Sir John: ‘Frank’ Economics Forum

January 13, 2012

Former Premier Sir John.Swan will be among the participants when the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce hosts a panel discussion on “The Economy Now and a Vision For the Future.”

Organised by the Chamber’s Economics Division, the forum will take place on January 25 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at The Chamber offices on the corners of Front Street and Point Pleasant Road.

The panellists for the open forum will be:

  • Sir John Swan – former Premier, leading businessman
  • Mr. Larry Burchall – “Bermuda Sun” Columnist
  • Mr. Craig Simmons – Economics Lecturer, Bermuda College
  • Mr. Brad Kopp – CEO, Butterfield Bank

Co-moderators for the evening will be Chamber President Buddy Rego and Anchor Investment Management CFO Nathan Kowalski.

In making the announcement, Economics Division co-chair Diane Newman said, “We are delighted to be welcoming such noted panellists to this very pivotal discussion.

“Each panellist will be asked to discuss what they consider to be the three main forces affecting Bermuda’s economy and their short, medium and long-term vision for addressing these issues.”

Mrs. Newman went on to state; “It promises to be a very lively and enlightening discussion and we are actively encouraging, not only our members, but also their employees, to attend.”

Following on from Mrs. Newman’s announcement, Chamber executive vice-president Joanne MacPhee noted; “We are all in this economy together and it is as important for executives as well as their staff , to understand what is driving this recession, why wages have been frozen, why bonus payments have stopped and why so many people have been made redundant.

“Pointing fingers will not solve anything, we need to have a very frank conversation about where we are now and how, collectively, we are going to get past this failing economy.”

The event is free and open to members and guests of The Chamber.

Space is however limited, so those wishing to attend are actively encouraged to reserve their seat by calling 295-4201 or emailing

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Comments (15)

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  1. Serious Though says:

    Can Bermudians see this live event on TV???

  2. 32n64w says:

    Hopefully the entire PLP Cabinet will be in attendance so they can learn something.

  3. jt says:

    I will be interested to see if any elected or perspective PLP or OBA representatives are there. Bernews, please keep attendance and do tell.

  4. LaVerne Furbert says:

    I’m just wondering if Sir John and Larry Burchall are going to give individual presentations or if they will speak as “one voice” as they have been doing of late. Will the attendees hear the Bermudian vernacular of Sir John, or the British vernacular of Larry Burchall?

    I think this “Frank Economics Forum” sounds interesting, especially since the panellists consists of a college lecturer, a former Premier, a newspaper columnist, and the CEO of a Bank.

    You mean to tell me that there are no “economists” in Bermuda. I wonder why they didn’t ask Bob Stewart and Bob Richards to speak. They’re the real experts on Bermuda’s economy.

    • Noel Ashford says:

      LaVerne, Thats why we have you my friend… You are the expert on all things, master of none. Just out of interest, are you DENYING that our economy is failing? Should we all be putting our head in the sand to this fact as you and your comrades in arms are or should we be doing something. As suauly your posts illustrate little to offer on SOLUTIONS versus useless jibberish. All of the names listed above are people of great repore, you may wish to show your respect and admiration to them. How odd you once suggested I had to respect you when you cant respect anyone.. LOL Please feel free to list your own education and echievement must us to all laugh and pick at as you do people FAR more successful than yourself…?

      Get a clue – Please.


      • Yup says:

        You write too much in your reply to LaVerne. She is not worth that many words!!

    • OMG says:

      Laverne – maybe you should attend – you might learn a thing or two!!!

      People out of work – homes forclosed on – Govt is in serious debt – No Laverne we are in great shape???

      • Shaking the Head says:

        Instead of writing opinions for the Workers Voice or PLP website where there is no right of reply, so much for free speech, write one of your learned pieces for Bernews , RG or Bermuda Sun so Bermuda can benefit from your vast financial experience, and respond as appropriate.

    • Redman says:

      @ Laverne Furbert,

      Well we know why they wont be asking you to give an opinion on economics and being a successful business woman don’t we?! Also we know it wont have anything to do with your political loyalties nor skin colour that’s for sure.

      Maybe you could put a similar panel together and refute all that they say, should be easy to pick holes in their discussion as they don’t have any economists on their panel. Not that you and the clueless PLP Govt would listen anyway, you haven’t been listening all this time!! Be sure to include Rhonda on your panel as well, that would make riveting listening. Double LOL.

  5. Keepin' It Real.....4Real!! says:

    Ok …insted of b!tching and moaning i would like to put forward to the hon. Sir J.W.Swan ; You sir are a very sucessful BERMUDIAN and have always had much respect from most Bermudians….Sir You could be the Messiah of Bermuda IF you could Contribute your beautiful building to the resurrection of Bermuda to the TOP once again…My Proposal to you is as follows: Sell shares to Bermudians (in order to get some return on your investment obviously)Make that building Bermudas ONLY Casino…owned and operated by BERMUDIANS ONLY from CEO to Janitor. Turn it into the most lavish casino in the world…make people want to leave Monte Carlo in the Mediteranean to sail their Mega Yatchs to the “Diamond in the Atlantic”.
    Let No expense be spared…the top floor could be for The High Rollers Club suites
    another floor could be for WORLD CLASS Entertainment, i cannot stress the fact enough about being THE BEST in the WORLD at what we would OFFER…hospitality at its finest (not one foreigner on the payroll)and trust me im not against forieners at all im just trying to bring BERMUDA back….there is so much that can be done we just need to take a RISK or GAMBLE all or nothing (pardon the pun)
    i feel we can get back to the top once we see something being done by the Elite in Bermuda us small fellas will help in anyway we can to bring sucess back into our lives (BDA LIVES)everyone will eat once again…attitudes will change…whoa i can feel the excitement already…hundreds or maybe thousands of jobs will be created 24/7 round the clock operation
    well i will stop here because i could go on and on with the possibilities
    So Sir John …i know you LOVE BERMUDA …lets do something please save us from self destruction before we have to sell our a$$e$ (coz i think thats illegal too)

    • Redman says:

      @ Keepin’ it Real 4 …If you want to help save Bda from self destruction then a good start would be voting out the PLP Govt. Simple enough really.

  6. Ronnie Viera says:

    Ms. Furbert, perhaps you should attend with an open mind and gain some unbiased information. You can then leave there and go to the Govt Show and drink some more of their cool-aid!

    Your problem is you dont like the message and I understand. Your party has so badly squandered their chance at government and that is frustrating.

  7. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    well Mr Redman…i cant do it alone…and until we can get the blind deaf and dumb to vote otherwise….its a mute subject…