‘Ageing In Bermuda’ Forum Set For June 17
The Peace and Social Justice Committee of the Roman Catholic Church of Bermuda will be hosting its fifth and last in a series of forums on “Ageing in Bermuda.”
The forum will take place on Friday, June 17 at St. Theresa’s Church hall on Laffan Street, commencing at 7.30pm.
A spokesperson said, “The presenters for the Ageing and End of Life forum will be Dr. David Harries, FRCP, Geriatrician; Ms. Marian Sherratt, Chairperson, Senior Advisory Council; Ms. Cathy Belevedere, Executive Director, Friends of Hospice and Bishop Wesley Spiewak, C.R., of the Roman Catholic Church of Bermuda.
“These presenters will speak for 10 minutes on the topic of Ageing and End of Life in Bermuda and are expected to address the question:
“End of Life is an inevitable last step for all persons, and is of particular concern for the Ageing Citizens in our Bermuda community. How do we as community manage End of Life issues? Do we adequately care for these most vulnerable citizens?
“What is our attitude toward grief and or grief relief, death and the dying in Bermuda and how do these attitudes impact and affect us in the way we live our lives here and now? Does Bermuda have respect for the ageing citizens in our community, those closest to the end of life?
“What do we need to do now as individuals and community to improve our attitude and better prepare ourselves for the inevitable – a life which ultimately must experience death in the end.
“A community is known by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. This forum is expected to cast a light not only on the ageing persons and their loved ones, but on the whole Bermuda community as well. Then what next after this?
“There has been an active following of at least 50 persons regularly attending these forums. After this fifth forum we will hold a group think tank workshop session on Friday, July 8th at which time we will carve out those most important [ social, spiritual, economic and political] concerns on the various topics to move forward on as action plans..
“All are welcome to these events. Refreshments will be served.”
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Award for statement of the obvious: “End of Life is an inevitable last step for all persons, and is of particular concern for the Ageing Citizens in our Bermuda community.”