30 Minute Video: ZBM Evening News For May 2
Sources claim OBA MP threatening to join PLP, ratings agency maintains positive outlook on Island, and the Bermuda Tourism Authority records jumps in visitor arrivals are some of the stories set to be covered in this evening’s [May 2] ZBM newscast.
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme for viewers both on the island and abroad.
ZBM said that their news programme this evening includes: “Sources claim OBA MP threatening to join PLP, Ratings agency maintains positive outlook on Island., Bermuda Tourism Authority records jumps in visitor arrivals.”
The live stream will begin at 7pm and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available:
That lead story isn’t news – it’s nothing but speculation.
Yea tell that to the 90%+ of a certain segment of the voters that are not voting ubp/oba next time.
Then vote for the PLP.
The Party that bankrupted us whose Minister expressed joy at plummeting housing prices that forced Bermudians to sell their homes.
The Party whose leader calls women who&res and threatens to pass them around for 10 cents a lick.
If that Party reflects your morals then you need new morals.
If by chance it is true, then what…? Come now One Bermuda Alliance, get your act / team united! Also, change the Laws pertaining to guns and all other weapons used by them that have / are committing these crimes A.S.A.P.