Video: Highlighting “The Story Of Cup Match”

July 27, 2016

Boasting a long and colourful history, Cup Match offers a story of competition, rivalry, and celebration, with a video titled “The Story of Cup Match” highlighting the holiday’s past.

The video was made by producer Milton Raposo at Method Media, a Bermuda video production company, who said: “Bermuda’s Cup Match holiday is the greatest holiday one could imagine.

“A two day national holiday [Thursday and Friday] where everything shuts down and we watch a big cricket game, go to the beach, go to parties, take the boat out, spend time with our family and friends, amongst other things. And then we get the weekend to keep going with all sorts of other events.

“Despite it being the highlight of the holiday calendar, lots of people in recent years have complained that Bermudians are getting away from the reasons we celebrate Cup Match in the first place, so here is a very short lesson [77 seconds to exact] on why Bermuda celebrates the greatest of holidays, Cup Match.”

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  1. Onion Juice says:

    Very nicely put together, but nowhere was it mentioned that that freed slaves and their decendants refused to work during de anniversary of emancipation and until after over 100 years the powers that be acknowleged it to be an (offical) Holiday, as de people were not working anyway.
    And how does George Somers get in this party ?????????????????????

    • Unbelievable says:

      I think you’re missing the point – again.

  2. betty says:

    The Umpire Clifton King our grandfather were connected SCC

  3. Bermie man says:

    I enjoy the Cup Match holiday as much as anybody and this is a nice clip but we spend far too much time focusing on the game and far too little on the reason behind it …. Emancipation….a nice clip on that would be much appreciated and more meaningful and relevant…..