Minister Richards Trip To London Cost $9,397.49

December 9, 2014

bob_richardsAccording to the latest listing on the Government’s travel webpage, Minister of Finance Bob Richards’ trip to the UK last month cost $9,397.49.

The trip took place from Sunday, November 9th to Friday, November 14th, and the webpage listing said: “The Minister of Finance met with Lord Deighton, Commercial Secretary to HM Treasury, to put forward Bermuda’s position of Beneficial Ownership ahead of the upcoming Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council JMC in the UK.

“The Minister also met with various financial institutions in order to explain the benefits of doing business in Bermuda. Finally the Minister was the keynote speaker at the Bermuda Society & Secretariat annual dinner for members and guests.

“The Society promotes the reputation and strengths of Bermuda as an attractive, competitive and well-respected jurisdiction for international companies – across multiple financial sectors – and increases awareness of Bermuda’s value as a good place for international companies to do business.

The Minister’s transport was listed as “Book-a-limo” and accommodation was listed as The Stafford London by Kempinski.


  • Air Travel: $6,294.45
  • Ground Transportation: $588.04
  • Accommodation: $2,250.85
  • Meals: $264.15
  • Miscellaneous: $
  • Total Cost: $9,397.49

The webpage detailing the costs of Minister’s travel went live in October 2014, and you can view all our coverage of it here.

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Comments (55)

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  1. somuchless says:

    I’ve been trying to figure out how the rate they quote for the meals is always so low. Do these Ministers eat at Mc Donald’s or something?

    • Forethebest says:

      Perhaps someone makes him some sandwiches to take, before he goes.

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Maybe he doesn’t rip the a** out of it like the PLP did? Perhaps, he’s behaving like an adult rather than like a child in a candy store?

  2. hanks mon says:

    How does after travel cost 6k? Did he take a private jet or rent a 747?

    • A Better Place says:

      That’s the going rate for a business class ticket to the UK

      • Regina says:

        Yea, and he got a better rate than I did on my last trip. Good for him. I like that these guys know that they are Public Servants and are not on a joy ride on our dime. Thank you!

    • campervan says:

      Oh I expect he was able to rent two private trans Atlantic jets and a 747 for 6k.

      you obviously haven’t been away for a little while:)

  3. Cow Polly says:

    Money well spent

  4. Forethebest says:

    This shows excellent management of Bermudians’ money. It is quite an accomplishment, in London to maintain the profile Mr. Richards does, get his job done and spend so little money.

    • Expat says:

      Yeah fairly frugal I must say … I have colleagues whose cell phones bill is almost the same amount when they travel

      • Toodle-oo says:

        I know people who’s cell phone bills are almost the same and they don’t even leave the island .. lol

        Now that I think of it I bet there’s some connection between that and them going through every cell phone provider available within 2 years and it hasn’t got anything to do with better rates !

  5. X man says:

    Only $264.15 for Food — and $ 6294.45 for Atr Traval — $2250.85 for Accomodations
    so what did they eat Mc Donald’s — somthing is not right – or did they buy there own meals
    Sounds like they Travelled on Private Jet, booked at a first Class Hotel and ate junk food — ?????????

    • Expat says:

      Visiting guests/dignitaries are often provided with lunch/dinner where ever they go … or maybe he did not expense it … either way, surprisingly inexpensive trip

    • Regina says:

      Listen you knuckle heads – most of the events he went to were dinners or luncheons. All he had to pay for was a random breakfast or coffee here or there. Seriously people, use your heads before you spew stupidity. Just think about it for a second before you jump to the keyboard!

      • Stunned... says:

        thank you Regina. folks should appreciate this information is even available nowadays to comment, critique or type foolishness.

      • The Marksman says:

        I could have done the same trip for $ 3000 Dollars less — somthing here is still not right ‘
        it’s just as extravagant as the PLP Trips. — $9000+ is still to expensive – fix this OBA”

        • SMH says:

          You need to travel more. Just as extravagant as PLP trips? Were you even living here during their champagne and platinum years at the trough?

          • Stunned... says:

            Marksman – you need to get off island once every decade. I was low on the totem pole when I worked for an exempt company and they flew me in Business Class with the price of the ticket in the $6k to 7k range. The buffet breakfasts were GBP20 + taxes.

            This Minister’s expenses for the trip were very reasonable. Lay off the nonsense.

