Delegation To Attend Grenada Conference

June 27, 2011

Minister Neletha Butterfield, PLP MP Lovitta Foggo, UBP MP Kim Swan, and PLP Senator Laverne Furbert will attend the 36th Conference of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

The Conference is being held in St. George’s, Grenada, starting on the 25th June with the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Conference and ending on 30th June. Shernette Wolffe, Clerk to the Legislature, will accompany the delegation as Secretary.

15 Member countries are expected to attend. Bermuda has been an active member of the CPA and has hosted a few CPA Conferences and Seminars.

Two of Bermuda’s Youth Parliamentarians, Nicole Wilson and Vashon Williams, will be participating in the 8th Regional Youth Parliament Debate which will be held in Grenada on 29th June. The Youth Parliamentarians will be accompanied by Mr. Owen Darrell, Youth Parliament Advisor.

Topics to be discussed during the Conference include: Making a Difference – Women Parliamentarians learning from Each Other’s Story and Building Parliamentary Careers: Imparting to Parliamentarians the appropriate skills needed in the ever changing environment and Cultural and Institutional changes of our Parliaments.

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Comments (33)

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  1. Overly Concerned says:

    Better call the airlines and reserve the 4 front seats for them…

    • No OBA Vote says:

      Where was the out cry when Pamplin went to Africa last year to the same conference or Jackson went to Thailand or Cole Simons to Australia, just to name a few of the UBPOBA ones to travel on this journey,

      • Michael says:

        erm, were they travelling at the taxpayer’s expense?

        • WellSaid says:

          As long as the airline recognizes “protocol” then there won’t be any trouble… And yes, I believe the taxpayer is responsible for the roughly 20k+ (guesstimate) that this junket will cost us.

  2. Black Soil says:

    Complete waste of money. The PLP are just rubbing it in our faces. Yeah…and what the hell are you going to do about it? Hey Paula Cox…is this doing “more with less”???

  3. PAS says:

    I’m sure this will be a worthwile trip for the Youth Parliamentarians and I see no loss to Bermuda with the older 4 politicians not being here.

    • Au Contraire says:

      Do they have to come back or can we only pay for a one-way ticket?

  4. SuckerPuncherExPat says:

    Everytbime you people hear MP’s travelling you think its a waste of money. This is there job to represent the country !! Get over yourselves !!!

    • Black Soil says:

      Your job would be to improve your grammar & spelling. And the MP’s don’t need to go to this worthless “conference”.

  5. Free Thinker says:

    I was so certain this article would draw this type of attention I need to start placing bets and making money of this

    • sandgrownan says:

      Unfortunately, the PLP are responsible for this reaction. Through their largesse and flamboyant spending on our dime, even the most worthwhile trip will be met with derision.

      Whaterver the merits of this conference, the PLP have zero credibility and have created the aura of mistrust, fiscal imprudence and incompetance.

      Hard to feel sorry for them.

  6. Terry says:

    I told you it vawz dee UBP’s fault………

    Two men standing…one in Hinglyn ann dee otta dahn hin dee Karry my Beeyanz….jingus…….

  7. More Waste says:

    The Memembers of parliament should stay home or pay for the trip out of their own pocket. Bermuda really is in trouble and the Government just seems to spin its tires. These meaningless junkets should be stopped.

  8. PEPPER says:

    Premier , could you please find a way for Lavern to stay in Grenada ? I am sure she has a lot to offer the Grenadians…she knows so much about everthing !!!! and I think she would be an( assent )to this beautiful Island.

    • Rockfish#2 says:

      Butterfield is the “leader” of the delegation. Perhaps she should pack a roll of duct tape for the Defender.

      • PEPPER says:

        I will pay for the duck tape rockfish,this trip is such a waste of time and money. what is next a delegation to Amsterdam to find out if we should legalize marijuana ?

  9. Shaking the Head says:

    I’m surprised by so much negative feelings against this most important trip. These MPs deserve to have an all expenses paid visit to see how other Islands are surviving. How else can they learn without being there? However, it would be very humanitarian to take some hustle truck workers and foster children with them so they too can learn and can realize how fortunate they are here in Bermuda, even if they have no home and jobs. Come on people, this is a Labour and caring Government, cut them some slack.

    • codfishbda says:

      `I feel that Senator Laverne Furbert should not go. After all she is not “Proud To Be Bermudian”.

  10. No OBA Vote says:

    Lots of UBPBDAOBA members have gone as far as Africa, Australia, Thailand – Pamplin comes to mind, Simons and Jackson, but don’t be fooled Bermuda. Just as it is good for Sir David and Grant to invest in the Caribbean, its not good for Bermuda to have ties thru CARICOM. Give me a break, the nastiness has started and they are massing it under sheeps clothing.

    • Michael says:

      I say again, did the taxpayer pay for those trips?

    • sandgrownan says:

      The nastiness was started by the PLP numbnuts.

    • LOL (original) says:

      So if you listen to the opposition you are a fool. Truly telling indeed.


  11. joe says:


  12. The Truth says:

    Here we go again they just cant turn down a trip can they. Have they ever turned down a request overseas Dam!!. They tell us that we have to watch our own personal budget while they just go out and spend spend spend the tax payers $. Is it really necessarily to go on every bloody invite and take a bunch of people with them.

  13. PEPPER says:

    Joe ,it is going on because the people allow it to go on, as our infamous previous premier said “Bermudians are passive people ” and I agree with him… for some reason we do not have the guts to say enough is enough ….so we bitch and complain amongt ourselves …and the politicians are laughing all the way to the bank.

  14. Fanilyvgirl says:

    I AGREE! If we are to waste taxpayers money send ambassadors who actually love our country. Send ambassadors who care for all segments of the population. Man hating, anti-family persons should stay home. They don’t represent the mainstream.