Bermuda Hogges Lose 1-0 To Jersey Spartans

July 7, 2011

Bermuda Hogges three game winning streak came to an end last night (July 6) when they went down to Central Jersey Spartans 1-nil.

Spartans scored the lone goal in the 49th minute to give them a win over the Hogges. The Hogges had plenty of chances in the first and second half but could not finish.

Prior to the start of the match, Coach Maurice Lowe had to make a last minute substitution when defender Marquel Waldron was unable to go due to a right groin tightness injury, therefore Roger Lee was inserted into the line up.

Zeiko Lewis who has been playing on the left flank moved into the mid-field area during the first-half. By doing this, it opened the field for the Hogges. Lewis became a danger man as he started to be the field general creating space for his teammates, passing the ball from side to side and beating his man with the ball.

Minutes into the second-half Hogges were caught off guard and the Spartans made them pay. A perfect pass from their mid-field opened their attack just pass the middle of the field. The pass was followed up with a perfect through pass splitting the Hogges defense down the middle which allowed their player to beat goalkeeper Tahj Bell to his low right. From that point Hogges pressed on, as they built a number of attacks but could not find the back of the net.

Hogges now play their fourth and final road game of the season Friday night when they meet Reading FC. The game will start 7pm EST.

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  1. Gary says:

    Thanks for the coverage but can we get the name of the journalist?

  2. Bill says:

    Read the comments made in the daily and as per usual not very complimnetary about the game of football. It comes as no sruprise to many football entusiast but what is surprising is that some folks, give credence to comments made by sports reporters. In most cases they have never played, coached or really understood the sport other than from their rather narrow perspective as a spectator attempting to appear an expert. They rarely are and in many if not most cases their opinions are just basic utterings of persons wanting to be taken serious.I say consider teh source and then move on.