16-Yr-Old Robbed By Group Of Men

November 27, 2011

Last night [Nov.26] a 16-year-old was riding his cycle in Sandys parish, when he was accosted by a group of young men wearing hooded tops who stole his cycle and Blackberry.

A police spokesperson said, “At 11:30pm on Saturday, November 26th police received a report of a robbery in the Rockywold Drive, Woodlawn Road Sandys parish area.

“It appears that around 11pm the victim, a 16 year old young man from Southampton was riding his auxiliary cycle along Rockywold Drive when he was accosted by a group of unknown young men.

“The assailants took the teenager’s auxiliary cycle and Blackberry mobile phone before making good their escape. The victim was treated for a minor injury at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and released.

“The suspects are described as a group of young men wearing hooded tops. Inquiries into this incident are ongoing. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information, particularly anyone who may know the whereabouts of a black Honda auxiliary cycle bearing license 762 AB, to contact the Somerset Criminal Investigation Unit on 234-1010.”

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  1. sharky says:

    The end is near.This island is under seige and soon it won’t be safe anywhere at any time.Time for the UK to send the army.The police are helpless to defend us.Arm yourselves and prepare to for war.


  2. K18 says:

    See, when I was that age… I wouldn’t dare be out at that hour! My parents would kill me!… where are the parents?

    • Somebody's Momma says:

      Are you for real? A 16 year old being robbed at 11 p.m. and you are asking where are the parents. This is not my child but my child could be out that late with his church youth group, could be running an errand for a family member or leaving a friends house to get home before his midnight curfew. Just a few examples of what a 16 year old could be doing.

      We should be concerned about the behaviour of the culprits not criticizing the parents of the victim.

      • safety- first says:

        I can not speak for K18 but I can see their point..no kids at this age should be out that late unsupervised… church groups, running errands, or what ever should have parental monitoring…my parents knew what time i was going and coming from any activity i participated in. They also knew how long it took to travel to and from an event, any major differences in time and I would have to pay the price if not for a good reason. Its not hard to know where your kids are at all time, two much slack time means miscief, get involved with these kids and know what they are doing. They may not like you being “up in their business” but its better than than finding them hurt or worse because you where not concerned enough to be involved more with their lives.

        • islander says:

          I agree with somebody, smh at safety are you serious? 16? cant go to a friends house or movies which can get out late, it sounds like you’re blaming the victim when you should be pissed at the culprits…you my dear have it backwards…

          • Triangle Drifter says:

            Agreed. while there is an appropriate time to be home for each age, this one was not late IMO, any age should be safe ANYWHERE & ANYTIME.

            Sign of the times I guess. Blame the victim.

            • Uncle Nick says:

              Signs of the time?

              Jesus has forsaken us! Save yourselves.

  3. Tickled Pink (and Blue) says:

    ‘Tis the season of goodwill to all men…..

    Be prepared for a lot more of this nonsense as these low life rats are looking for more “Christmas gifts” to be had whilst pickings are easy.

    Take ‘em out North Rock when/if they’re caught and push ‘em overboard.

  4. street talk says:

    any 16 year old knows what parts of Bermuda are safe. Somerset right now is one of the craziest parishes alongside Pembroke. Anyone under 25 knows that right now and I’m not trying to blaming the victim.

  5. tricks are for kids.... says:

    Am I reading some of these comments correctly wherin the fact that the child was 16 so he shouldn’t have been out and about because it was 11:30 thus alluding to the fact that if he hadn’t been out he wouldn’t have been robbed? Surely you jest!!! Are you serious?????? Try this…. How about THE ASSAILANTS SHOULDN’T HAVE STOLEN FROM HIM BECAUSE THE ITEMS STOLEN DIDN’T BELONG TO THEM~!!!!!!!! HOW ABOUT THAT!!!! too much of always blaming the victim that’s like saying oh well if she wasn’t walking around in a bikini than she wouldn’t have gotten raped!!! stop blaming the VICTIM!!!!! A person should be able to walk or ride around anywhere on this island without fear or reprecussion.