7-Yr-Old Boy In ICU After Car/Pedal Cycle Accident

July 30, 2012

[Updated] A 7-year-old boy is listed in stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit after he was involved in an accident yesterday which saw a car collide with him as he was riding his pedal cycle on St. John’s Road in Pembroke.

A police spokesperson said: “Around 7:15pm on Sunday, July 29th police and first responders attended a reported serious collision on St. John’s Road in Pembroke near the junction with Langton Hill involving a car and a pedal cycle. It appears that both vehicles were traveling along St. John’s Road when they collided.

“As a result the pedal cyclist, a 7 year old Pembroke boy, was injured and taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment.

“As last check the victim was in the Intensive Care Unit in stable condition. There were no other injuries reported. Inquiries into this collision are ongoing and any witnesses are encouraged to contact PC David McHugh on 295-0011.”

Update July 31: The 7-year-old remains in the Intensive Care Unit in stable condition.

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Comments (72)

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  1. andre says:

    Best wishes little man!

  2. RUBES says:

    This is so sad. I personally believe that people should take more caution on the roads. I personally was out riding with my 6 year old and a motor cyclist hit is back wheel and kept on riding even after my son fell off of his bike. I hope this 7 year old pulls through.

    • Kevin Simmons says:

      So SORRY to hear of such accidents..I teach to watch any and everything recite bike and car numbers while riding with our children.

  3. Real says:

    Wish the youngster a speedy and healthy recovery. I only allow my daughter to ride on a school field, Shelly Bay or Clearwater Beach parking lot cause of these lunatics on Bermuda’s roads.

  4. Ride says:

    I commute round-trip by bicycle work about 3 to 4 times a week and I see motorist lose all sense of reason when it comes to overtaking a cyclist. It is as if the sight of a human-powered vehicle stupifies their sense of road safety and general common sense.

    Overtaking on blind corners, overtaking into oncoming traffic, overtaking at intersections, close-shave passes (vehicle mirrors a fraction of an inch from contact), rejoining traffic flow on top of cyclist (pressing cyclist into a wall or kerb), wild aborted overtakes (stops on the opposite side of the road, inch clips swearing back onto traffic flow), the list goes on.

    People, please slow down. You will only be behind a cyclist for a few seconds (a minute at most) and you will usually recover most, if not all, of that time as you accelerate past in the overtake.

    I don’t know the particulars of this case but in general I see an abnormal amount of close shaves in my commutes each day. Take a breath a wait a few moments until it is safe to pass. If you get into an accident likely only your vehicle will be damaged. The cyclist life is at stake. No reinforced cage protects them; their bodies actually surround the frame. Take your time, please.

    Is making the nip worth someone’s life?


    • amen says:

      Because you idiots are annoying and hold up traffic! Especially when it’s one after another after another – daily. Bermuda’s TOO SMALL for everyone to be on the roads doing what they want to do, you cyclists don’t pay to be on the road anyway! Go down Southside if you want to ride your little bicycle.

      • Cyclist says:

        Unfortunately, it’s this kind of thinking that makes our roads so dangerous! Cyclists have every right to the road as any other motor vehicle.

        • amen says:

          Oh well, so sorry you feel that way. Here’s the difference people in cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans, etc all PAY to be on the road these fools don’t pay anything and cause accidents and annoyance.

          • itsnot the FIRST says:

            @ Amen: SHUT UP! You are too stupid omg reading your comments irritated me. Cyclist can ride on roads just as much as cars, trucks, motorbikes, ect! Just because they don’t have to pay doesn’t mean that shouldn’t be able to ride you a$$hole! People walk on the roads is that a problem! Cycling is healthier for US and the environment… Maybe you should ride a bike because obviously your all clogged up with so much BS its coming out of your “mouth” (technically typing).
            What about when you turn 65…. You don’t have to pay for your vehicle to be ob the road…

            • amen says:

              So what you mean to tell me is that you are mad? He who angers you conquers you. What a potty mouth(fingers), you sure it’s me who has the proverbially BS coming out of my mouth(fingers) and not yours?

