Video: Oracle Team USA Safety Training
Oracle Team USA recently took to the Great Sound for safety training, posted a video of their endeavor on YouTube.
In the video, team strategist Tom Slingsby says, “Today, we’re just trying to a bit more safety training, we’re trying to get a bit more comfortable out here, windy and wavy. Getting comfortable, getting our life jackets off, getting our helmet off if we need to, and putting spare air in.
“It’s one thing doing it in a pool and another thing doing it out here.”
Sailor Tom Johnson says, “We are learning to do it real time, really, just learning how to use the equipment.”
Sailor Andrew Campbell says, “You learn really quickly when you start to panic, and just practicing breathing and controlling your mental state.
Sailor Kyle Langford says, “We’re practicing an extraction and how to get people out of the water and if we have a capsize or an injury where somebody ends up in the water.”
Oracle Team USA recently moved its operations to Bermuda and is training out of its new base at Dockyard in the lead up to the America’s Cup World Series in Portsmouth in July.
A sport whereby one can wet their pants and nobody cares…This is really starting to, “take off”! My family and I are looking forward to the up-coming A.C.