Four Tourists Robbed In Two Incidents

October 26, 2011

Four visitors were robbed in two separate incidents over the past 24 hours, with two of the tourists receiving minor injuries.

Yesterday [Oct.25] a visiting couple had their bag snatched while walking on Tuckers Town Road, with the suspects making off with cash, a digital camera and personal items.

Then around 5:30am this morning [Oct.26] a burglar broke into a Hamilton parish guest house, stealing a purse which contained cash and personal items. The two room occupants – both female American tourists – were injured by the burglar and treated at the scene by EMTs.

A police spokesman said, “Around 3pm on Tuesday October 25, police responded to a reported handbag snatch in the area of Tuckers Town Road in St. George’s. It appears that a visiting couple was walking in the area when two unknown men on separate motorcycles rode alongside the female visitor.”

“One of the suspects grabbed her handbag before both offenders made good their escape. The black handbag contained cash, a pink Casio digital camera and personal items. The 28 year old American woman was not injured.”

“The suspects are described as two men on dark coloured motorcycles, wearing dark coloured helmets and dark coloured clothing. Inquiries into this incident are underway. Any witnesses or anyone with any information is encouraged to contact PC Anthony Bartley on 295-0011.”

A police spokesman described the second incident saying, “Around 5:30am on Wednesday October 26, Police responded to a reported burglary at a Hamilton parish guest property. It appears that an unknown man accessed the porch area of an apartment occupied by two female visitors.”

“The intruder was confronted and as a result, he accosted both occupants before making good his escape with a purse which contained cash and personal items. Both victims, a 46 year old American woman and a 76 year old American woman were injured and treated at the scene by EMTs, however their injuries apparently did not require hospital treatment.”

“The suspect is described as a tall, dark-skinned man with a scarf covering his face. Inquiries into this incident are underway. Any witnesses or anyone with information is encouraged to contact PC Patrick Jones on 295-0011.”

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Comments (52)

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  1. Family Man says:

    Still think you’re in the tourism business Bermuda?

    • Like It Is says:

      Yes…We just need to rid Bermy of this element bro….for real!

  2. Terry says:

    Guess they want a piece of the pie as they say on the OBA site.

    • Like It Is says:

      Nah they just want some money T:]…In all honesty I think they are just confusedbut I do believe we can reach them.Time to really think of some workable real solutionsI have a few,I am willing to be invovled on a fix(solution) basis not a I guess you could say(not real Basis) in all due respect,I do however feel you have some real solutions also so I challenge you as I continue to challenge myself to help me to find a way to make this a reality for all of us to share with one another to ultimately live in a balanced harmony as is our ultimate goal in life.

      Looking forward to hearing from you I do believe you are very Intelligent and grounded and have alot to offer,Peace

  3. Curious George says:

    Who was the guy that quoted “Bermuda is finished.”? The business guy on an outbound flight? Think we are going to be hearing and reading that phrase often going forward. How prepared are you for the worst?

  4. Mark O'Connor says:

    One day, Rental cycles will be made to put covered box type baskets so the, pick the basket and drive off doesn’t happen anymore.this has been going on for years. Tourists are unknowingly advertising their belongings to whoever wants them. Ridiculous. When you buy a bike now generally it comes with a covered,lockable box type basket. Guess why?

    • rubbish says:

      Let me help you understand how twisted your thinking is Mark . You work hard and have a nice little house. It’s exterior appearance is well maintained and it looks like someone with ‘means’ lives there .
      Because of this you regularly get targeted by house breakers ’cause it looks ‘easy’ and available .Like someone with money lives in it ..
      You’re making excuses for the lawless , you are the tail wagging the dog !

      • ST says:

        rubbish – I don’t think Mark is attempting to make an excuse but merely highlighting the fact that with any of these crimes there must be motivation and opportunity. Clearly they have the motivation and victims cannot control that. But potential victims can control opportunity. In your example, yes, if your house looks nice and appears empty then you are presenting a more attractive opportunity than a run down and occupied one. A house with a dog and alarm system is less attractive to burglars than house without those features. A visibly open window with no car in the driveway will certainly give the perception of “opportunity” to these criminals. So these two most recent events aside which I agree have nothing to do with bikes or boxes, why wouldn’t we want tourists to reduce the “opportunity” to being victims by having coverd and locked boxes?

