Mixed Reviews On ‘Photoshop Disaster’

October 5, 2012

[Updated: The BDOT has responded, and also replaced the photo]

A photo from the Bermuda Department of Tourism’s website was posted on the PS Disaster website yesterday [Oct 4], with the website’s readers offering mixed views on whether it truly qualifies as a ‘disaster’ or not.

The website highlights errors made when photoshopping [editing] photos, and is quite popular with the design and tech community.

“Um, not seeing the problem here. Can someone please clue me in?,” said one reader while another said: “And what exactly is supposed to be wrong with this picture? I can’t find anything.”

Another reader disagreed with the two above saying: “Are you people totally blind? Look at her right shoulder. Follow it down to where her arm is between her and her groom. Do you not see how it is chopped off and sky is visible where the stump comes in contact with her right breast and his left shoulder? That whole area is a total mess! If this isn’t a PSD then I need to change my meds.”

You can read the article here on PSdisasters.com.

Update 4.18pm: The BDOT issued a statement in response, it follows in full below:

The Bermuda Department of Tourism would like to thank Bernews for bringing this photo to our attention. In March, 2010 the Department was looking for wedding pictures and local photographer Bruce Leseur was kind enough to give us this particular photo.

The photo has been on our website from that time. Our current advertising agent Fuseideas has taken corrective action to replace the photograph and will work to ensure such an oversight, featuring any distorted images, does not reoccur.

We just contacted Mr Leseur, a veteran local photographer, and he said he can “assure” us he did not use photoshop on the photo he supplied.

He had not looked at Bernews since we posted the photo today, so could not confirm if it was the same one he supplied. Mr Leseur was actually en route to a photo shoot when we spoke to him, so we could not get into detail but we hope to update later with his full comments.

The BDOT have also promptly replaced the image on the website. The image on the left was the website at 12 noon today, and the image on the right is as of 4pm. The images will enlarge if clicked.

Update Oct 6: A social media post from Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert said the photo has been on the BDOT website since March 2010, and “Fuseideas was not responsible for this, hence none of the funds we have given them to advertise was used for this.”

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Comments (101)

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  1. Xeno Kills says:

    Wow this is brutal! Then again it was produced from the PLP so I can’t say Im shocked. Epic Fail.

    • Objective says:

      Umm…this is not a political error!

      Also for those ready to blame the current tourism minister the photo has been up since 2010. That is prior to this Minister’s time in Tourism.

  2. Free says:

    How much did they spend on this again? Ridiculous.

  3. The Riduculist says:

    OMG! Embarrassed face. Get to the bottom of who did this and ask for a refund of the peoples money.

  4. Sandgrownan says:

    I can tell from the pixels. I’ve seen a few photoshops in my time…..

  5. Dawn de Toilet says:

    oh my god…this is awful but i didnt notice it till you pointed it out. What a blunder! Better check the rest of the adds….

  6. Zombie Apocalypse says:

    Her shoulder looks absolutely creepy.

    • sad onion says:

      Understatement a serious WTF blunder . . . You would think after Renee’s tourism ministerial disaster using a foreign beach stock photo in a Bermuda advertisement a few years ago, that the Dept. of Tourism would be on the ball . . . Nope, so time to FIRE the foreign ad agency and WHOLE TOURISM DEPARTMENT starting a the top with Furbert & Griffith!

      • pepper says:

        So why did the premier pay Renee Webb one hundred thousand last year to represent women’s issues ??? so did we have a report from miss Webb ??????

      • johnny says:

        the photo was actually provided by a local photographer as stated in the article.

      • observer says:

        I worked for Grifith, he has never successfully run anything. Harmony Club folded, then Belmont and now he is in tourism. Go figure.

  7. Come Correct says:

    Wow I’m not sure what’s going on there. Her arm hasn’t been cut off its just wrapped around the groom in some weird way but what’s with the random piece of sky between them. I’m still trying to figure out why it looks like she had a bike accident and shattered her collar bone right before the picture was taken.

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Well, it’s to add a certain amount of reality…

    • Concerned says:

      two differnt pictures put together – as her right arm is holding the flowers… Get Mr. Furbert to sing his way out of this blunder and then send him to Photography school.

      • Come Correct says:

        Na looking at it again the picture is fine, it is just an illusion, weird how so many people saw the same thing. Reminds me of that show mind games where a group of actors stood in a park looking into an empty tree, when asked what they were looking at they claimed there was a snake in the tree. After pointing out the imaginary snake people started saying they could see it too and started telling other people. Apparently your mind allows you to see what you believe is there even if it isn’t.

        • Mad Dawg says:

          A$$ kisser.

        • outkasted says:

          I blame it on my PC at work…When I saw it at home on the imac i can see it clearly now. I’m still debating about the shy beneath the armpit though.