              Stay angry my friend, it’s very entertaining.

            • Mayan says:

              Here we go again…my pet peeve: cyclists. I’m sorry for this little guy and my comments aren’t directed at him. They’re directed at people like ‘itsnot the FIRST’ whose got his panties all in a bunch. First of all, calm down-go pop a Xanax or something. I think cyclists should pay SOMETHING to be on the road just like everyone else.

              It doesn’t matter that your’re on a pedal cycle…you’re in the road in the middle of traffic like everyone else. At the least, you should have some kind of permit and have to pay a nominal fee. Walking is something completely different…people walk on sidewalks-they don’t walk in the roads getting in everyone’s way.

              As for the 65 yr olds, don’t get me started-they should pay SOMETHING as well…maybe not as much as everyone else, but they should pay something. If they can afford a car, they can afford to pay to license it. We need to get past this ‘all seniors are poor’ nonsense. The seniors who have cars aren’t driving relics from the 50′s-most have very nice cars. If they can afford the car and the gas, they can afford to pay like everyone else. I won’t even get into the scams involving seniors licensing fees-this can’t happen without their permission, now can it. I respect seniors and all, but people need to stop assume people turn into angels and deserve a free ride once they hit a certain age-some do, some don’t. Before I get bashed, for the record there are seniors involved in criminal activities like drug trafficking (probably weapons, too)…they don’t get caught (a few have)-after all, who’d expect a white-haired senior of doing something like THAT? Like I said, you don’t turn into an angel once you hit 65!

              • Mae says:

                I agree that some cyclists do not ride their bikes in a safe and/or considerate manner. However, they do have the right to ride on Bermuda’s roads.

          • whatever says:

            A bicycle is defined as a vehicle according to the laws of Bermuda and therefore they have the SAME RIGHTS as a car, motorcycle, truck, van, etc. on the roads of Bermuda, whether you like it or not. Sorry.

            • amen says:

              Anddddddddddd they still do not pay any sort of licensing fee or insurance. Sorry!

              • whatever says:

                How much would you have them pay? $500? $1000?
                Is there an age restriction?
                Should 7 year olds have to pay licensing and insurance or else stay off the roads?

                And regardless of what you and Mayan think, the law is on the side of the cyclist. So if you take one out with your SUV, you will be at fault. See how much you will be paying to use the roads then!

                • amen says:

                  7 year olds don’t ride religiously with full on gear like they are in Tour De France now do they? 7 year old don’t ride from St. Georges to Town, now do they? You failed at your first point/analogy and are continuing to fail at a reasonable argument. Give up. It’s not up to me how much they should pay but they SHOULD have to pay for using the roads like everyone else.

                  Sure about that? Maybe that’s the reason people hit these idiots and keep driving then. That law is not always right now is it?

            • Mayan says:

              @whatever-that’s the point! Therefore, they should PAY to use the road like the other vehicles. You just confirmed my point!

              In any case, I drive an SUV so any idiot ADULT cyclists who get in my way will end up on my front bumper, that’s all…sorry.

              • whatever says:

                Nice attitude.

              • Hudson says:

                How and when exactly did Bermuda become such a dreadfully intollerant society?

              • Mae says:

                You sound so hateful. Why would you purposely hurt someone? And you wonder why this country is in the state it is.

                You need some LOVE energy in your life.

      • Concerned says:

        ?????? SMH are you the type of person that comments without thinking, everyone has the right to be on the road. We only pay for the ability to operate a motorized vehicle on the road and some people shouldn’t even be allowed to do that. how are they holding up traffic maybe instead of you getting up at five to nine to make nine, get up a little earlier so you aint in a rush.

        • amen says:

          No they do not.

          • Nonsense says:

            so smart and stupid. why don’t you put your real name so the world can know the idiot behind this foolish talk!

            • amen says:

              If you can’t tell me how I’m stupid than our comment is in vain. When you and everyone else posts their real name then so will I.