    • mixitup says:

      Where did you read that these visitors were on a Bike? or are you referring to past incidents? None of these robberies listed involved a moped.

  5. Totally Unacceptable! says:

    This is so disgusting! We call ourselves a “tourist destination?” We claim to be “friendly people?” Obviously, we are no longer friendly and obviously, we are no longer a viable tourist destination. It is truly sickening when a 76 year old female visitor is targeted like this. And a husband and wife can no longer take a leisurely stroll down the road without fear of being mugged? Ridiculous! Maybe we should start handing out cans of pepper spray to visitors along with their free copy of the “Destinations” magazine. I would like some pepper spray myself. Could I possibly put in an order with the next guns and ammo order? Discount if bought in bulk perhaps?

    Seriously, this BS is getting old. It makes me hate Bermuda more and more each day – and I’m Bermudian. My love is slowly fading…and it makes me sad.

  6. My two cents says:

    This is terrible. This does tourism no favors whatsoever.

  7. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    The suspects are described as two men on dark coloured motorcycles, wearing dark coloured helmets and dark coloured clothing.

    Is anyone surprised?

    • The Iceman says:

      I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these thugs. Getting tired of the s they get away with, even when they go court. Suspended sentence. Can u believe it? These people are terrorist. Yes I said it. I will protect myself, my family and anyone else from these sickoss if ever afforded the opportunity to do so. What about YOU?

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    Crimes against visitors should be treated as treason with fitting penaltys fitting.

    Reintroduction of the use of the stocks comes to mind since we cannot use capital punishment.

    Think of it, stocks set up on Front St. Throwing material supplied by restaurant dumpsters. Prisoners get to clean up the mess left after their time in the stocks.

    Think the crime rate will drop in a hurry???

  9. Terry says:

    You put up a headline then don’t print responces. Weird./

  10. jumpy says:

    Well four more tourists who aren’t coming back, you can thank both the scumbag criminals who actually did it and those who know that they’re doing it and say nothing.

    • No way says:

      Wrong ! It’ll be dozens, maybe hundreds more not coming .
      Exponential ‘bad advertising’ …it’s been accumulating for decades .


  12. Mama Mia says:

    Shame on Bermuda!!

    • PEPPER says:

      How come all of these GUN SHOOTINGS are BLACK PEOPLE ( not white ) that are gunning down their own ? all of the crimes that are going on now are BLACK ON BLACK…… why ?

      • The Iceman says:

        Because they’re STUPID. Someone should have put a waterhose on their parents when they were being conceived. Damn monsters. Yes, I said it.

  13. PEPPER says:

    I guess you are not safe in any neighbor hood in bda !!!

    • Obviously so says:

      ** I guess you are not safe in any neighbor hood in bda !!! **

      Because there is no more ‘safe Bermuda’ .. anywhere. They’re ‘fishing’ where the fish are .. that’s all .

  14. Totally disgusted says:

    Yet MORE negative word of mouth negating the millions spent by the Dept of Tourism.

    These characters obviously care not a hoot about Bermuda or our visitors and should be treated with equal contempt if ever apprehended.

    When they start mistaking IB staff and managers for tourists that will be the end for us.

    And lets not hear from the whiners that there’s crime everywhere in the world .. please .

  15. jumpy says:

    It’s all about easy targets, people 50 plus, and tourists who are walking around like its the Bermuda of 30 years ago. Also it should be noted that these were not cruise ship tourists, but real tourists who actually spend money on the island. Bad all around.

  16. N/A says:

    Some of us Bermudians can be so naive. Do you really think that these guys robbing tourists care about Bermuda’s tourism? They are the social outcasts of society, the last thing they care about is hurting Bermuda’s image. Bermuda is known for its beautiful seas and pink sands, yet these losers rarely see either as they can’t go into the parishes where the beautiful beaches are for fear of gang retaliation. I suggest vigilante justice, if you see someone robbing anyone on the island, intervene, & beat the living s*it out of them…

    • bermy$hotta says:

      @ N/A – “yet these losers rarely see either as they can’t go into the parishes where the beautiful beaches are for fear of gang retaliation.” ~ not every bad person or criminal a gang member ya dummy!

