OBA Pays Tribute To Sean Pitcher

February 7, 2012

[Updated] The One Bermuda Alliance released a statement this afternoon [Feb.7], saying they are “shocked and deeply saddened” by the sudden passing of 49-year-old Sean Pitcher, one of its founding members.

“Sean was a proud Mohawk, a proud Bermudian and a man who cared deeply for his beloved Bermuda,” the statement said.

“He was the party’s first treasurer and a steady, positive presence in the room. Always smartly dressed, always pleasant, always reliable, always willing to contribute – he will be missed by all.

Party Leader Craig Cannonier today saluted his boyhood friend: “Sean and I grew up as young kids running together. He is a true St. David’s Islander. He knew everybody, knew their names and he always kept his finger on the pulse of what was happening all year long every year.

“He could go into anyone’s home regardless of their political stripe. He had that kind of spirit – all-embracing, ever compassionate and always neighborly. He was a man who was trusted.

“Sean was easy-going and low-key. You never heard him raise his voice. You never heard him speak ill of people.

“Sean was also the reason – the catalyst – in my decision to get into politics. There was a period when he urged me every time he saw me to get involved. I resisted for a time and then finally agreed to attend a meeting. I remember that meeting – taking my seat and then, when our eyes met, just shaking my head.

“There was never an angle to Sean. I always trusted him. Sean was good for Bermuda. He was my friend and I will miss him.”

“Sean was a man of the community, whose involvements spoke of an open-armed appreciation of all things. He was a Warden at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, a director and patron of Crime Stoppers, a past Chairman of the Bermuda Sailors’ Home. He also volunteered with the Bermuda Festival of the Performing Arts. He was a member of BMDS, the Bermuda Rose Society, The Bermuda Sailor’s Home, the St. George’s Dinghy & Sports Club, the St. George’s Rotary Club, and the Ocean View Golf Club. Sean was also an avid sky diver and motorcyclist.”

OBA Senator Toni Daniels said simply: “He loved life.”

“The OBA family extends its deep sympathies to Sean’s family”

Update: The PLP expressed their condolences saying, “The Progressive Labour Party offers its condolences to the family of One Bermuda Alliance Treasurer & Founding Member, Mr. Sean Pitcher on his untimely passing. We wish his family and colleagues peace and strength during this difficult time.”

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  1. Wandering says:

    To Aunt Ella and Family, St. David’s Community – my sincerest condolences.

  2. Glenda Carlington says:

    I was talking with Sean just this morning downstairs of my job and mentioned to the others who we were talking to that we are proud St. David’s Islanders. I’m so saddened of the sudden loss of Sean. He was a good person, always happy and polite. May God comfort his family during this time and keep them in His loving care.

    Condolences from the Carlington family.

    Glenda, Rosemarie (Cheesie), Verlie and Genie Jr.

  3. Truth (Original) says:

    My sincere condolences to the Pitcher family and the St. Davids community.

  4. Trinette says:

    Totally shocked at the death of a good friend. Rest in peace my friend. May your family find comfort in all that you did and all that you were.

  5. Oh no says:

    Oh no. RIP Sean. Prayers and thoughts with his family and friends. Will miss seeign you in the neighbourhood. Gosh.

  6. Aunt Ella and Family – my heart goes out to you guys. I was just talking to Sean and catching up on the OBA outreach in St David’s and he was so excited about the direction our Country would be moving in. Much love and prayers. Sheena and Family.

  7. Judy Benevides says:

    R.I.P. my dearest friend Sean. You lived life to its fullest I will miss you. Condolences go out to the family.

  8. The sad news has traveled around the world. I am very sad and my heart is heavy loosing my cousin Sean. My Spirit sends love to his Mom and family. St. David’s has lost a great political figure, husband, father and family man. In addition, he was a great roll model too.

    I’ll be heading home shortly in hope of helping give him a grand ‘send off!’

    Sean, may God speed your journey to join him.

  9. Upsetting says:

    To the Family of Mr Pitcher, you have Me and My family’s condolences, he was truly, truly a very nice man, we here in St.Davids will miss him Greatly…I shall never forget those kind words you gave me about my 13year old son..Bless you. Your now resting in the arms of our Lord.

    RIP Sean

    the Richards Family.

