BEPRO Matches Funds Raised For Chewstick

March 22, 2013

Following their collaboration with The Chewstick Foundation for the annual ‘Argus Walks the Walk’ charity event, Bermuda’s Emerging Professionals [BEPRO] took their philanthropic endeavor one step further by matching funds raised for the eclectic organization from the popular walk.

Deidra-Lee Bean, Chewstick Foundation’s Volunteer Coordinator and Administrative Officer, was presented with a cheque for the matched funds, on Wednesday, 20 March, by LaKea Dill, current Co-chair of BEPRO at the Chamber of Commerce office. Upon receipt, Deidra stated gratefully, “We (Chewstick) truly appreciate this gesture from BEPRO.

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“Our past involvement in the walk has seen smaller numbers and we enjoyed having a larger, highly energetic group this year as a result of BEPRO’s participation with us. We are looking forward to working with them (BEPRO) throughout the year on other events.”

Also in attendance for the presentation were some of BEPRO’s Board Members Matthew Ringer, Aliyyah Ahad, Damian Pitcher, Tiffany Swainson, Velina Wheatley, Sharmaine Landy, and, Nathan Atcheson.

On behalf of BEPRO’s Community Division, Nathan stated, “It was indeed a pleasure working with Chewstick for a good cause and we appreciate all they do within our community. We are looking forward to partnering with them on future endeavors this year.”

BEPRO is dedicated to serving the community through such initiatives as its partnership with Chewstick and continues to encourage other professionals to become members for the opportunity to do the same while building upon professional skills and connecting with other driven individuals from various industry backgrounds. For more information on BEPRO membership, contact Velina Wheatley at

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