Photos: Teachers Gather On Cabinet Grounds

May 25, 2017

[Updating] Teachers are currently gathered on the grounds of the Cabinet Building in Hamilton, with this gathering following after the Bermuda Union of Teachers [BUT] held an “Emergency Membership Meeting” this morning. We will update with further information as able.

20170525_105046 Bermuda May 25 2017

Update 11.15am: They are now marching through town



Update 11.31am: Audio comments from the BUT’s Shannon James

Speaking at this morning’s gathering, Mr James told Bernews, “The teachers met this morning over negotiations or lack thereof. We have been negotiating since January, but there has been some sort of breakdown in the process.

“We have yet to agree to anything. We’re trying to figure out why our concerns, according to our CBA, have not been addressed.”

“We’ve come to the table in good faith but this good faith has not been returned. We do have the team that we’ve been meeting with, they’ve been trying their hardest to ensure that negotiations go well.”

Update 4.30pm: PLP Spokesperson for Education Diallo Rabain said, “In the OBA’s Bermuda, neglect of our public schools, disrespect for our teachers and ignoring the safety of our students has, unfortunately, become the norm. Today’s protest may have come as a surprise to the OBA, but for the rest of Bermuda this latest protest was inevitable.

“It is difficult to tell the people trusted to educate and protect our children that there is no money for the basic necessities to ensure them a quality education because Bermuda is broke. However, the reality is that money is seemingly endless for the OBA when it comes to the America’s Cup and other projects that they deem to be more important.

“Bermuda can do better and it will do better when we have a government that cares and invests in all of Bermuda.”

“However, there have been a lot of questions that haven’t been answered.”

Photos by Anthony Wade:


Update 5.32pm: Minister of Education Cole Simons today met with members of the Executive of the Bermuda Union of Teachers [BUT], Trustees and teacher representatives from primary, middle and senior schools to discuss their concerns following a protest by BUT members this morning on the grounds of the Cabinet Office.

The Ministry said, “Minister Simons first learned of the protest action around 10:00am this morning and immediately asked for a meeting with the BUT Executive and all those gather on the grounds but was advised by the BUT President to meet with the Executive at their Union Headquarters. Minister met with the group within 20 minutes of their invitation.”

Minister Simons said “It was important for me as Minister to hear the concerns of the teachers and determine what can be done to address the concerns. Hence, I made myself available on short notice to attend the meeting, which got underway around midday and lasted for about an hour or so.”

“The main concern that was expressed to me by the BUT was the lack of substantial progress in the contract negotiations between the BUT and the Public Service Negotiating Team [PSNT]. The BUT indicated that there has not been any meaningful progress since the last meeting between the two sides during the third week of March 2017.”

“Although I am not involved in contract negotiations, I undertook to update the Premier on the BUT’s concerns so that it could be determined why no meeting has occurred between the two sides since March. It is important and in everyone’s interest that we get negotiations back on track, especially since I consider that our teachers are our number one asset.”

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Comments (148)

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  1. Family Man says:

    And some people wonder why kids consistently underperform at international levels.

    • Puttingourchildrenfirst says:

      Thanks for Standing Strong Teachers. Thanks for fighting forclean and safe working conditions for our children.

      The OBA government have found money for everything else, yet not our children. They have put public Education last.

      What’s difficult to believe or accept is that OBA said there was no money for anything. Yet the Premier spent over a Million for his office and Fahy had one created for himself at the taxpayer expense, yet there is NO money.

      Too many lies of No money by OBA. It seems more like a choice of what government deems is a priority.

      Our Children must Come First in Bermuda!

      Stand Together!!

      • Onion says:

        If you want to politicise it then be mad at the PLP creating the $180 million in annual debt service expenses that suck up all the current surplus and then some.

        Also, is this the OBA negotiating or a Civil Service team?

        Why hasn’t money been saved by consolidating schools?

      • Just Stopping by says:

        Agreed… Education is and should be a priority of Bermuda… Agreed the schools need to better maintained HOWEVER as we learned in economics… in order to make money we need to spend money… the opportunity to host a event as grand and popular as the America’s Cup does not come by everyday for Bermuda and I think taking advantage of the numerous opportunities it has for US BERMUDIANS is something of great value.

        Unfortunately… our island is in such a deep burden of debt, which is a first for us as we have always been in a surplus position… I believe that stimulating the economy through the America’s Cup will HOPEFULLY reduce our deficit and in return we get start building our great island again. We’ve already seen the benefits of fully booked hotels, booked restaurants, full bars, barely any rental places available, many small businesses created and grown, global publicity of Bermuda, including Bermuda having their own America’s Cup team participating and maybe continuing to the next America’s Cup in 2021.

        I came from a low income family and I went through the public school system and I worked my butt off to get to where I am with or without the proper support needed.

        I just hope that the overall public can see the benefits of the America’s Cup towards Bermuda which will encourage and allow government to properly take care of Bermuda, starting with our Education!

    • Onion Juice says:


    • Rasta says:

      Teachers interested in pay and not interested in educating our children, I going private school.

  2. Smiths says:

    So this is the activity for ‘Professional Development’ day?

    • Warner says:

      Yes clearly this is development. They are gathered together. We do not know the purpose as yet but development looks like this today.