              • Jen says:

                @amenWhat if this child was yours? What if it was a family member? Pretty sure you’d feel differently. Or are you one of those that laughs in the face of others misery. Just remember that karma is a b**** and she will be knocking on your door soon.
                Riding a bicycle is part of being ‘free’. And you’re right they don’t have to pay, but of you’re so concerned about paying to be on the road, maybe you should just walk or is that too difficult? Your comments are ignorant and very close minded. Unfortunately your glass will always be half empty.
                Hope this child has a speedy recovery.

                • amen says:

                  I said nothing about the little boy so stop your belly-aching. My comment was in reply to someone else who was talking about the way people drive when they encounter an ADULT cyclist.

                  This is an innocent child and not ONE of my comments mentioned him or that I “laughed” at a child’s misery at being in the ICU. That’s just sick, so do not accuse me of doing something I did not do, say or type – you none reading b#tch. Got it? Good.

                  • Cyclist says:

                    So you would laugh in the face of an ADULT cyclist if the same were to happen to them…sad!

              • Mae says:

                @amen – Why do you keep mentioning that cyclists do not pay to be on the road? You sound like a hater. Someone who is jealous that they could never let go of their comfortable vehicle and get around this island on their own steam – like many cyclists do.

                Stop being so hateful. It is not good for your health.

            • Cold As Ice says:

              What a hypocrite! How can you tell someone to post their real name when you choose not to do so yourself? Unless your mother christened you ‘Nonsense?’

      • For Pete's sake says:

        What an asinine comment! We all pay for the roads via taxes (payroll tax, duty, consumption). What, you think that your TCD fee license is the only thing that pays for the roads? Roads are public – and ALL of the public pays for its maintenance, even if you don’t drive.

        Amen is a good name for you, because you surely need prayer. God save us from stupid people.

        • amen says:

          That’s not what I said, you fail terribly at understanding what you read and you have to nerve to call me stupid? Yes everyone pays taxes but does that mean I can go get a golf cart, or electric scooter, atv, etc and go drive on the road? No it does not. Cyclists are a nuisance and danger on Bermuda’s congested roads-they don’t pay SQUAT to be riding around willy nilly.

          Deal with it.

          • Finally left! says:

            So what about runners? or people walking? Perhaps strollers? they not allowed on the sides of the road either?

          • For Pete's sake says:

            I did not call you stupid. I said God save us from stupid people. You inferred that you are one of them, which says more about you than me. I read perfectly well thank you, but clearly you need to brush up on your comprehension.

            Your argument is baseless. You concede that we all pay taxes and pay to use the road. Yet you somehow believe that paying a license for a car entitles you to special privilege beyond those of the other members of the public. It does not, it simply provides you the right to drive a vehicle and serves as revenue for the government. In fact, it operates as a disincentive to operate a car, which serves the public. Less cars means less pollution.

            Your reference to other vehicles is pointless. The law states what we have decided to allow on our roads, and we have allowed pedal cycles. The fact that we do not allow pedicars for example does not have any bearing on whether cycles should be on the road. The law says they can, so they can, whether you like it or not.

            In summary, cycles are allowed by law, and in fact encouraged by the licensing system. Deal with it.

            • amen says:

              No you replied to me and included that I needed prayer then said God save us from stupid people. Inferring that I am one of them. You aren’t smart, you aren’t slick. If you aren’t referring to me don’t include it in a reply to me. Got it? All it says about me is that I am intelligent and can’t be fooled. Deductive reasoning chump, look it up. The reading comprehension/deal with it is what I already said about you fools who are getting your panties in a bunch over THE FACT that cyclists do not PAY to be on the road. Getting all angry over A FACT. YOU WILL DEAL WITH IT!

              YOUR argument is baseless. If we all pay taxes so that entitles everyone to the road then why pay licensing fees then? You say they pay for the upkeep of the road so they are entitled to do what they want on it so why doesn’t everyone just go on the roads with atvs, motor scooters and the like? Now you realize your original point was utterly stupid and now changing your tune? LOL! You have a severe lack of understanding what you read and the point of these comments. Maybe you’re just retarded. In fact what you are saying DOES give people the right to drive on the road fool. Paying for the upkeep of the road is not the same as paying for your vehicle to drive on said road.