  17. leavingbermuda says:

    It should also be noted that when things like this happen to tourist, it doesn’t just make the news here in Bermuda.

  18. Cancer says:

    What can you say? What can you do? The perpetrators who committed this does not read these blogs…

    PS.. Anyone committing a crime against tourists shud have their naked a$$ whipped at the flag pole!

  19. next? says:

    You’ll find that, in all likelihood, each of those affected by these crimes will never return to Bermuda again.
    They’ll also tell everyone they know about what happened to them in Bermuda.
    Those people will very probably pass on the message to others that Bermuda is not safe.
    The ripple effect will cause serious damage- simply by word of mouth.
    Meanwhile you have a Tourism dept who are currently thinking about appointing a consultant to advise them what they might think about doing to promote tourism in BDA.
    Does any of the above sound alarming?
    It should.

  20. Wanna b says:

    If you keep stopping all the (u kno wat), nobody makes money to put back in the community, than its no jobs, then they result to (u kno wat). (um jus sayin). Waiting to see ur reaction

  21. The road to hell says:

    I used to live in Bermuda for work but chose to leave 6 months ago while my permit continued for a further year. Bermuda is NOT the island paradise it paints itself to be. Crime is exponentially rising and violence against tourists/guest workers does not go unnoticed off the island. Don’t think that this information is only confined to Bermuda!

    It’s rapidly becoming a no-go destination and without firm positive action from the government and authorities to clamp down as a deterrent nothing will happen. Generations of poor parenting is the root cause but you have to deal with the outcome NOW! A covered box on a rental moped won’t fix these problems!

    When I was in Bermuda, I was racially abused and threatened on the street by some idiot who wanted my watch – I’m a white guy and I can definitely look after myself, but others may not be quite so lucky. Every day there are tales of guns, robberies and violence against tourists and visitors. That was definitely not in the guide book! This latest one – a 73 year old American tourist robbed by some scum? Seriously?

    Why would a guest worker or tourist choose to spend money in that sort of environment? Yes Bermuda is a beautiful place with amazing beaches and a great climate BUT scratch the surface and it reveals itself – violent, abusive, outrageously expensive for no need and surprisingly ignorant to the outside world.

    Ignore it at your peril, Bermuda. You need guest workers and tourist revenues more than you know. You only have to look at the Government’s balance sheet to see this – when will you realise it? Do nothing and Bermuda will rapidly sink into the third world when businesses leave and cruise ships go elsewhere when nobody wants to visit.

    • soon leavin' says:

      Well said.
      We are about to leave as well,and also before our permission to stay ends.I have said for some time that Bermuda is just one tourist murder away from a complete melt down in tourism.Just look at what happened in Mexico,Aruba and Jamaica if you need examples.The internet makes it easy for the world to see what really goes on here on an hourly basis.Nothing can be covered up and swept under the rug.This island needs real policing by tough cops with power to search out these criminals.I’m sorry,overweight,under trained,and frightened cops will not cut it.

      • bermy$hotta says:

        @ soon leavin’ – u scary too by leavin! adios check u lata. ppl still go mexico n jamaica by de thousands every year!

        • Finally Free says:

          I’m not exactly sure what you said in your forth grade level texting message.
          However,the truth is I’m leaving,your stuck here and soon “de back o town will be de front o town,bie”

        • The road to hell says:

          @ bermy – don’t see your logic there my friend.

          Tourists go to Jamaica and Mexico because it’s cheap and people stay in all-inclusive resorts well insulated and protected from the outside island. You can’t get that on Bermuda.

          Also what about the off-shore re-insurance and corporate banking and investment companies who need workers to come to Bermuda for them to trade? These companies have other choices in the world for tax-havens that they can trade from, where workers will be attracted to work and live. Again, Bermuda fails here I’m afraid (personal experience)

  22. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    So the robbers have got as far as Tuckers Town Road. Pretty sad for Bermuda. 3rd world status here we come. Unless something is done – these uneducated young men will ruin Bermuda more than any politician or party could ever do.

