Williams Wins Chivas Cricket Sportsman Award
The Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] announced the winner of the weekly Chivas Cricket Sportsman Award is Dennis Williams from Devonshire Recreation Club.
A spokesperson said, “Dennis works tirelessly for the good of senior and junior cricket at DRC. He coaches/mentors and guides his young players in senior league cricket. He also sets a good example for his fellow cricketers.
“Dennis is the focal point for organizing junior cricket at DRC and is very active and supportive for all initiatives in youth cricket across BDA. He has taken a day off from work to be the Head Coach for the U17 East all-star team today [Aug 23] at Somerset CC.”
Stop accepting sponsorship from liquor dealers(Chivas)for sports.How about converting sports club bars into day care centers so they are not reliant upon drugs,although legal,to make money.