          • Micro says:

            “I blame it on my PC at work… When I saw it at home on the imac i can see it clearly now. ” – Oh that’s definitely a new one.

        • Definitely a stumpy arm, blue sky under that, and three disengaged fingers holding the bouquet! I know I would have been fired for shoddy work like that! Or would have done the firing!!

      • pepper says:

        All Minister Furbrt needs to do is go on the “peoples Show ” and the host will give him all the time in the world to explain….like he did today with the Premiers press secretary !!!even though the host said to all callers only five minutes folks !!!!remember the last election ? the host was all about the P,L.P.and the host on Hott was only interested in the P.L.P. callers? well you lot it has started again….I hope Mr Perry is paying attention…..

      • Kendaya Ariana says:

        Okay, at first glance it does look funny. I agree with you Come Correct. It is an illusion. People need to study it some more. Her arm is around the back of his neck, so what you see is her under arm. Cleanly shaved by the way. There is no error. Lift your arm up as if you are putting it around someone’s neck. Give it a few more moments…you will see it too. There is a small space between them…that’s where you see the sky.

  8. Family Man says:

    If her arm is down at her side who’s holding the flowers? Or does she have three arms? Bermuda, so much more …arms.

  9. Really? says:

    4 MILLION dollars using a Foreign Advertising Agency I might add!!!!!
    Money well spent, standing strong for you????

    Why wasnt local company hired for this contract. PLP Deception and Hypocrisy at its height…

    P.L.P Please. Leave. Promptly

    • Think First says:

      A better question might be, why isn’t the Govt. dept. for ads doing these jobs for tourism?????

    • pepper says:

      this is pathetic !!!! I am not standing strong . remember globul hue ? …and here we go again…..

  10. YES MATE! says:

    You get what you pay for, and when you pay as much as we do you can afford a model with three arms.

  11. wow... says:

    Wow how Pathetic!

  12. ABM says:

    Nothing wrong with the picture. Looks to me like her arm is around his shoulders holding the flowers. I have a photo similar to this one of myself and my wife and it was not photoshopped. However, the space between us is much bigger. So to say this is bad photoshopping, I just do not see it.!

    • Micro says:

      I agree, not a bad ‘shop. As you can see, the arm is extended, you can see the armpit, and the extension of the arm out away from the body. Only thing I see wrong is the poor choice of lighting, and a few nit-picky things, being a photographer myself.

      • QED says:

        Her arm has been chopped off. Look at the triangle of sky!

        • r.matts says:

          Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s a real gap between her arm and his shoulder. The angle is funny, but she’s standing above with her arm extended, his head is resting on the inner part of her shoulder, you can see her armpit. It looks like the angle just makes it seem like it’s fake.

        • Micro says:

          Theres a triangle of sky on the other arm as well, has that one been chopped off and re-added?

          It’s not chopped off at all. If you would actually take time to look at it properly and not be so quick to judge, you’ll see there’s absolutely nothing wrong there other than the horrible air brushing and post colour work by the image editor.

    • MPP says:

      I don’t see the problem either, and I love spotting the issues in PSD’s.

      Nothing to see here…

    • Bermuda Love says:

      ABC I hope u never take my picture. U clearly can’t c.

    • Local says:

      Yup. Just an awkward angle.

  13. longtail says:

    Whatsmatter with you folks…. clearly the model is deformed!!! This is the new Bermuda – adds featuring the physically handicapped, gays will not be far behind!!! Human rights for all – just in time for the election!!!!

    PLP – deceiving you since 1998!!!!

    • pepper says:

      Amen..enough is enough !!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS…

  14. Ricardo Cardoso says:

    I see why there could be some confusion, but have a closer look at the picture. The shadows suggest that her shoulder muscles are engaged in a lateral position meaning that her arm is in its natural position and is wrapped around the shoulder of the ‘groom’. The perspective of the photographer is what is throwing people off as you would expect to see darker tones between them, but instead he/she is shooting into the sky resulting in brighter tones in that area.

    I wouldn’t consider this to be a photoshop fail but it is a bit awkward.

    • Hang up and call again says:

      I agree – the only issue is the awkwardness of the shoulder, but it’s not unnatural either. I’d reconsider a different shot perhaps, but it’s not a disaster. The “blue sky” is obviously his shirt collar and her fingers are wrapped around the bouquet. Her arm wraps over his shoulder with her elbow probably bent a bit along his back.

      • Portia says:

        No, the blue sky is NOT his shirt collar! I can see his collar just fine, it is framing his red tie. If one has to look at it THAT HARD and think of scenarios in order for the picture to make sense, then something is wrong.

  15. Sweetpea says:

    Plenty of Bermudians need work and you keep outsourcing work !!! Fire this ad agency NOW and hire Bdians who can do a DAMN better job!! When is this election?!??!

