Man Pleads Guilty To Robbery, Remanded

July 15, 2013

A 26-year-old man was remanded into custody today [July 15] after he pleaded guilty in Magistrates Court to robbing another man.

Treadwell Smith initially pleaded not guilty and upon hearing that Senior Magistrate Archie Warner planned to remand him into custody until October, asked if could change his plea. The Magistrate agreed, and the charges were re-put and Smith then pleaded guilty to each charge.

The charges were that in July 2013, he had robbed the male victim of $35 cash and some keys and had used force in doing so. The second charge was that he had entered the man’s dwelling and had stolen a BlackBerry Curve worth $900, $150 cash, and some clothes.

The Court heard that Smith had accosted the man and asked for a cigarette. Two other men then appeared and Smith had subsequently grabbed him from behind and held him in a headlock.

The victim had then been robbed of his keys and wallet. The keys had been used to enter his nearby apartment and there, after some rummaging around, he had been robbed of the items On leaving, the victim was told that if he called police and they found out that police were looking for them, they’d come back.

Smith said that he had tried to go back to the victim’s apartment so that he could apologize. Through the Duty Counsel, Smith said that he had been forced by others to take part in this incident.

The Magistrate ordered a Social Inquiry Report and remanded Smith into custody with a sentencing date in August 2013.

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  1. Fed Up says:

    well who are the others…………….

  2. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    Lock his a** up till he rats out the others…then lock ALL of them up.

  3. Lizzy says:

    O.k.-maybe I’m missing something here, but I don’t get this. The judge was going to remand him into custody, so he changed his plea to ‘guilty’ knowing (I’m sure) that the judge would still remand him into custody???

    Maybe he felt that ‘fessing up would mean a lighter sentence later on, but wouldn’t it make sense to leave the plea as ‘not guilty’ on the chance that he might get off later? Maybe he knew the evidence was overwhelming or something but I just don’t get the rationale behind the thinking. I don’t understand why one would change their plea from ‘not guilty’ to ‘guilty’ solely because the judge says you’d be remanded until trial, knowing that you’d still be remanded anyway.

    As I said, maybe I’m missing something or just don’t think like a criminal but if anyone would care to enlighten me as to why this makes sense, please do so…

    (The other reason may be that he wants this to count against his time when he’s eventually sentenced but wouldn’t this time on remand still count even if he left it as ‘not guilty’ but was found guilty? It just seems stupid to change it when there’s a chance that he could get off…)

    • Um Jus Sayin' says:

      Who said that he was smart, or had enough or any C.S.?
      *Remember: C.S. (Common Sense) is not that common.

    • lovely says:

      well Lizzy if he gets off then we have failed again until another murder.just saying

  4. Babylon says:


    By pleading not guilty, he would have been on remand for a long time waiting for trial. By pleading guilty, his remand will be much shorter as he need only await the next sentencing hearing.

  5. Lizzy says:

    @Babylon: But it’s only by two months-you’d think he’d take his chances and go to trial and maybe walk altogether than plea guilty now. Even if he’s on remand longer and then gets found guilty in October, those additional two months on remand would be taken into consideration and chopped off his sentence. It seems to me that it’s better to just plea ‘not guilty’, set it down for trial and take one’s chances. What’s an extra couple of months when looking at the possibility of walking free altogether???

    Anyway, i don’t know why I’m so busy trying to analyze the minds of criminals…he sounds like he belongs behind bars anyway…I just don’t get it…

  6. bermyfootball says:

    Daammn. Black berry curve $900? Thing must shoot missles

  7. Pathetic says:

    Well, if the plea of ‘not guilty’ being changed to ‘guilty’ in this case seems a bit foolish, maybe you haven’t heard how truly stupid one of the other robbers were. Please tell me, how stupid must one be to rob a man overnight then get up the next morning to attend court for an unrelated incident with the stolen good IN YOUR POCKET!! (Obviously then being arrested on the spot.) Only on this island, smh, young men these days are more ignorant than we think.