Governor: “An Attack On The Community”

December 8, 2014

“Last night’s incident saw the sad and unnecessary death of yet another young man; followed by an attack on a police officer doing his duty on behalf of the whole community – in a real sense, an attack on the community,” Governor George Fergusson said this evening [Dec 8].

At around 8.30pm last night, police responded to a shooting that took place on South Avenue in the Sunnyside Park area of Southampton, which saw 29 year old Prince Edness fatally shot, and the suspects fire at a police officer who was chasing them.

Speaking at a press conference today, Acting Commissioner of Police Paul Wright said, “Last night a very courageous police officer driving a marked police [Jeep] patrol car was shot at as he gave chase to a motorcycle carrying two suspects fleeing from the scene of a murder in which a self-identified gang member was shot dead.

“The police officer was fired upon and his police vehicle was disabled as it was struck by bullets. Thankfully the police officer was not injured and he maintained the presence of mind to provide important information to other attending officers in an effort to coordinate the search for the suspects,” added Mr. Wright.

15 minute video of the full press conference today:

In a statement today, the Governor said, “Last night’s incident saw the sad and unnecessary death of yet another young man; followed by an attack on a police officer doing his duty on behalf of the whole community – in a real sense, an attack on the community.

“I know that the all too regular appeals by a Governor for people to pass information can sound routine or even hollow. But the double nature of last night’s attacks – a murder and a direct and dangerous attack on the police – takes us nearer to a line that no sane person in this Island wants to go to.

“So I do directly ask anyone with any useful information to contact the police or the confidential and independent Crime Stoppers hotline. And I would like to commend a particularly brave police officer for his courage and skill,” added the Governor.

Police are asking for anyone who lives in the Sunnyside Park area who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously to contact the Serious Crime Unit on 247-1739 or the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline 800-8477.

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Comments (17)

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  1. Kangoocar says:

    I would like to thank the Govenor for his appeal but maybe it is time for him to go back to the UK Parliament and request that our local government can bring back the hanging law!!!! I think it is time for us to bring that law back and from now on, when we catch these oxygen hoggers, HANG THEM FROM THE FLAG POLE ON FRONT STREET for all to see!!! Beleive me after the first scum bag is hung, we will see a rapid drop in this type of behaviour!!!!!

    • Self says:

      No, we won’t.
      That is not the answer.

    • Raymond Ray says:

      You have my support making such recommendations…Far too much of this $#!t is taking place and people are fed-up with having it take place in their faces!

    • Kunta says:

      What happens when you hang an innocent person?

    • Mike Hind says:

      Capital punishment isn’t the answer. Never has been.

      “Beleive me after the first scum bag is hung, we will see a rapid drop in this type of behaviour!!!!!”

      I’m pretty sure there aren’t any numbers to back up that claim.

      We need to continue calling for Justice, not Vengeance.

      If killing people is wrong, then it’s wrong. Always.

      • Kangoocar says:

        Liberal Mike is back?? Even your Obama finally woke up after years of CALLING FOR JUSTICE and jihad ratcheted up their violence and started beheading American journalist!!! Now, even though your liberal networks are staying quite about it, but Obama has now increased the boots on the ground in the war against those that he thought for years would start behaving themselves if he just ” CALLED FOR JUSTICE” the types that I refer to when I say they need to be hung when cuaght, don’t give a RATS behind when it comes to being nice to them!!! Will your type ever get it????

    • Sara says:

      This will never happen and you know that. Public hanging will never be in the modern world again. Next

  2. jr smith says:

    the death penalty is a disgrace to any civilized country…

  3. Harry Buttle says:

    Ya that’ll fix things. The first guy you hang will see half of Hamilton burnt down or smashed. We already know the death penalty is useless when there are folks out there who refuse to respect the rule of law. You see it every day in the courts where regardless of the proof and being caught red handed these criminals still plead “not guilty”. Hard time, life sentences for really hardened criminals? Send them off to the New Mexico to the hard prison camp – at least there they’ll get treated like they deserve and maybe learn a thing or two.

    • Stefan Dill says:

      Sending them to a place like that would make things even more worse then they already are. Mexican prisons are brutal and if they go there and learn there techniques of brutality Bermuda will never be the same…

  4. aceboy says:

    Round ‘em up. It’s quite simple.

    No more “knuckle touches” and softly softly police interference.

    Gloves are off boys, they are shooting at you now. Arm yourselves and train yourselves.

    Full support here.

  5. Bermuda Jake says:

    The Bermuda Police Service has an excellent record in finding and charging the relevant people in these shootings. Most have been convicted and imprisoned without any social fall out or outcry. They haven’t fired a single bullet and they have the support of most of the community. They even play an active role in social reform. I think we have something other countries can learn from.

    Well done BPS!

  6. Cafe Au Lait says:

    Let us not forget what happened last time someone was hung in Bermuda. Do we really want to go back to that? I don’t think so.

  7. jim hill says:

    Bring back ‘Hard’ time. Prison needs to be scary, a deterrent, not a place to take a break and catch up with your mates.
    When you have violated the human rights of your victim, your rights should be suspended for the length of your sentence.

    • Joey-Bag-O'Doughnuts says:

      Yeah but today’s liberal ideology is that prison is for “rehabilitation” and not punishment. Until we have jails that actually punish these thugs with actual hard labor so that they can reflect about how crappy life is in the can they will continue because jail to them is more like a hotel stay.

  8. Coffee says:

    Nobody heard Marsha ! Nobody felt her pain ! Who cared ? When her innocent son was murdered in Dockyard we let her down by not support her cry , her hearstwrenching pleas to her community , so now we see the Governor talking about an attack on our community . Dammit to hell !