Results: BVA Coppertone Volleyball Tournament

August 30, 2015

The Bermuda Volleyball Association’s annual Coppertone Beach Volleyball Tournament was deemed as a “huge success” yesterday [Aug 29]. In total, the BVA raised $3,800 for the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, which is 100% of all monies collected for the tournament.

A spokesperson said, “The turnout was huge. In the men’s 2′s division we had 13 teams; in the men’s 4′s division there were 7 teams. And in the ladies 2′s division we had 9 teams; and in the ladies 4′s division there were 6 teams.”

The winners are as follows:

Men’s 4′s Division:

First Place: Cootas


Second Place: Kiss My Pass

Kiss My Pass

Third Place: Can You Dig It

Can You Dig It

Consolation: Cadbury Mixed Chocolate

Cadbury Mixed Chocolate

Men’s 2′s Division:

First Place: Bump, Set, Psych

Bump Set Psych

Second Place: The Avengers

The Avengers

Ladies 4′s Division:

First Place: Smack That

Smack That

Second Place: Safe Sets

Safe Sets

Third Place: Dat Ace

Dat Ace

Ladies 2′s Division:

First Place: Serves You Right

Serves You Right

Second Place: Optimistic Mai Tais

Optimistic Mai Tais

Third Place: Protected Sets

Protected Sets

“Again, with the help of our sponsors BGA and Coppertone, the BVA raised $3,800 for the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, and for that we our incredibly proud”, the spokesperson concluded.

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