Water Safety Seminar To Be Held On May 15th
The Bermuda Water Safety Council [WSC] will host their annual spring Practical Safety Seminar on May 15th at 2PM. The Seminar will be hosted by the Spanish Point Boat Club.
Participants will be able to have a light lunch prior to the seminar at 1:00PM.
This year the WSC will focus on Marine Communications. Participants will be given instruction on the use of Marine Radios and the correct procedures for making Emergency Calls.
There will also be demonstrations on the Rules of the Road conducted by the Marine Police on how to prevent collisions. There will also be a demonstration on the use of the kill switch as a safety device on small boats.
The fee will be $10.00 which can be paid via cash or cheque on arrival. Space is limited to 60 persons. Also lunch we cost approximately $10.00.
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