  10. Chris Broadhurst says:

    We had a great laugh last Saturday evening. RIP old friend.

  11. The 411 says:

    Once again we see that tomorrow is promised to no one. We must enjoy each day. Live each day. Love each day. Forgive each day. God Bless You Mr. Pitcher. I did not know you but know that is not often that a single person receives such commendations on this site! My condolences to all those who knew and loved you. I understand you epitomized all that is Bermuda and I thank you for the legacy you have obviously left behind. May you rest in peace.

  12. Elizabeth Davis says:

    So sorry to hear of the passing of Sean he was a great man always had a smile.

  13. DJ19 says:

    To my good friend Sean RIP mate in the full knowledge thta you lived your life to the fullest and wore it out too fast. I shall miss our long talks and the quiet sense of peace you always bought to those around you. To all the Pitcher family, I am so sorry for your loss and wish you peace and comfort form knowing that Sean was a man of integrity and a true leader.

  14. d-reader says:

    met him 27 yrs ago..good guy


  15. Mayan says:

    I can’t believe what I am seeing-this is such a shock! My condolences to the Pitcher family and the whole St. David’s community. I am really, really in shock right now…I just can’ believe this. So, so sad.

  16. Paget boy says:

    Known you Sean for what seems like forever, since the mobylette days, then onto the Renault car days…cruising around with some of the first ones to ever get into Bda. Then the days spent in the Regiment were great together a well…with the trips to Jamaica and doing the Cardre to get our first stripes! How proud we were…to serve our beautiful Island!
    Man I have some great memories with you Sean…I am in shock to hear that you are gone… all too soon friend. As the song says…”only the good die young”.
    We will miss your always happy face but will never forget your smile buddy…peace.

  17. Noel Ashford says:

    Sean was a great man. He will be missed by many! I enjoyed many conversations over politics with him in my time at the UBP. My thoughts go out to his family.

  18. My sincere condolences to Aunt Ella and all the family, I am so sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Cuz, rest easy, we will remember you always and will all miss you.

    I wish you Calm Seas, Clear Skies and Fair Winds.


  19. charles spanswick says:


  20. M.T. Pockets says:

    I never formally met Sean but we would see each other around and he always had a smile and greeting for me when we passed each other in the old Bermudian tradition. Obviously a truly nice guy and most probably a future member of Parliament. Gone too soon. Condolences to the family.

  21. lamb says:

    R.I.P. Cousin. My sincere condolences to the Pitcher family.

    • OMG!!! says:

      Just received this dreadful news in Dublin. Last email from Sean was regarding vacancy for Schubert Ensemble. OMG!Such a steady person. He was the glue that kept the volunteers of the Bda Arts Festival together. Such terrible news. To all who knew Sean, my sincerest condolences!!!!

  22. shocked says:

    very sorry to hear of Sean’s passing. he loved Bermuda and his loss is our loss.

  23. co-worker says:

    Spoke to Sean just last night, what a shock! Sean was a very pleasent person… And he could TALK! lol He will be missed. My Condolences to the family.

  24. Blessings says:

    Rest in Peace Uncle Sean gona miss u man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    life is just to short..

  25. all clogged up says:

    One of the few people I wish I had taken more time to know…..we only met twice but a really genuine personality. Sorry he’s gone too soon.

  26. Pitcher says:

    To our family….these are times that we all need to stick together. It will be hard to have our hearts at rest. May God give us all the comfort that we will need. We will all be strong through this hard time. It was very SAD when i found out. Family we are all here for each other.
    Almighty Father, eternal God, hear our prayers for Your son Sean Pitcher whom You have called from this life to Yourself. Grant him light, happiness, and peace. Let him pass in safety through the gates of death, and live forever with all Your saints in the light You promised to Abraham and to all his descendants in faith. Guard him from all harm and on that great day of resurrection and reward raise him up with all Your saints. Pardon his sins and give him eternal life in Your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Love you all. Pray for strengh to get through each day.

  27. Hudson says:

    There are certain times in life when you meet people who you know from the moment you meet them are just good people. That was how it was when I first met Mr. Pitcher. He was kind, generous of his time, and truly committed to doing his part to make Bermuda a better place. A huge loss for all of us in Bermuda – condolences to his family.