  23. tricks are for kids..... says:

    What everyone needs to realise is that we are no longer in the fairy tale of “Bermuda is Another World”. WE are now part of a real life drama known as the Real World. You can’t blame just incidents like this for the decline of tourism. We have outpriced ourselves out of that market for a while now. And those of us that live here get ‘Robbed” every day in some way, shape or form (been to the grocery store lately?). So yes while this may ba A reason for tourist not coming here be honest with yourself and say that it is not THE reason…..

    • Rick Rock says:

      Really? I met a couple of weeks ago informally with a group of people – 20 or so – who travel here for both business and pleasure. Influential people – middle-management in large reinsurance companies. The kind of people who make decisions and influence upper management in their decisions. In one-on-one discussions their two main questions were without exception:
      1. what the hell is happening with crime in Bermuda and
      2. why is the government so unfriendly to business.

      No comment about prices these days. It’s not really the big issue any more, compared to crime and government interference.

      So. Word has got out, and these two issues are definitely affecting people’s decisions to travel here, work here, live here.

  24. navin johnson says:

    Many have left before their permits expired and they are not counted in any statistic. We speak of the murders and mention that no IB people have been effected but they have. Many people in IB have had their homes burglarized more than once and that is rarely mentioned. I know of two current CEO’s of large insurance companies who have been burglarized and one who requested a permit for security due to his wealth and concern for the safety of his family but they chose to remain stateside instead.

  25. Heather Stines-Brangman says:

    I believe that there should be severe penalties and the highest designation of punitive responses for any Bermuda resident that is found guilty of Tourism Crime. For Non-Bermudians committing crimes against tourists, there should be a repatriation back to their homeland. Should these persons be found guilty, they should be immediately sent back from whence they came and can be subject to their country’s laws and should be banned from returning to Bermuda for a lengthy time. Perhaps 5-10 years, depending on the severity of the crime.. Should they have immediate family in Bermuda, they can accompany them if they wish. When will Bermuda’s out-dated laws be upgraded to reflect our social turmoil and the behaviors of our citizens and temporary residents.. Send the Bad Boys home!

    • Open for business ? says:

      You typed 6-7 sentences and only the first one is valid . What is the rant on ‘foreigners’ here committing crime all about ? What’s the statistical number that they contribute … One in 500 maybe ? When was the last time we heard of or even suspected that a handbag snatch or hotel B&E was done by a ‘foreigner’ ?

      This is our own home grown problem . Get over it . Admit it .

  26. n says:

    “On” Tucker’s Town Road and “in” the Tucker’s Town Road area are pretty serious. Which is it?

    What was the security guy doing in the hut at the Tucker’s Town Road gate? What reason did the suspects give to him to let them through? Isn’t it manned 24/7? Then again some of “TT Road” is before the gate.

    Very large gaff on Mid Ocean Club’s part I would presume initially. Although some consider South Road and Tucker’s Point area to be “in the area of Tucker’s Town”

    • bermy$hotta says:

      n says – TTR starts before de gate on de junction of South Road FYI. It weren’t by de gate. Ain’t MOC’s fault..was on a main road. check yaself

  27. Kim Smith says:

    Can Bernews please approach the Minister for Tourism for a comment each and every time there is a crime against a visitor? She must be involved in getting the appropriate pressure exerted wherever it’s needed.

    • The Iceman says:

      To Kim Smith. You’re right you know. To think I voted for this umm government,I would have expected some response. What! Am I stupid to even think that would happen?

  28. Eastern says:

    Wait to they start coming to your house with guns. As the econmomy gets worse (and it will) they will be coming to your house to get everything they can. If you resist……well, I hope not.
    I just hope they come to my house now before they start bringing guns with them. I am waiting for you, prepared and ready. Please come now, because I can assure you that you will never break into a house again.
    Good luck……are you coming you low life son of a………….?

    Unfortunately the persons committing these crimes are probably not reading these blogs. But I’m ready just in case.

  29. THE HELL!! says:

    Robbing visitors to Bermuda who are part of our bread and butter should be made a capitol offense. And the punishment should fit that criteria.