Charlotte’s Sail Scheduled For November 19-20

September 8, 2016

Organisers of Charlotte’s Sail have announced that the new dates for the 2016 sail will be November 19 and November 20, replacing the original dates of October 1 and October 2 as a result of potential repair delays with the Spirit of Bermuda returning to Bermuda.

Charlotte's Sail - Bow -2015

A spokesperson said, “The Spirit is currently in Maine undergoing required repairs that will take longer than originally planned.

“As a result, CEO of the Bermuda Sloop Foundation Diana Martin, kindly notified the organisers of Charlotte’s Sail of the potential delay and it was decided that it was in the best interest of all involved to move the sail date to Saturday November 19th – Sunday November 20th 2016.

“We apologise to anyone impacted by this change of date decision and encourage participants to contact Charlotte’s Sail organizer, Gordon Johnson on 505-3820 or to book your bunk or a bunk for a family member.

“Charlotte’s Sail began in 2010 as Raise Your Spirits, a sober sailing programme for those affected by drug and alcohol abuse and later became Charlotte’s Sail following the death of young Bermudian, Charlotte Watlington in the fall of 2013.

“This sailing experience, which involves taking up to 21 people out sailing, with an overnight in St. George’s harbor, encourages attendees to break the silence surrounding addiction by practicing recovery and nature-based learning and development – finding connection with people, places and things that matter.

“Described as a transformational experience by participants, Charlotte’s Sail implements holistic group exercises to promote the idea of addiction as a symptom and an invitation to reach more deeply through self-examination and a commitment to finding one’s sense of purpose in recovery.”

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  1. Thinker says:

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and future.
    Charlotte so glad your spirit is still in the wind!!!