RA Seek Feedback On Solar Net Metering
The Regulatory Authority said they recently intervened in the electricity market with regard to solar net metering, via the issuance of an Emergency General Determination in relation to BELCO.
“As part of this process, the Authority is now consulting on solar net metering and invites comments and input from the public and all interested parties,” the RA said.
Details of the consultation are below [PDF here]
1. BELCo is trying everything in its power to keep Solar PV off the market as it directly affects their bottom line, in turn, putting Solar PV competition out of business. UNACCEPTABLE!
2. Solar PV is extremely important to Bermuda as we need to obtain the required reduction in CO2 under the 2011 Energy White Paper and our obligations under the Kyoto Treaty which comes with financial penalties for not doing so.
3. There should be no limitation on the amount of solar a household has the capacity to produce. If you aren’t producing for yourself, you are producing for people who cannot afford to produce and BELCO should be required to buy 100% of the energy produced at a fair and reasonable price.
4. Excellent transitional measure by the EA. Thank you! I finally feel that the EA will be working towards a fair and equitable exchange between BELCO and the public.
5. It is only fair that the EA mandate full transparency relating to the cost of producing electricity to the public so that fair competition can price accordingly.
7. Yes, Solar PV should be incentivised. If the public has no incentive to change they won’t. If they have incentive to change they will and this will benefit the country financially by offsetting CO2 and not having to pay any penalties under any of the environmental agreements we are party to.
8. Yes, Solar PV is very expensive in Bermuda. We need to be able to remove any tax barriers (import / payroll) so the cost can be reduced for the average consumer.