              • Curious says:

                Wow, shouty capitals and name calling. Can’t win by reason, go for volume I guess is your plan considering the tone and number of your posts. I’ve seen children try that too, except my children know that shouting and stomping and name calling only makes you look silly, it doesn’t make you right.

                I won’t bother to engage you, clearly you are incapable of following logic. I don’t need to convince you. The law says they can ride their bikes all they please, so I guess it sucks to be you, who can stay angry (and wrong). Enjoy you temper tantrum, maybe you can find someone who might be interested…I’ve moved on.

      • Ride says:

        Firstly, ignoramus (since we are name calling), cyclist aren’t holding up traffic; they are apart of the traffic. Educate yourself.

        Secondly, bright-spark, have you considered that cyclist do in fact own a car (or motorbike or both) and choose to cycle for recreation or fitness? Therefore, cyclist have “paid” just as much (perhaps more) to use the road as you have. Think a little.

        Thirdly, ingrate, have you considered cyclist put less wear and tear on the road by cycling rather than motoring. Therefore, you are damaging the road through your usage more than cyclist yet we have all paid just as much to use it. In fact, cyclist are subsidising your use of the road. Show a little gratitude.

        Fourthly, (enough of that for now), cyclist are generally of good health. It can be said that they put less pressure on the health system in this island territory and therefore on health insurance premiums. With less healthy lifestyles more pressure on the system would result with even higher increases in premiums each year.

        The list goes on an on.

        Can I get an Amen, Church?!?


        • amen says:

          Dumbass I don’t care nor did I mention that they might also have a car. I said that while riding their little bicycles on the road holding up traffic(in some places the police will pull you over for going too far UNDER the speed limit which, idiot, is holding up the flow of traffic) that they do not have to pay to do so.

          Not enough people cycle in Bermuda for your argument to be valid, moron.

          As for the rest of your rant I say http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/121234


          • amen says:

            Also how does riding a bicycle mean you are of “generally” good health? Didn’t one of the arguably most famous cyclist in the world, Lance Armstrong, lose a testicle from having cancer? Just because you are physically thin and visibly of good health does not mean you are. Imagine if we all went by the idiotic reasoning-people would be dropping left and right from diseases if we based health on appearance and physical activity. You fail at everything. Now get back on your tricycle and backpedal away little boy.

            • Ride says:

              You obviously cannot carry an intelligent conversation. Here is something more suited to your stunted intellect.

              [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w24Xd8fVlTU ]



              • amen says:

                And you obviously cannot argue your point because cyclists DO NOT PAY to ride their cycles which was my point. I understand you have a lilliputian intellect so maybe this will hold your attention:


                Stealing my way of replying like the dense loser you are.

                You need to get off your tricycle and get back on the short bus.

          • Michelle says:

            @Amen, so you mean to tell me walkers on the road get on your nerves and shouldnt be on the street either. I mean, they don’t pay to walk on the road either, and yes in some area WE can hold up traffic. (Eyes rolling) you seem like a miserable person and should probably never leave your house especially if cyclist bother you. I guess Sunday drivers really piss you off. Get a life and complain about something more constructive.

            • amen says:

              When have you EVER seen someone walking down the middle of the damn road? Please use an analogy that actually makes sense and doesn’t make you look like a moron. No ones forcing you to read my comments and I could care less what you think about me. You will deal with my opinion. Get over it.

            • Finally left! says:

              Amen obviously has issues.. there is no sense in discussion with this person.. they have themselves in mind and that is all

              • amen says:

                Yes I have issues with with grown adults who want to ride around on tricycles. Now who the hell was talking to or asked you anything?