  16. Jai says:

    I agree her shoulder looks frightening and why have her towering above him? Maybe & I think she needed more accessories – longer earing and a neck piece here – it looks too plan for me!

  17. Jai says:

    Sorry it looks too ‘plain’ for me! The beautiful bouquet needed to be infront of her!

  18. BERMUDA IS SO MUCH MORE????? says:


    Quote on quote:


  19. Joanna says:

    “armless error!! LOL

  20. oh my durr says:

    only 5 milly. in my books thats one of governments best investments

  21. pebblebeach says:

    This is so funny but sad…Mr Minister…

    • pepper says:

      All he needs to do is like I said go on “the peoples show and the Sherri show and will try to bull sh!t us once again.. thank God for Gina Spence, she is so balanced..

  22. Hmmm says:

    This just a case of photo shop gone wrong!

  23. better than coffee! says:

    thats not a photoshop error..its photographer error, he was at the wrong angle whilst taking this photo. It does look like she has a really muscular arm however if its that big and wrapping around his shoulders.

  24. Joonya says:

    Wow, who was the amateur reviewing the final draft and signing the paycheck check…. oh yeah singing Furbit! So much more garbage.. so much more incompetence, circa 1998…

  25. Bullseye says:

    Ok maybe the blue is a hanky coming from his pocket to accent his shirt. Her arm is wrapped around him so maybe she had hideous armpits so they started to touch it up and went to lunch before finishing. It’s awful regardless.

  26. Xeno Kills says:

    That man’s neck or throat must be hurting. Why did they photoshop her in the first place? Her arm could have been around the man and holding the flowers. Did she have armpit hair? So Much More…epic fails!

  27. TJ says:

    This is ridiculous, I sure hope you get your money back. Ever hear of proofing material before it goes out. Regardless who is responsible for it, this represents Bermuda so we all look back. Get it together!!!

  28. Awesome says:

    Bermuda so much more… than mutant brides with no arms

    Bermuda so much more… than decent editing

    Bermuda so much more… than moronic tourism department

    Bermuda so much more… than gramatical and visual errors in ad campaigns

    Also – hmm.. this is the mistake you are going to make with an OBVIOUS photo what the heck is going on with our budget, land tax numbers, etc

  29. Bedhead says:

    Maybe she is has and extra boob
    and that is cleavage!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. meow! says:

    This is just a hot mess,looks at first glance she is fixing a wardrobe malfunction, then at closer glance can see stump and sky visible , looks like three arm bandit, but the hair, looks like a weave in the back, not a proper hair dye, its all so much more than a faux pas, ..creepy..

  31. redhot says:

    how did this go out? ad agencies are fired for much less.

  32. PhotoPro says:

    There is no photoshopping error there, it is an illusion.

    • Joonya says:

      either way, another shot should have been chosen, arm placement adjusted, etc.

  33. QFF says:


    • say it like it is. says:

      big time! The Tourism Board dosen;t know what the heck they are doing yet? Cheeze, make us all look like fools, why don;t you Wayne.

  34. Dude says:

    Photo is fine… save it to your desktop and zoom in if you need to see it closer…

  35. old mans beard says:

    it is not photoshopped – her arm extends behind his back. The blue sky should be where it is. Her underarm is paler than on top so it looks shopped. Definitely an eye-catching and perhaps neck-breaking pose…

  36. Family Man says:

    The whole photo shows off that Bermuda sky so well doesn’t it. Nothing says Bermuda like a sky like that. Nope, that photo could only have been taken in Bermuda. It just amkes we want to jump on the next plane.


  37. Triangle Drifter says:

    Even as a thuumbnail the photo is obviously oh so wrong. Whoever screwed up needs to payback some serious compensation. Who in the DOT proofed this add. Need staff cutbacks? This person would be a good start.

  38. JPizzle says:

    Not PSed…just an ugly/awkward shoulder area.

  39. street wise says:

    You mean to tell me that our foreign ad agency couldn’t find a better stock photo of a kiss… and at least show something of Bermuda in the background. Basic stuff.

    Maybe that’s her boob that’s flopped out… and her right arm looks shorter than her other arm too. Or am I just seeing things?

    Weird photo for sure, with absolutely no obvious connection to Bermuda.

    We have way better local ad agencies than these lot.

  40. marisa says:

    they tried…and failed

  41. A photog says:

    Well its almost as big as the mistake in one of their videos where they say Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is St. Davids Lighthouse guess its time to use locals to d othe adds ha BDOT?

  42. No mistake says:

    It’s not photoshopped. Just looks awkward.

    Look again.

  43. King Jammys says:

    and the PLP embarrassment continues….

  44. This Is Not News says:

    This is absurd it’s an optical illusion and her arm is clearly around his back, why would they photoshop this???

