Q&A With Aladdin Christmas Pantomime Actors

December 4, 2012

This year’s Christmas Pantomime at City Hall is Aladdin, and two of the actors have answered a Q&A about the upcoming performance. Dion Ming who plays “Wishee-Washee” Aladdin’s cheeky brother, and Alan Brooks as the Dame, who is their mother.

There is a free opening night special for children to meet the Stars of Aladdin and have their picture taken with them. Aladdin runs from December 6th – 15th, 2012 at City Hall, starting at 7.30pm with matinees on December 8th, 9th & 15th at 3pm. Tickets for this year’s Pantomime are $35, visit www.bmds.bm for more information.

Q&A Dion Ming/Wishee – Washee:

You played Buttons in last year’s pantomime, what is it about Panto that you enjoy the most?

What I love about the panto is the lighthearted nature of the script. The script is written such that the audience both old and young alike are able to share the experience together and take something from it. The panto comes to us at such a great time of year. The Christmas season is geared towards “The Family”, and the panto is a great way to bring the family together for a laugh, a cry, but more importantly good clean fun. I have had a love for the theatre since early childhood. Nowadays, I find the stage to be an escape from my day-to-day routine.

You won Singing for Success a few years ago, is singing a career you would like to pursue?

I would love to pursue singing as a career. Music is a universal language and I would love to use my gift to better the livelihood of my peers. The stage is my calling and I plan to move to London eventually in pursuit of my dreams.

Without giving too much away what is your favourite bit of Aladdin?

My favorite bit of Aladdin would be any bit involving the dame, Widow Twankey. Alan Brooks has done such a remarkable job bringing this character to life.

Q&A with Alan Brooks / Widow Twankey:

This is your first time playing the Dame – what made you want to audition for the role?

It is not a role I would normally take, but I was aware that the previous actors who have played the Dame were unavailable. I sensed that the Director / Producers were in a jam, so I thought I would help out – there was also some gentle persuasion by Kim Day!

As well as playing the Dame, this year you also played the crazy Nazi in The Producers, what role would you most love to play?

Nothing specific really. I tend to fit into comic roles and enjoy them very much, but from time to time I like to stretch myself either by doing something more serious (Prof Faber in Fahrenheit 451, or Shakespeare) or something which tests my skills to a greater extent (Michael in God of Carnage). For me, the bottom line, in addition to having fun on and off stage, is working with a cast and crew to ensure that the audience get a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Without giving too much away what is your favourite bit in this year’s Aladdin?

There is a lot to choose from! – Wow! – The ‘chemistry’ between the actors is good, but if I had to opt for something in particular, I would say the scene where Aladdin finds the lamp. Everything comes together here – good set, good acting, good lighting and sound effects and that essential ingredient to panto, children in the form of the junior chorus.

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