why we came to the Lord because we recognised our need for HIM. We have been born again. which means we have to grow in Christ just like a new born baby. Babies tend to stumble and make mistakes. The Bible tells us that we are to grow in grace….it is a process like anything else and it takes time. God also told us to spread the message. Unfortunately, He didn’t tell us to be perfect 1st before we tell others about God’s love, grace and truth. Finally, if you’re being honest with yourself, i’m sure that whatever principles you claim to live by have been broken by you on occasion which i guess according to you makes you a hypocrite.

    • 4real says:

      @ KIllah….my only statement to you is that you may want to review the entire life and writings of the apostle Paul and how he contended for the faith in the face of constant threats, beatings and insults all in an attempt for him to “shut up” in reference to talking about GOD! Even the apostles Peter and John were threatened to shut up …Acts 4:17 But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name. And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

      • Killah says:

        Thank you for your advice and I will be sure to review that. However, I don’t want to mislead you in the sense that I’m saying not to spread the word. I am saying that there is a time and place. This can be found in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Never deny God but “we as Christians” have to IDENTIFY the most proper times which someone will be open to the Message of Christ. This is a hard time for a lot of people and saying that the reason why people are in jail is because they don’t have God in there life is quite inappropriate don’t you think? Regardless on whether or not someone finds that to be true it is not appropriate and certainly isn’t Christlike in this kind of setting.

  35. Killah says:

    @Somerset OG
    I mean no disrespect in my comments at all. I understand what you say in regards with your opinion on religion as well as your experience with it. The comment was not one meant to defend nor offend anyone. I am not trying to preach who is right or the right way I was simply giving advice on the appropriateness of certain peoples comments. I am sorry that you feel that way in regards to religion but by all means if you have studied to show your self true then that is the only thing you have to be concerned with. However, telling someone “their religion makes no sense” is just as bad as saying that “no religion makes no sense”. I can agree that the conduct of some peoples behaviors are not as they should be but I also believe that it speaks to the person and not the religion itself. Honestly, if someone hears, understands, and believes, it is still within their power to act upon what they have learned. Thank you for your input and I will look into the information you spoke of for my own understanding.

    • SOMERSET OG says:

      @Killah! Sorry! I wasn’t offened by your statement and actually agree with what you originally stated as far as people shoving their beliefs down people’s throats at the wrong time. That’s all. That just sets me off to challenge them because most people just go to church but never researched or questioned what they were taught\force fed from a baby!
      I don’t mean to offend anybody but people should assume their preaching is the right and only way. Puggy isn’t Christian. This whole story went from two men accused of something to a Sunday school class. If I speed, God can’t save me me. Only my brakes can!

      @4Real! I don’t tell people to do one thing and then I do the opposite. I don’t kill. I don’t steal. I can’t say that I’ve never told a lie but I’m not good at it. I help my neighbors and friends. I carry myself the same if not better than most Christians that I do know personally. Being hypocritical is when you down people for what they do and then you do that very same thing or worst. Practice what you preach or don’t preach at all.

      Maybe Bernews should create an open forum where people can’t start discussions about different things that interest them instead of bringing their bibles and pitchforks into real world news. Like AOL was where you had the chat rooms.

      • 4real says:

        @ Somerset OG

        I’m not claiming to tell ppl one thing whilst doing another. I’ve given my life to Christ and and I endeavor to live by His principles and teachings. I never pulled out a pitch fork literally or figuratively. The first person I hold the Bible up to is myself. When i see where i’m going wrong I acknowledge it to my Creator and repent and ask for the strength and wisdom to overcome and be more like Christ. God said that every tree(Christian) that produces fruit (manifest the attitudes and nature of Christ) He prunes (cuts out anything left that is unlike Christ on a continuous basis) so that the person will be able to produce even more fruit (greater nature of Christ)as time goes on. Once gain…there is a NEVER ending process going on with Christians. At the same time HE calls us to declare according to the Word when we are heading in the wrong direction and like it or not, HE chose flawd man to do this but the good thing is the more time we spend with Him, the more we will take on His attitudes and nature the same way you end up sounding and thinking like the friends you spend the most time around. When we point out that something is wrong according to the Bible it is not an attack on the person but a warning alarm that someone is heading for a cliff! Most ppl use the term practice what you preach to cover everyone and not just preachers and christians. They use it for politicians, police officers, spouses, employers, friends etc…To that end again, according to your own rules you my want to step away from the keyboard because we all like to put ourselves in the best light possible judging others by their actions while judging ourselves by our “good” intentions. The only real judgement that matters is that of God judging our heart because man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart searching out our true desires and motives. HE said that the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it. Thats why He said that ALL our righteousness is as filthy rags. For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:not by works, so that no one can boast. Jesus never told Christians to relegate to a small corner of the world so thks but no thks on the “special chat room” He told us to go out and tell the world.

  36. devil says:

    fuel the flame peoplee, fuel the flames hahahahahahahahhahah dummies, ya stupid ass comments just fuels the flames in our hearts

    • SOMERSET OG says:

      @Devil! Nobody is going to pat criminals on the back. If you are a criminal you are only destroying your own race\people if you look at it and for no good reason. How would you feel if someone shot, robbed or raped your mother, sister or daughter? What if someone killed your little brother or maybe the older brother that you look up to? Violating people because you’re mad at the world doesn’t make it right. Only you can make it better for you by your own actions. You only live once so why waste it doing bad and living for the negative? I changed my life and am reaping the rewards. I have things that I could only dream of when I was a teen. It comes with time and hard work. Patience!