Alleged Intruder Remains In ICU

June 24, 2011

bermuda hospitalAs of noon today [June 24], the 33-year-old man who sustained injuries after he allegedly broke into someone’s home is listed as in stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit of King Edward Memorial Hospital.

He has been hospitalized in the ICU for four days, with his condition being downgraded from critical to stable.

Early Monday morning [June 20] the man allegedly broke into a Middle Town Lane, Pembroke residence.

Those close to the situation indicate that the alleged intruder had a stun gun on him, and he was also said to possibly have a number of other items on him which could be taken as an indication that burglary may not have been the prime motive for breaking into the home. Other stories have arisen indicating that the situation may be more complex than initially thought.

A member of the home occupant’s family said he was extremely concerned about ensuring the safety of his family members in the house – which included at least one female and two young children. He was arrested on Monday, and released from custody the following day.

In their latest statement, the Police confirmed the home occupant was arrested and released on Police bail saying, “Around 3:45am on Monday, police attended a reported burglary at a Middle Town Lane, Pembroke residence. It appears that an unknown intruder gained entry into the home and was confronted by a male occupant.”

“A struggle ensued and as a result the intruder, a 33 year old man, sustained serious injuries. He was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment where he remains in the Intensive Care Unit in stable condition. The male occupant was also injured; however his injuries did not require hospital treatment. The other occupants in the house at the time were not injured.”

“An investigation into this incident was immediately commenced by the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit. As part of that investigation statements were taken and the 30 year old male occupant was placed into police custody. He was subsequently released on police bail. Inquiries are ongoing.”

In an online poll asking “Should homeowners be arrested if an intruder gets injured after breaking into their home?” in which over 400 people voted; 66% of people [270 votes] said never, 32% [130 votes] said only if they kill someone, defending is fine, but not killing intruders, while 2% [8 votes] said yes. Some also pointed out they felt the poll was flawed as it did not give enough options.

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Comments (11)

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  1. US Observer says:

    Thanks for the update Bernews and great feedback on the poll.

  2. YES MATE! says:

    The bussass he received is a suitable punishment. The judge will probably give him a six month suspended sentence slap on the wrist.

    • GPS says:

      I Co-Sign That!!…Our Judges seem confused of how they should sentence people…

      There should be an online poll of how people should be sentenced according to the crime, then the judge will take the results and dish out what the public mostly requested!

      Leaving these type of decisions to our local Judges seems hopeless these days!!…Don’t mention our famous Court Of Appeal.

      • chris says:

        That could be the worst idea I’ve ever heard…

    • Think about it says:

      He took that much of a beating that he went to ICU? Damn Lol. Serves him right. I can bet he’ll never do it again. Let this be a message to all you fools out there that insist on breaking the law: People are fed up, if you push us, prepare to receive a buss @ss.

  3. blind young person..... says:


  4. The Messenger says:

    When he comes out of the hospital, he goes straight to court then to jail….no passing go, no collecting $200. A beating is just the outcome of the crime against the homeowner, the burglar still has to answer to the laws of the land.

  5. KnowTheRealStory says:

    From what I hear there was no forced entry. [edited for legal reasons] You people cant believe the first thing you hear. Especially the news!!

    Its more to this story!!!

    • Terry says:

      Not dee ole fahn in baid ploy……..

    • It is what it is says:

      Aware of that..however, even if he was a welcome visitor what were his intentions with the equipment he was in possession of?? if you arrange for something a first time and it doesn’t come to fruition why go for the same deal a second time..”once bitten, twice shy”….

  6. Sean says:

    Fair ball….play on…