    How is this even news??

  45. Little Sound says:

    The other picture has a spelling mistake

  46. it’s an optical illusion and her arm. As A retoucher I looked at this closely and there seems to be little (if any) editing under her armpit may have been edited to reduce the hairs etc. but this is just a case of bad angle. Also to cease the speculation. I have heard it was shot by a LOCAL photographer Mr Lesur. Also this was paid for by the Dept. of Toursim from their allocated budget. So how does this become a plp issue. Even if it was the OBA in power right now they could not be blamed for this. The department will and the people working in/for them will and always have remain the same. Only the Ministers change. The working body under the ministers have always been there.

    • .am says:

      This photo wasn’t commissioned – it was submitted.

    • outkasted says:

      I too thought it was photoshopped. It is a weird angle and distorts the view. I blame it on my PC at work. When I came home and look at this image on my Apple 24″ iMac I can clearly see what is going on. DOT is NOT to blame. Its Dell!

  47. lightbulb..... says:

    Forgive me for asking what I think is not a stupid question. But would it not be easier just to take a picture of a bride holding a bouquet kissing a groom in bermuda?

  48. Big says:

    She looks deformed in this picture!

  49. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    shoulda used a taller guy or a shorter woman …the pic is crap anyway.

  50. AJTGRAPHICS says:

    Ok…..so coming from a Graphic Designers point of view (yes, I am a graphic designer myself) I must say this is absolutely appauling!!!! I am lost for words how anyone could over look something like this before releasing, let alone the designer him/herself!!!! and for the price tag they were paid for all this ad work for government………I only have a 3 letter word for this……..WOW……..that is all that can be said. In the future BDA GOV, if you need a designer that actually shows PRIDE and EXCELLENCE in his work and lives within BERMUDA and you wont have to pay over a million bucks for it to be done……HIT ME UP!! :)

  51. outkasted says:

    ok I do have EGG Completely on my FACE!!!

  52. HeyBye says:

    The current BDOT now is a bunch of amuteurs unlike when Mr Tourism,Mr Woolridge ran it.
    I bet thet got some cut rate operation on the cheap to do the editing and someone — that the Bermuda tax payer was billed for.

    This Gov is an absolute rip off to all of Bermuda.

    • HeyBye says:

      Why was my post edited?

      • Bernews says:

        Sorry about that, but we will be quickly sued out of business if we allow people/groups be accused of illegal acts in the comment section without proof as its considered libel and defamation. We genuinely appreciate all comments that people take the time to leave, but have worked hard to build this site and would like to stay in business for years to come so we need to adhere to legal aspects to do so…

  53. Arthur - Atlanta says:

    As a graphic designer that works with photoshop daily, I say yes it is a photoshopped picture. Zooming in on the picture shows two easy clues that it is photoshopped.
    1) The blue sky triangle body part is perfectly straight across. There is NO perfectly straight part on the human body.
    2) The 45% angle of the arm pit line is only available on the human body when the arm is pointing down so it is impossible for her arm to be around his neck holding flowers and have that same arm pit line angle (look in a mirror and try to duplicate that) it will be an almost 90% angle with an arm around his neck (especially with her taller than him) and the underside/inner part of the arm pit would be showing. Again try it with your own body in front of a mirror.

  54. 5boro says:


  55. tubby says:

    please folks, look closer its a hanki in his pocket, which matches his blue shirt. there is no space.

  56. tubby says:

    sorry, im wrong its the sky, its perfect. like previous bloggers its how you look at it. the top straight line ok the space between them is the line under her arm.

  57. PantyRaider says:

    Look closer! Her arm is around his shoulder. That space between them is her arm pit. People made this a big deal for nothing…

  58. Do any of you out there know this girl? None of us are perfect you know; my mother once told me that I should not mock the afflicted!

  59. Family Man says:

    So Bruce Leseur submitted his photo to BDOT for free and we paid the
    Fuseideas a few million to screw it up?

    PLP, Standing strong for Bermuda …. how?

  60. meow! says:

    yeah, how does this photo get submitted from 2010 files and selected for a 4million dollar 2012 campaign!!!!!!!!!!everything including the dated clothes is awful..he is straining his neck to look up to her and she looks like a she/he…sorry can’t get over that awful weave….its ridiculous…all of these desperate attempts just make us look desperate….why are we doctoring photos to promote our island????????we are beautiful and don’t need to pay other people to take our picture!!sigh…….

  61. Most of you are wrong

  62. dingbat! says:

    so according to update oct.6th–the ‘fusideas co’is not responsible for photo but who was responsible for photo still being used!!!who is responsible for website!!!the photo is still weird!!!whether it was put out in 2010 is irrelevant it was still used in 2012 after millions was given to start NEW campaign!