    • Hmmm says:

      Probably were guests a dinner organized by the Uk govt at least once.

    • SMH says:

      X man….not everything is a conspiracy. I know we’re not used to it in the decade or so, but some politicians are actually concerned about what’s doing right for their people. Bob Richards is one of them. I think you might be confusing this with the private motor cades and body guards the previous administration traveled with. Welcome to a new world

      • The Marksman says:

        X man was just a little uptight about the Food being so cheap -
        otherwise then that – the Airline ticket was pretty steep “–
        Don’t get me wrong – I think that this trip is a lot more cost effective then when the PLP was Govt.
        MP Bob Richards should have noted more info on his meals.– just looks off’ compared to the rest of the itemized cost.
        I’m going to outright blast X man because I has seen times when he has put Betty in his place.

      • #33 Area Voter says:

        Bob Richards does not care about doing what’s right for the people of Bermuda. Bob Richards has always been about what is right for Bob Richards. Keep your eyes open and just wait until Dec 2017.

    • enough says:

      go price a ticket to the UK and then price hotels in London. I would imaging he was taken out to eat by clients, which is usually what happens when executives are on a business trip. Get your head out of the sand.

    • Seen says:

      A luxury hotel for $450 per night, in London. right….

  6. Guy Carri says:

    What is wrong with you ppl? Food cost is so low because it’s a business trip. Business breakfasts, lunches and dinner. Come on now. That’s how it works.

    The $6k airfare now….. Why first class? You left on a Sunday, you had enough time to “adapt” before your Monday start.

    Which party spoke of no first class travel or using your personal airmiles/money to do so?? I think it was PLP, but still.

    • Mrs.P says:

      FYI traveling on BA he would have arrived Monday morning so business class is the best option for maximizing productivity.

      Bit of the pot calling the kettle there…

    • GoodIdeaBadIdea says:

      6k is business class. Arguably a bit of an extravagance but depends on if he hit the ground running or not. It’s not unusual for executives or senior people to fly business class so that they can make the best of the day they arrive. First class would be more like 10k to London.

      Now if Minister Richards (or any others) were regularly traveling business class to the US or first class to the UK, that would be taking too many liberties. Also traveling with an entourage in business class would be pushing it too.

      Anyway as we know opinions are like @ssholes, everyone has one.

  7. campervan says:

    thank you Minister for not taking a mirror shaded entourage.
    thank you for not staying in top dollar hotel suites
    thank you for not hiring limousines.
    thank you for not living it up on OUR hard earned tax dollars.
    thank you for turning the fiscal mess around and getting RESULTS.

    Minister Richards and the OBA, standing strong for the people of Bermuda.

    • SMH says:

      thank you for not taking body guards
      thank you for not travelling in a motorcade
      thank you for not visiting exotic destinations and calling them tourism trips
      thank you for bring investors back to Bermuda
      thank you for caring what we think!!

  8. swing voter says:

    I appreciated BA on my one and only trip to that island….free drinks in coach back then…I guess they only offer that perk in business class now uncle Bob? LOL

    • Hmmm says:

      Ne was overnight and meetings not long after arrival…apart from dinner, I would imagine the rest was sleep.

  9. Poprock says:

    Love the transparency. Bermuda leading the way!

  10. Encyclopedia says:

    Awesome “transparency” for $9397, but none for $200 million Airport !!

    Way to go, administration !! Keep it up !!

  11. tom cooke says:

    As far as I am aware all regular executives will travel in bissness class on a flight over 4 hrs. . And as our finance minister he more than qualify. ..

  12. North Rock says:

    If this had been you know who they would have stayed in a suite at Browns (no pun intended) and probably rented Bentleys to go from place to place….and they WOULD have taken a private jet !!

    Thank God we have a responsible Government…

  13. Chris Famous says:

    Ministers generally travel with a civil servant to avoid any potential problems.

    Perhaps you recall one of the pitfalls of JetGate was that no civil servants were on the trip.

    Was the minister accompanied by a CS?

    • Guy Carri says:

      A former premier “generally” traveled with a security entourage too….

      Imagine if they posted those expenses!!… airfare, meals, accommodation, transport…

    • SMH says:

      Whether or no he was, let’s face it your going to whine and complain either way.

    • Cow Polly says:

      What potential problems are these Chris?

  14. Tell The Truth says:

    That actually sounds about right. I traveled to London in June. My expenses included coach airfare, taxi to and from Gatwick (luggage didn’t allow for me to use the Gatwick Express) and accommodation (no meals) and was over $6k. Business class airfare would have added another $2K easily. Very reasonable based on my personal experience.

  15. Joseph says:

    This place is a joke.

  16. obasellouts says:

    can do no wrong, lol

    next trip

    10k airfare

    lol, still there will be excuses

    • Common Sense says:

      Perhaps it would be fair if the Government could review expenses for past trips by PLP Cabinet Ministers for similar trips, length of duration, purpose etc. and provide us with a comparison so we can compare apples with applies. Would the PLPsellouts agree that this would be fair and reasonable?

      • Stunned... says:

        as they might say in ‘Mad Men’ or to paraphrase The Colonel…”who cares?”

  17. Just a matter of time says:

    Just went on the British Airways website to check some prices for 5 nights from Jan 11, 2015 eliminating any possible holiday price factor. Seats were available. Business class was $1514 outbound and $3071 inbound totaling $4585 at the lowest and First class was $3221 inbound and $4778 outbound at the lowest. These prices are amazing but moving on. The total of $6294.45 judging from this, definitely suggests he travelled First Class. Was this necessary, why not Business? Please don’t go back to the PLP admin, they did it etc etc blah because any extravagant travelling imo was wrong then as well. What’s the point of this transparency website if the spending is virtually the same?? And yes to that one blogger’s point whereby so much emphasis is made on this propagandist travel expense website (which is what this really is and nothing but a deflection imo), yet where is the transparency on the $200 million airport deal? And why no civil servant accompanying him as part of doing the Govt’s business in a non biased fashion, or have we forgotten Jetgate so quickly? Smh. Anyway… Sorry Creamy, no paragraphs today either.

  18. Brotherhood says:

    On that trip the good minister Richards was modest.
    Now, $165 Million of public money into the first phase of Morgan’s Point is not so affordable.
    Arithmetic: $165 Million / 84 room hotel = $2Million a room before any building takes place!
    The private developers have gotten 229 acres and funding fir plans and clean up.
    - No Land Tax payable for FIVE YEARS following completion.
    - No Hotel Occupancy Tax for FIVE YEARS following the completion of the Hotel.
    - Up to 90% of Paroll Tax refunded for FIVE YEARS .
    - No Stamp Duty on any mortgage associated with the development.
    - No Customs Duty on any building materials, furniture or fittings.
    Link at:'s%20Point%20Resort%20Bill%202014.pdf

    True inward investment deals are happening (e.g. Douglas Greens, Elbow, Pink Beach) and help Bermuda.
    At Morgans Bermuda Gov is borrowing big money – to risk on a private project….
    How’s Bermuda going to pay off its debts from this?

    • Creamy says:

      Except that the government isn’t giving them a penny. It doesn’t add a penny to the debt. Maybe you need to find out what the word “guarantee” means.

      • Brotherhood says:

        Direct from Mr. Richards :

        “Minister Richards was being quizzed on the total amount government would dedicate to phase one of the project as the figure had been increased by $40m to $165m.”
        Morgans Point needs a public guaranty to get a $5m loan – its shaky.
        The Government has a $5M contingent liability on top of giving you 229 acres +

        No Land Tax payable for FIVE YEARS following completion.
        - No Hotel Occupancy Tax for FIVE YEARS following the completion of the Hotel.
        - Up to 90% of Paroll Tax refunded for FIVE YEARS .
        - No Stamp Duty on any mortgage associated with the development.
        - No Customs Duty on any building materials, furniture or fittings.
        Link at:'s%20Point%20Resort%20Bill%202014.pdf

        You byes are getting an eye watering deal.
        Bermuda is in debt.
        This speculative project alone adds 5% + to the $2.3 billion.
        SAGE said we was to start cutting

  19. Stumps Pulled says:

    There will be arguments no matter which way you go really

  20. JetSetter says:

    That bill is pretty reasonable.. Don’t expect this man to fly coach! I’m a 27 year black male and I hardly fly coach.. Business Class isn’t cheap. Hotels are expensive in London, even for a hotel that is a DUMP!

  21. aceboy says:

    Does anyone know what the full cost of the PLP’s trips to India and China cost? Or the football games attended by Dr. Brown and his “body guards”? No? Neither do I.