Photos/Videos: 2015 Bermuda College Graduation

May 14, 2015

[Updated with videos] Commencement 2015 at Bermuda College saw over 100 graduates cross the stage to receive certificates in 22 different programmes today [May 14], including 72-year old Richard Powell, who received his Diploma in Culinary Arts.

The event began with a prayer from Rev. Dr. Dwayne Thompson, followed by a welcome from President Dr. Duranda Greene and Patrick Tannock providing the commencement address. Registrar Carleen Place proceeded to confer the Associate Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates, with Dr. Trescot Wilson and Necheeka Trott presenting.

The presentation of Bachelor Degrees was done by Tawana Flood, Direct of the Division of Professional and Career Education, and Dr. Sandi Findlay-Thompson, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Tourism at Mouth Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Waleed Lightbourne then proceeded with the 2015 Graduate Address, followed by a musical tribute to the graduates by Jill Husband, Choir and Board of Governors.

The event closed with an Academic Recession.

“The Associate of Arts [Business Administration] degree is the largest group with 14 graduates,” a spokesperson said previously. “41 percent of the graduating class earned either merit [GPA of between 3.0 – 3.49] or distinction [GPA – 3.5 – 4.0].

Video of the Bermuda College Academic Procession:

“This Commencement will see the graduation of the first eight students of the rigorous Associate Degree in Nursing [ADN] programme. It will also record the oldest graduate, 72-year old Mr. Richard Powell, receive his Diploma in Culinary Arts.

“In addition, there are 16 graduates of the Mount Saint Vincent baccalaureate degree programmes. 14 of the MSVU graduates will be receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree [BBA]; two will receive the Bachelor of Arts [Child & Youth Study - BA].”

90 minute video of the Bermuda College Commencement Ceremony:

Click to enlarge photos:

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  1. Audrey says:

    Always a great thing to see! Congrats to all the graduates!!

  2. Redman says:

    Congratulations to all the graduates & the best of luck on your future endeavors, these will be exciting times. :-)

  3. Jean Foggo Simon says:

    Congratulations. Fulfilling to see so many graduating locally and going on to universities overseas. Wishing you success.