BCB Receives Deutsche Bank Payments Award

September 29, 2016

Bermuda Commercial Bank Limited [BCB], has received the 2015 Deutsche Bank payments award for the “exceptional quality of payment messages” to Deutsche Bank’s Global Transaction Banking Operations unit for payments in euros during the 2015 fiscal year.

A spokesperson said, “Last year, BCB processed approximately $30 billion in total payments and funds transfers. Deutsche Bank is BCB’s key correspondent bank, handling the Bank’s US dollar, GBP and EURO payments and transfers.

“Deutsche Bank awarded BCB with an Award of Excellence, in recognition of the BCB achieving a near-zero error rate in euro payments and transfers, among the lowest of all Deutsche Bank clients.

“This is the second year in a row that BCB has won an award from Deutsche Bank for excellence in payments processing; the bank was presented with the Deutsche Bank EURO STP [straight through processing] Excellence Award in 2014.”

Dane Commissiong, BCB Treasurer, said, “The BCB Treasury Operations team continues to outperform our highest expectations for accuracy in payments processing. This high level of performance is the result of a strong, customer-focused business model that strives for excellence each and every day.

“We are very proud of the commitment of our Operations team to the BCB work ethic. This award from Deutsche Bank speaks volumes on their commitment and focus.”

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  1. archy says:

    second year in a row – mmm, might be last from that particular bank!

  2. Bob says:
