MPs Donate $800 To Kaleidoscope After Theft

May 31, 2015

After their community garden was hit by thieves over the Bermuda Day holiday – a garden tended by children and intended to raise funds for an enrichment programme – the Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation is finding itself the beneficiary of an $800 donation from local MPs, covering the estimated value of the lost corn crop.

The primary school students who had planted and tended the garden hailed from schools including Prospect Primary, Elliot, and Victor Scott, leading Kaleidoscope teacher Omari Dill to point out the thieves stole from children.

After the theft, Kaleidoscope’s Fiona Rodriguez-Roberts said, “Our garden needs donations to function; we’re a non-profit. One way to not be completely dependent was for us to have our own cash-crop, and we planted a full beautiful crop of corn which was supposed to bring in a nice yield of $800, which is a big chunk of money for our non-profit.”

MPs Nandi Outerbridge and Sylvan Richards presenting the $800 donation:

donation after theft may 2015

The presentation was made on Friday, and OBA MP Nandi Outerbridge said, “This afternoon, a few of our local MPs got together from the OBA and decided to donate $800 to the Kaleidoscope Foundation.

“After reading the story on Bernews how their crop was attacked by thieves, and it was $800 that would have been going towards the charity, we decided to pitch in and donate some money.”

MP Sylvan Richards said, “We’re just pleased to be able to help out in a situation like this, where unfortunately the kids planted corn and were looking forward to reaping their corn, actually harvesting it themselves, and they won’t have that opportunity now because of some selfish individual.

“We hope that this $800 will help take the sting out of that, and they can plant some more corn and hopefully this time harvest it themselves.”

Kaleidoscope’s Fiona Rodriguez-Roberts and Omari Dill spoke to Bernews after the theft:

Speaking on Friday, Ms. Rodriguez-Roberts thanked the community for their “outpouring of love” since the theft, saying the very next day someone came in off the street and made a donation, people have put money in their account, and people have also offered to donate tools and plants to the programme.

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  1. On de Hill says:

    This is what politics should be about. Well done!

    • Mockingjay says:

      So they make $150,000 a year for doing nothing which is twice as much even three times as much as the average hard working Bermudian (not to mention for most of them that’s their side hustle as most of them already have jobs) and give a LITTLE portion, to a worthy cause I must say, which I guess supersedes ALL of the B!@# S!@# they’ve been into.

      • Christopher Notorius says:


      • Yahoo says:

        How much did you donate Mockingjay? Or should we consider your childish comments as your contribution to society?

      • hmmm says:

        They didn’t have to give their money…Why so bitter.

        It was a really nice thing to do for those kids

      • Bermystyle says:

        You sir, are no friend of our youths! Do you even care about the environment our children grow up in. You are a bona fide fool! Time for you to take a nap…you seem cranky!

  2. Kangoocar says:

    Let’s see how long it takes the plp to release a press statement congratulating the OBA on their act of kindness!!! The plp everyday inudate us with nuaseating press releases congratulating something they think their supporters will appreciate, this should be interesting??? I do note that the plp always seem to have razor blades in their pockets when it comes time to be actually charitable themselves???

    • Whistling Frog says:

      Do you think it was done for that purpose? It seems to me that your pouch is getting a bit too tight.

    • frank says:

      For your information there wear other who may have helped out but they did not want a photo up

  3. Raymond Ray says:

    On behalf of others as well as my family I wish to thank our Government Members,(M.P.s Nandi Outerbridge & Sylvan Richards who’d presented the $800 donation) You’ve done a real generous deed and have inspired these individuals to never give up, nor into them that had done such an inconsiderate act…

  4. I and I says:

    Self praise is no recommendation.

    • Zevon says:

      At least they’re not bribing voters with Christmas turkeys.

  5. just askin says:

    Charity with an announcement is just PR.

    • Barracuda says:

      You go ahead and tell that to the children as they plant the new garden.

    • jt says:

      Yeah…all that St.Baldricks coverage should be canned.

      Then again, some might a little publicity can help raise awareness and spur others to contribute.

    • Devonshire says:

      And otherwise there are criticisms that the MPs never give or do anything! They can’t win!!!

  6. Jus' Askin' says:

    “Create the Problem, Become the Solution” ;-)

  7. Terry says:

    At this rate were gonna be eating washed up fish and cherries when the s*** hits the fan.


  8. Blankman says:

    I have a better idea. Find the thieves and kick them firmly between the big toes (a comment made to me by my sensei over 40 years ago).

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Fine the thieves, chain them together, make them dig & replant the garden. Photo that as a warning to the rest who think that night farming is not stealing.

  9. Tough Love says:

    Did they give funds to the other garden by young men that was robbed also? If not they should!