                • IToldYou says:

                  So you are now complaining about tricycles? What is wrong with you? Really?
                  Are you so stuck up your own arse that you are refering to cyclists n general and cannot understand that no matter what you say or do, you are not going to change the law on cycling? Please get a life and then burn it.

              • Mayan says:

                You people are the ones with issues. You let someone you don’t even know wind you all up and piss you off. H/she is sitting there laughing at you and mocking you and having themself a good time, while your blood pressure is soaring through the roof. If h/she bothers you that much, ignore them. You’re the one with the issues by letting them piss the hell out of you.

          • whatever says:

            The speed limit is 35 kph. Please educate us on what the minimum speed limit in Bermuda is.

        • Cold As Ice says:

          I disagree. Cyclists DO hold up traffic and seem to almost get a sick thrill out of doing so. They’re a pain.

          Secondly, cycling causes its own health issues in males, below the (ahem) belt…among them are numbness, limp ‘noodles’, problems with your ‘boys’ swimming, etc. etc.-not good. I wouldn’t want to be married to a guy into that unless I have access to IVF and battery-operated little friends for back-up.

      • annette says:

        Apparently they give idiots like this a licence. Cyclist have the right to be on the road also.persons like you need to give yours up.Leave home early enough to get where you need to be so you will not be racing to make timme and cyclist will not bother you.Most cyclist are hard working tax paying citizens and deserve the right to ride where they want.

        • amen says:

          Says the idiot who doesn’t understand the point of my comments and I have a right to my opinion, whether YOU like it or not.

          • Seriously says:

            Shoot… Immaturity does not go away with age. I’m 20 and I’m watching “mature” individuals call each other names and accusing each other. Let’s end it here. Let’s ask government to make a bike lane from what little extra space we have left on our roads so that people can ride safely and not cause any inconvenience to other people. Otherwise, people have their rights. If they want to ride a bicycle on our roads rather than getting a ticket for riding on the side walk, then let them do what they please and suck it up. You aren’t driving behind them forever.

            • amen says:

              You have no clue how old I am. Save that nonsense for someone who cares. Just as you tell me to suck it up, all you cry babies can either not read my comments or suck it up and deal with the fact that what I am saying is fact. Not one of them can say otherwise and argue my point.

  5. Not Again! says:

    I wish the boy a speedy recovery! The one question I do have is what is a 7 year old boy doing riding a bike at 7:15pm? Where were his parents? If they were with him than ok, but if the child was alone?

    • I AGREE says:

      Exactly where were the parents? I hope family services looks into this, because they have been daft in some cases.
      That is a busy road and even on quiet roads you may run into mean idiots like amen. Eh Amen you sound like you’ve been hurt, now your bitter. The child is 7 years old and injured, understand that!!!

  6. unionmember says:

    He was probably with neighbourhood friends. St. Johns road is a residential road. Even if his parents were there, this may not have been avoided. Praying for a safe recovery lil man. I’m hoping he had on a safety helmet.

  7. duh says:

    I’ve also seen children riding on the road, with no adult supervision and are not aware of turn signals or how dangerous riding with traffic can be. Parents need to talk with their children about Road Safety and not allow them to be unsupervised on long journeys.

    Just last week I was driving and a pedal bike came out of a gate at full speed without looking or stopping and I almost hit the child. Parents, talk to your children.

    • Not Again! says:

      Duh I totally agree with you. I too have had a few close calls where it would have ended up with me being in trouble even though it was unavoidable. It’s scarey really!!! I can’t imagine any parent letting thier 7 year old ride on the main road at that time of the evening without a parent being there. I have an 11 year old and I won’t let him ride on the road at all, not because of his inability but because of the way people drive nowadays!

  8. g-gurl says:

    Bless this young fella and his family!

  9. Concerned says:

    I wish the child a speedy recovery. I have noticed numerous times on these roads kids riding with no helmets, doing pop-a-wheelies in the middle of the road, having a friend standing on back wheel pegs, some of them look around 5 – 10 years old with no adult supervision. This may have not been the case with this incident, but we have all seen these things at some point on this island.
    I agree there are carless motorist out there and they need to be delt with but these kids also need to be protected and made aware of the rules and regulations of the road as well. I don’t even let my 5 year old ride outside without adult supervision on a residential road. Kids are kids and they will not always be paying attention.

  10. Fed Up Bermudian says:

    And if I see another young boy riding without his helmet I will scream. Not to bring race into it, but how come you only rarely see black boys wearing helmets?? White boys, sure. Black girls, most of the time. Black boys, rarely unless they’re riding with an adult. We should be doing more to prevent serious brain injuries that can change the course of a life, and end a life of promise. With so many charities on island, is there anyone that addresses helmet use in children??? If their parents can’t afford it, surely we can find ways of protecting our kids. Sorry, that’s a bit of a rant based on observation alone and not hard fact. I pray this boy will be okay, and that his injuries aren’t head injuries. I have no idea if he was wearing a bike helmet, but I’d bet good money he wasn’t.

    • Mayan says:

      Well, maybe it’s time it was legislated by law. Anything to try and grab some money out of people ought to work…

      • Fed Up Bermudian says:

        Not the point. A head injury can change the course of a young person’s life, could cost them their future. Their future is ours, too. I’m not suggesting this as a means to ‘grab money out of people’, but if our kids are our most precious resource, then how dare we let them endanger their lives on a regular and routine basis??? I wasn’t talking about additional legislation, I was talking about addressing the issue. Want to see more of our black kids come to tragedy??? I sure don’t. HELMETS SAVE LIVES. Simple. Yes, there are white kids that you see riding without helmets, but way more black boys than any other group. Are you therefore okay with allowing them to continue their reckless behaviour? I’m not. The next kid who suffers a serious and avoidable brain injury could have been the kid that grew up to cure cancer or lead our country. THAT’s what I’m on about. Sheesh.

        • King Traffic International says:

          King Traffic International says:

          July 30, 2012 at 7:45 pm

          We All talk about the traffic menaces on our Bermuda roads. WE ALL need to recite bike and car numbers that are travelling in a radical manner. Pull over on the side OR wait until you get to work, call 295-0111 and pass the time of day and where this happened. They can AND will issue a traffic citation for that vechicle and that owner will be approached and cautioned. At sometime this vehicle shall be impounded and the driver locked up for a few hours before someone gets injured. WE can get OUR island back by fighting crime 2 gether.!!! United we need 2 stand!!! Travel Smart n Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. King Traffic International says:

    So SORRY to hear of such accidents..I teach to watch any and everything recite bike and car numbers while riding with our children. When they ride by themselves they will use it as a game and these numbers shall stick in their heads for reference. Ride Smart N Safe!!!!

  12. King Traffic International says:

    We All talk about the traffic menaces on our Bermuda roads. WE ALL need to recite bike and car numbers that are travelling in a radical manner. Pull over on the side OR wait until you get to work, call 295-0111 and pass the time of day and where this happened. They can AND will issue a traffic citation for that vechicle and that owner will be approached and cautioned. At sometime this vehicle shall be impounded and the driver locked up for a few hours before someone gets injured. WE can get OUR island back by fighting crime 2 gether.!!! United we need 2 stand!!! Travel Smart n Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Rard says:

    Cyclists who stick to the side of the road to allow cars to pass are OK in my book.
    Cyclists who ride in the middle of the lane with a huge line of cars behind them are what I call “militant” cyclists, the ones who say “I have a right to do this”, and they are the a-holes.
    Two totally different types of people.

    • No choice says:

      Rard – the sad thing is the cyclist has to ride in the middle of the road in order for drivers to pass them respectfully. Riding to one side will ensure that some moron driver can think they can pass the cyclist with oncoming traffic and not have to pass over the center line.

      • King Traffic International says:

        In cases like the above patience NEEDS 2 be exercised!!! Come on people IT COULD BE U in ANY of the above cases.. Think Smart and BE Safe and pass the word around.

  14. second says:

    Hurry up and get well young friend. I’ll be praying for you.