OBA To Host Sandys South Town Hall Meeting

October 11, 2012

The One Bermuda Alliance will be hosting a Sandys South Town Hall on Wednesday October 17th at 7pm at the Dalton Tucker Primary School.  Topics will include crime, the economy, employment, education, senior citizens and more. Panelists will include Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier,  Shadow Finance Minister  Bob Richards,  OBA MP Louise Jackson as well as OBA candidates Toni Spring, Jeff Baron, Andrew Simons and Leah Scott.

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  1. hmmm says:

    Why is Louise on the panel? She isn’t even a candidate. Why don’t they allow one of their new candidates like Nandi or Alexis to have the spotlight? Or are they afraid that they may not be able to speak on the issues?

    • Just the Facts says:

      Let’s focus on who is speaking, rather than on who is not, shall we? I see new candidates there…Toni Spring, Jeff Baron, Andrew Simons and Leah Scott…all of whom are well qualified candidates committed to putting Bermuda before party, friends and family. You clearly have a thing about Nandi Davis and Alexis Swan (and maybe young women in general?), but sorry, can’t help you with that.

      • hmmm says:

        Toni Spring is only introducing. Which is surprising being that she is the candidate for Sandys South.

        Else for the others I’m not surprised as I haven’t heard Nandi or Alexis utter a stance on any issue since being unveiled. Its not a criticism. It is truth. Hopefully they learn to or they will be eaten alive at the polls.

  2. VOTE NO to OBA says:

    This is a paid political announcement brought to you by Bernews?

    What’s new? Nothing but the old guard wanting power for their money people. Don’t trust this lot!

    Before their trolls enter, the PLP is not perfect, we know that. Which government is? I prefer to live with PLP mistakes than take a chance with the OBA change because I just don’t trust them to provide fair representation. They are looking to take us back, but social programmes, future care, civil servants – ask Bob the Snob – cut grants to EEZ.

  3. VOTE NO to OBA says:

    They are looking to take us back, CUT social programmes, future care, civil servants – ask Bob the Snob – cut grants to EEZ.

  4. Vote PLP says:

    What can Nandi and Alexis speak of? The latest fashion at the local pubs? Have you heard them on the OBA Jina Spence show? I did, empty sentences. Good Middle school debaters can speak better those 2. Better the audition for the Um Um show – OBA UM UM Barritt can help them out with their lines.

    • Bermyman says:

      And the intellectual capital within the PLP is what?? A couple of second rate university degrees between them? Some have not even finished high school!

      • Take A Break says:

        Please don’t insult those woman, I have never heard of UMM UMM and you speak of the middle school system as if it is a good thing YOUR PARTY should have took that out a long time ago.

        • hmmm says:

          Your run on sentence with numerous grammatical errors shows you didn’t do well in school.

        • PLP all de way says:

          OBA/UBP is responsible for the middle school system. Now you’re saying the OBA/UBP will remove middle school. Either you have a university degree or not. Some of us couldn’t attend Ivy League schools like you Gibbons and Dunkleys.

  5. LOL (original TM*) says:

    Wow and you lot say all the negativity comes from the OBA supporters…………………………….


  6. Truth is killin' me... says:

    When the grip on power is losing grasp as each day passes the green venow will spew forth more and more!!!

    • @ truth is killin’ me…… you can’t be serious.The power grip was lost from the upper class, elite group in Bermuda in 1998 and since which we have had nothing but hatred spit out. As a young woman in her 30s, I never thought I would see the clear division of Class and Race as I have over the last 14 years.

      The OBA/UPB or whatever other name shall be stated, has created the same division they so claim the PLP has capitalized off since being in power. The ad running now states PLP as the source for the gun violence in Bermuda. SERZ? As someone who has lost someone close to the gang war… I resent that any party would be blamed. Just remember when the groups were classified as gangs, it was stated all through the UBP Rag…opps the RG that there were no gangs in Bermuda. When the school system was changed to the current Middle School…. ruin the youth Mega School system, it was the best thing for the education system. Of course, what would then happen???? Well lets read off the Warwick Academy website……..

      In 1990 the Bermuda Government indicated that it intended to reform the public system of education, removing selection and embracing a 3-tier system of primary, middle and secondary schools. It saw Warwick Academy’s future as a middle school within these new arrangements.

      The Warwick Academy Board of Governors could not accept this and, after prolonged discussion, decided to return the school to its private status. It originally intended to do this in 1992 but, following talks with the Government, delayed the change of status until 1995. Warwick Academy did, however, open a private Primary School in September 1992.

      Making it harder for black children to get an elite education…. Not even the established White school bought into the concept…….

      Thanks….. oh and FYI some OBA candidates are not high class. So watch those stone throwing comments by your fellow supporters…. cause some of us can talk good stories of your new east candidate, and Glass Houses always break.

      • observer says:

        What about the performance of the last 14 years? Have we gotten better or worst? Place your vote on that!