  28. Man in the Mirror says:

    For those of you that have had the pleasure to sit n chat with Mr. Pitcher, it was just that wonderful conversation.
    Mr. Pitcher for the few times that we sat at the same table, in the same boardroom, Thank You.
    You will be surely missed by those who had the pleasure of your company.

    May GOD comfort your family during this time.

  29. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    Fly high Sean my friend.

  30. FREDDY G says:

    To the Pitcher Family Sean will be a miss by you and Bermuda ! He made us all Proud, as early as childhood he knew who he was and always had a WELCOME SPIRIT ! LOVE YOU SEAN AND AM BLESSED TO HAVE GROWN UP WITH YOU !!!

  31. God Ma Grace says:

    My deepest condolences Ella, George and Christopher from myself and my entire family. Sean was the dearest, kindest non-judgemental person one could find. He was selfless ever ready to assist where ever he could. You have joined your Dad Mickey and God Pa Bumpy and the Heavenly Father that you had a personal relationship with.I will miss that special smile and hug and peck on the cheek.Rest In Peace!!

  32. Heather Stines-Brangman says:

    Sean was the epitome of what a real Bermudian is. He portrayed most of our greatest gifts and skills that made Bermuda unique and was valued within the community and amongst his fellows. He was honest, kind, generous, caring, helpful, decisive, involved, respectful and genuine in every way and always had time to share a joke or encourage others to their best. I offer my condolences to his family and all those who knew him. He was a good friend to me. He will be remembered through his family and friends. His heritage was of the Pequot nation as many Bermudians are and his native roots showed the culture of the St. David’s Islanders and of America’s First Peoples. The Creator called him home.
    “nuh wah doe he yaw duh” translation “Peace”

  33. Carys Caisey says:

    I am really shocked to hear of the sudden and tragic passing of Sean Pitcher. It is unbelievable…such a true Bermudian who cared so much about so many…my prayers to the family…he was an amazing man…I was privileged to have know him…may God hold you in his arms and give strength to your family at this difficult time..

  34. C R M says:

    So sad to hear this news.Sean was a great friend to my wife from more than twenty years ago, I knew the instant I met him that I would like him. A truly good person. The world was all the richer for his being here and so much the poorer for his passing
    Until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand. God Bless Friend.

  35. Peter Broadhurst says:

    Sean was one of the few school friends who I have kept in touch with throughout the years. We had many great times together both as teenagers and as adults. I will miss him terribly. My thoughts are with Sean’s mother, George and family. RIP old friend.

  36. Ronnie Chameau says:


    • Vexed says:

      I was deeply saddened and touched to hear that Sean had passed away. I knew Sean from a professional standpoint and he was a true professional in what he did…now with tears in my eyes: I am VEXED. Why do the good people get taken away from us before their good work is completed, while we have negative elements in our society who seemingly live forever and produce bad seeds just like them? Why?

  37. Heather says:

    Oh my goodnes. I have such fond memories of working with Sean at Stonington Beach Hotel. He was such a pleasant young man and I always enjoyed talking to him. He made me feel welcome on the island and he was a fantastic presense in our hotel. He will be missed.

  38. Sista says:

    P.I.P Sean, I will miss your smile and our brief conversations. To Chris and the family may God continue to comfort you.

  39. Sista says:

    R.I.P Sean, I will miss your smile and our brief conversations. To Chris and the family may God continue to comfort you.

  40. Winnie says:

    RIP Sean God’s speed bro.

  41. Jean Foggo Simon says:

    This news of Sean crossing over has reached us in Ohio and I am deeply saddened to hear it.
    My prayers are with cousin Ella and family. I send my sincere sympathy. May he rest in peace. Love and continuous prayers. Cousin Jean

  42. Khalid says:

    I only knew him by sight and I could say that he personified what I deem as a good person. My condolence to his family and close friends and may god bless him for his life and may he enter into lasting peace

  43. Ernie Roberts says:


  44. Cordell W. Riley says:

    We were shocked by his sudden death. Our condolences to Sean’s family.

  45. Scott P says:

    RIP cousin. You are missed. My prayers are with Aunt Ella and family.

  46. Gail (Aldrich) Severini says:

    Sean was one of the nicest people I knew – met riding the bus to/from school often. I am deeply saddened. It is a tribute to say truly he was “trusted”. Love and sincere sympathies to all friends and family.