Police Station: Over 130 People View Jewellery

January 7, 2012

Yesterday [Jan.6] 137 people visited Hamilton Police Station view a quantity of suspected stolen jewellery.

Police said there were additional inquiries via email and phone from those who were unable to make the viewing, and as a result another date will be announced when the jewellery can be viewed.

“Several of the people that attended have been able to identify items of jewellery as theirs and evidence ownership,” said a police spokesperson.

“Detectives continue to investigate the case and encourage anyone who may have had jewellery stolen, particularly prior to June 15th 2011, or anyone with any information to contact Detective Constable Avasonjia Hewitt or Detective Constable Alickson Severin at 295-0011 or the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477.”

The police previously said the jewellery was “recovered after police executed a search warrant in relation to an ongoing investigation.”

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Comments (12)

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  1. Always Something... says:

    This continues to get better and better. None of these items have unique identification markings (ie serial numbers, engravings etc). Aside for the 2 custom pieces all of the items are mass produced…

  2. Mike Auxard says:


  3. tricks are for kids..... says:

    Sounds like a conspiracy to me…ace boy that owns the jewellery better give them whatever information they are trying to get out of him…cause it looks like he is about to get shafted……

    Also just curious as to whether or not the folks that have turned up to claim “their” jewellery ever reported it stolen in the first place?

    And anybody that has come forward to claim the jewellery that either sold it to him or it was handed over to pay a debt..yeah dead wrong for that…Remember ‘Karma” works 24/7,,she never takes a break!!!!!

  4. ThaPissedOffOwnerOfTheGoodz says:

    I’ve spoken with all the people for most of the items in these pictures and to the general public I’d just like to say the truth will prevail I have records for my direct personal stuff as well as verbal accounts from the people whom I’ve purchased these items from.This situation has angered me deeply because I feel like the victim of a witch hunt here but it has not tainted my image or reliability of any sort as far as I’m concerned, and it’s showed by the support given through all the people who I’ve purchased from as well as other customers and friends of mines.I will prevail a better and stronger me when it is all said and done and the truth regarding the mismanagement of police power, I hope will be addresed as soon as the truth comes out about this whole mess.

    • Smh says:


      I myself know people that assume that some of this jewelry is theirs. And none of them are assuming that you are the person who actually broke into their houses and stole it. People understand that when people steal jewelry, it gets passed around so they can receive cash. Perhaps you maybe a victim between all the craziness. I do not know any facts, I am just reading people’s comments from the previous posting. But only you know the truth, so go on and defend yourself, but be prepared for people’s comments because victims of break ins are furious and want their belongings back, whether you were the one who stole them or not.

      From my point of view, I think people who steal jewelry usually steal for quick cash, so they sell it immediately. Whoever steals jewelry and keeps this large amount would just be an idiot. So I can sort of believe you when you say you bought it from people.

      • ThaPissedOffOwnerOfTheGoodz says:

        Most definitely I can agree with that entire statement and I’m not backing down blood cause I kno I’m in the right. I have paper receipts as well as pictures for some of those possesion and for the items not documented I have the sellers permission to speak their name and # to the police for their clarification. I’m more so upset at the fact that their just now doing this 6 months after they’ve recovered these items from me and now the charges placed on me have now been dropped and I request my stuff back and now they pull this without even asking me do i have any proof. Just completely disregarded all the consequences and flack I would take if they did this like I’m nothing and further more the charges that were brought against me have nothing to do with receiving stolen goods just looks like a maliscious attempt to get me back in the court room which I will say I very much hate!!!

  5. So let’s see: the stash represents 130 robberies, some of which may not have been reported?

    So can the Police SERVICE kindly give us full stats for robberies (now the politically correct “home invasions”), for 2011 and for the last five years?

    • ThaPissedOffOwnerOfTheGoodz says:

      There weren’t even 130 items in my box mam or sir. And for the last time that stuff is not stolen all they had 2 do was ask me for my proof and I would have gave it I have pictures receipts and accounts so plz don’t give in to the caption by all means I feel like a victim here because I have proof and they completely overrided any attempt 2 ask me for it!!

      • Action says:

        Keep your head up mate im at JFK now awaiting my flight back to Bermuda. The way the Police are handling this case is one of the main reasons why i chose to join the BFRS instead of the police. Take the path they chose to go about this as a blessing this case will be dismissed. “Guilty until proven innocent”…..this seams to be the trend lately in recent cases in Bermuda. We will go hit some balls at the driving range when i get back to let of some steam.

  6. The Ridiculist says:

    Common sense would have told you to produce the proof in the first instance. Why should they have to ask you for the information. Guess you looking for a pity party coming on here trying to defend yourself. Easier is better than hard.

    • ThaPissedOffOwnerOfTheGoodz says:

      Firstly whoever you are I’m not looking for nobodys sympathy or pity FIRSTLY!!!! Secondly my items shouldn’t even be brought up in the paper like this because what they charged me with had nothing of the sort to do with stolen property at all and those charges that were brought against me have been recently dropped. Thirdly I’d like to add that the police have had my items for just over 6 months and now because I want my items back they pull this stunt in an attempt to divert my gold from being given back 2 me at least this is how I feel. I mean why else would they wait so long to do this?? they’ve had half a year to do this mam or sir are you going to question them why they took so long to do this??? or are you going to continue to think that my way of defending myself is for self pity after hearing that and no I don’t need no pity from you or anybody!!!! And lastly yes they should have came to me and asked for my proof of purchase for these items for this was done with out me knowing it was going to happen so I didn’t even get a chance to prove myself I just saw it in the paper and media sites like you and everyone else.

  7. ThaPissedOffOwnerOfTheGoodz says:

    @ The Rediculist I hope next time you parade a comment that you hold ya brakes and realize that there are two sides to this story any story for that matter.