2014 Black Friday Sales, Store Opening Hours

November 27, 2014

[Updated] A slew of the island’s retailers are gearing up to offer deeply discounted rates for Black Friday, an American shopping tradition which has gained popularity in Bermuda in recent years.

We will update this article throughout the day with additional information, and if you would like your store listed, please email your opening hours and/or a flyer to info@bernews.com.

Some stores are set to open at 4.00am tomorrow, while iClick said “we don’t like get up early either,” and will be open from 8pm – midnight tonight, offering a host of specials.

Store Opening Hours on Friday Nov. 28:

  • Midnight: Arnold’s Discount Warehouse on Ewing St.
  • Midnight: CellOne
  • 4.00am: Digicel on Church Street
  • 4.00am: Annex Toys
  • 4.00am: Brown & Co
  • 4.00am: The Phoenix
  • 4.00am: P Tech
  • 5.00am: Gibbons Company
  • 5.00am: Pulp & Circumstance
  • 5.30am: Orange Bay, Mills Creek
  • 6.00am: Audio Visual
  • 6.00am: ER Aubrey on Queen St
  • 6.00am: Mystiques Unique

Bermuda Black Friday Store Sale Promos, some will click to enlarge for easier viewing

digicel blacl friday

iclick bermuda






Mystiques Unique





kit n caboodle


Black Friday Final-1




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Comments (30)

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  1. Michael says:

    Good luck shoppers… And may the odds be EVER in your favour!

  2. puma says:

    actually …Masters…and Gorhams provide parking…as does Belco….all the rest allow coh to run villy nilly….and coh should not be allowed to use our roads outside Hamilton as consequence of their GREED”

  3. N/A says:

    I don’t mean to be a Scrooge here, but I find it incredibly disrespectful that this Thanksgiving holiday is still celebrated, I know its an American holiday, but we still indirectly celebrate it as well in Bermuda with Black Friday etc. Do we not realize what was done to Native Americans by the Americans? Theft of land, rape, murder, intentionally giving the Native Americans blankets covered in smallpox, etc. Is this something to be thankful for?? Sure, shop til you drop with all the sales, just be aware of why the holiday is celebrated..

    • Yahoo says:

      Get a grip… we Bermudians love any day off!

      • Kunta says:

        Um do we get a day off for thanksgiving, I don’t think so.
        But most Holidays are Eurocentric by nature and you are correct de Europeans were starving and de Natives feed them and taught them how to grow food and in return, well de rest is History.
        Give Thanks.

    • Rhonnie aka BlueFamiliar says:

      I think you miss the point of Thanksgiving. It is a time to be grateful for those around us, family and friends, and things of the past year, and all the good in our lives.

      There is no doubt that many horrible things were done to the First Nations during the spread of Europeans and then Americans across the continent. But one can celebrate the holiday without glorifying those actions.

      Personally, I’ve always thought that the whole shopping thing was counter to the feelings behind Thanksgiving, but to each their own. It’s not my holiday, nor do I indulge in the Black Friday shopping, but if people find pleasure in both, there is hardly harm.

      But yes, history should not be forgotten.

      • N/A says:

        I have not missed the point of Thanksgiving. I understand very well why some people are grateful for it. You should be grateful for your family and friends everyday, regardless of whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other day of the year.

    • Stunned... says:

      I am glad to see that there is empathy for the First Nation on this sad occasion.

    • Ghost Writer says:

      N/A – way to be a Negative Nancy… Why don’t you look at the positive aspects of Thanksgiving instead? Giving thanks for what you do have… You can’t change the past but you can make the future (if you stop being so negative).

      • America says:

        America! **** Yeah! Gonna come and save the motha ****** day yeah!

  4. Devonshire says:

    Bermudians need there own culture and identity and stop tryna yank others

    • Kunta says:

      We do, de Gombeys and Cup Match, and MOST of us were courteous and friendly but due to outside influence and de dog eat dog mentality that infiltrated our communities, that has all changed.

      • Creamy says:

        By “outside influence”, you must mean rap music, gang culture, that kind of thing.

    • Tell the Truth says:

      We do ya moron. Thats like saying we shouldnt celebrate Christmas. Black Friday shopping is copying a culture? Lmao.

      • Devonshire says:

        Dear Tell the Truth,

        Actually it is you who is the moron if you do not realize that capitalized consumption is a consumer driven culture and perpetuated by the increasingly globalised economy. It is unfortunate that you do not understand that. It is also unfortunate that we as Bermudians have not only adopted it but continue to feed into it as if we are celebrating the birth of whom SOME might qualify as our lord and savior Jesus Christ which is also marketed to be anything but in the celebration of Christmas.


        • Tell the Truth says:

          You must be fun at parties. Thank you for proving my point though you hypocrite. I bet you travel frequently to he United States to indulge in “capitalized consumption”. Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Me Again says:

    I think its a bit sad the Bermuda has come to this. It’s a boost for retailers for sure, but we are getting wrapped into this nonsense. Surly if Retailers can do crazy discounts for one day out of they year, why not lower you mark up a bit so lower prices can be enjoyed year around. I am sure they will get more costumers in the door year around then once a year. Then again what do I know…..

    • Kunta says:

      That’s why I’ll buy a ticket, get better bargains ,better quality, more options and SNOW.

      • QAQ says:

        I wonder do you factor in your time and travel and import expenses into your bargains.

        I’d much rather spend a little more here and support the economy than saving a little but taking money off island.

        Can’t argue with the snow though.

      • Kangoocar says:

        And that is why you are a Kunta !!! You are always on here complaining about the the way Bermudians are treated as second class ( which you really mean only black Bermudians ) but you and your ways is exactly why many cant find work here!!! You straight up said that you would prefer to support businesses in other countries and you wonder why local biz can’t hire the very same people you pretend to fight for??? Sorry champ, I travel every other month and could NOT tell you the last time I had to pay customs duties, I buy whatever I can here because whether you like it or not, I am a white Bermudian that does support Bermuda’s economy!!!!

        • Kangoocar says:

          Should of added, my last overseas travel I returned on Nov 12th, ( day after our last holiday ) and I was aghast at the Bermudians who held up the departure time because all their shopping would not fit in the overhead bins on the plane??? I guess they thought that paying the extra $25 to have it as checked baggage was more important than holding up those of us that shop locally??? At least I had solace in the fact that I enjoyed my cocktail while waiting for all those that are intent on keeping their fellow Bermudians un employed while they continue to shop OVERSEAS!!!

      • Creamy says:

        You’re anti-Bermudian.

  6. Thanks says:

    Thanks to all the Companys out there saving us money with these great deals.

  7. say it aint so says:

    Was not the Americans, was the Spanish and English!

  8. say it aint so says:

    Won’t shop here for Black Friday. A few of these stores offer old merchandise and jack up the prices on new merchandise. Not worth it.

  9. C says:

    why do we hv to always b like America. Why can’t Bermuda have the same sales maybe before Bermuda Day. Let it be our sale day. Why can’t we just be Bermuda for a change.

  10. nick says:

    it was the day after thanksgiving when slave traders would sell slaves for a discount price to assist plantation owners with more helpers for the cutting and stacking of fire wood, and winterprofoofing ect, hence the name BLACK FRIDAY,,, just some holiday history have a safe one,