KPMG Summer Interns Give Back To Community

July 26, 2011

 in Bermuda has taken a community focus with their Summer Internship Programme, with students launching into three pro bono projects with local charities this summer.

Nicole Nelson, 19, and Vanessa Carroca, 22, are currently assisting the Centre on Philanthropy by creating and implementing data collection surveys relating to diversity, governance practices and other categories related to the activities of various non-profit organizations in Bermuda.

KPMG -Nicole & Vanessa 2

In this capacity, they have conducted the surveys and will compile the results of over 700 responses from across Bermuda’s non-profit sector upon their return to KPMG’s offices. In conjunction with the data collection surveys, Nicole and Vanessa have also updated the Centre on Philanthropy’s contact database.

“I feel like I am contributing massively to the Centre by providing them with a better understanding of the non-profit sector” says Vanessa, a second year Accounting and Finance student at London Metropolitan University.

Nicole, a second year Business and Economics student at the University of West England, is also pleased with the work that she has done thus far, and hopes that the surveys that they have created will be useful to the Centre on Philanthropy for years to come.

KPMG Partner, Craig Bridgewater, explains “KPMG’s Summer Internship Programme is a great way for students to gain practical work experience and get an insider’s view of the career opportunities available at one of the world’s leading professional services firms.”

“We ensure that along with gaining financial services experience to kick-start their career, KPMG students are encouraged to participate in community initiatives and make a significant contribution to local charities.”

The KPMG Summer Internship Programme offers paid work experience to a diverse and talented group of Bermudian undergraduates. A total of 14 Summer Interns ranging in age from 16 to 26 are currently gaining experience with KPMG in Bermuda in the areas of Audit, Advisory, Finance, Marketing and IT.

Further to assisting the Centre on Philanthropy, KPMG Summer Interns are also assisting St. John Ambulance and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ).

In addition, KPMG’s Graduate Student Programme continues to train and develop 8 Bermudians into the next generation of financial services professionals as they pursue their qualification and experience as professional accountants.

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  1. Proud Bermudian says:

    Congrats KPMG! Good job students, keep it up!