      Kind Regards

      • Onion Juice says:

        Just gotta love Democracy

        • Trawling says:

          OnionJuice, you would say something like that. At a time where they should be preparing our your minds for their tests and exams, they are protesting! Could this not wait a few more weeks or be done on the weekend?

          Most of us know that this has little to do with teacher , less to do with the students and much more to do with the election.

    • Caramel says:

      Careful how we judge, without the facts!

    • Warner says:

      Looks like the march is about Negotiations.

    • um um says:

      lol, never a dull moment on this island

    • Onion Juice says:

      Be careful Bermuda, the world is watching.
      And worse things are happening with those who are watching.

  3. inna says:

    What for again?

    So many gripes with the government nowadays, i am losing track!

    • Just the facts says:

      Maybe related to Same Sex Marriage marches today?

    • Onion Juice says:

      This Government has had more protests then de anti-Trump movement.

      • wahoo says:

        Something fishy about that don’t you think?

      • Trawling says:

        But they have still had few than when the PLP was in power. You count if you don’t believe me. Ferry boats piots, bus drivers, dock workers, KFC, teachers? Oh, how quickly Onion Juice forgets.

  4. Zevon says:

    My kids are out of school today because it’s supposed to be a ‘professional development’ day. And they do this.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Yup, de professionals are developing some progress with this make shift Government.

      • Zevon says:

        They laze about on a day set aside for training. This is why they aren’t better at their jobs. They don’t care about the students.

  5. aceboy says:

    More shenanigans.

    Politics being played by teachers….nice.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Well Dunks should have not told them that they were starting trouble when they complained about mold at T.N.Tatem an ended up with egg on his face.
      Dont start no S!@# wont be no S!@#.

      • aceboy says:

        If you think that is being clever and that this has really proven something, you are wrong.

        If this nonsense is what the PLP and Unions are all about then you really do have NOTHING to offer. Good at complaining but not much else.

        This was a stunt. Again. An in conjunction thing with the PM crowd. Tweed no longer flavor of the month? It really is getting really old and boring.

        What a great way for the teachers to spend developing professionally. And yet we all *wonder* why the kids aren’t being educated properly……

        • Onion Juice says:

          You should try to attempt to teach for a week, limited school supplies, while you purchase your own supplies out of your own pocket, insufficient computers, mold, rodents and bird mites to worry about and on top of that they are not sure their bus will arrive.
          Sounds like inner-city problems the have in de States.

          • Onion Juice says:

            Oh, and their funds were cut.

            • Zevon says:

              Cut by $8m a year by the PLP.

            • aceboy says:

              That is because your buddies spent money like drunken sailors and got nothing accomplished except almost destroying the island.

              They won’t change either. They need these political stunts to try and sway opinion. They cannot run on their record.

          • bermudians first says:

            where did all that start? 2012 the year our education went south….. before then we were a shining rock of intellegence and progress

  6. Huh? says:

    Lllooolll… I’m not laughing at them..I am actually laughing at this Gov’t…some of them must be like “I have had enough, i want out”…. Why is there so much unrest in Bermuda? Aren’t there 2 more “demonstrations” planned for later today? The Gay vs anti-gay thing?
    So that could mean, some of these people marching WITH each other now could be marching AGAINST each other later on today… LOL..

  7. sandgrownan says:

    So who is doing the teaching right now?

    • watching says:

      clearly you don’t realize that public schools are closed today and therefore no teaching was scheduled.

    • inna says:

      All govt schools are closed today.

      • Zevon says:

        Oh yeah. Schools closed for “professional development”.
        Which translated into “Bermudian teacher” means do nothing all day.
        The teachers don’t give a crap about the students.

        • FYI says:

          What an ignorant comment!!Clearly, your views are twisted Zevon. What have you done to contribute to the success of young people in BDA, specifically those in public schools?

          • Zevon says:

            A lot. Actually. What have you done?
            Back to the point. The schools were closed and parents were inconvenienced to allow time for professional development. Not for a day out lazing around in the sun.

    • Dude says:

      No school for kids today. Looks like they took advantage of not having to inconvenience the students/parents…

      • Zevon says:

        Parents were definitely inconvenienced, but we thought the inconvenience was to allow a day for professional development.
        It turns out the day was wasted. But don’t pretend parents were not inconvenienced.

        • FYI says:

          Apparently, PD took place in the afternoon.

          • Zevon says:

            So only 4 or 5 hours were wasted.
            A typical day then.

    • twinkerbelle says:

      the students are out for public school so there are no disruptions to learning. private schools are in and are currently going about business as usual.

    • Onion Juice says:

      School is out.Dopey

      • Trawling says:

        Is it not a “professional development day”? Shouldn’t they be learning how to be professional, or how to develop?

    • Whimsical says:

      Students are out today..

    • john says:

      teaching who, the kids arent in school today?

    • Onion Juice says:

      Obviously, Sandgrownan you’re not in touch regular public life.

  8. Bermudian says:

    Hmmmm, for an ‘emergency meeting’ quite a crowd has shown up especially the day after May 24th where most people are busted from the festivities and the heat. I bet this was planned before the holiday.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Thats what you call good planning.

      • aceboy says:

        Stunting. Good stunting. That is all the PLP seem to be capable of.

    • Whimsical says:

      Actually the notice was forwarded to members YESTE

      • Whimsical says:

        Actually notice was forwarded to members YESTERDAY. ..with Social Media being the way it is it didnt take members long to be notified.

    • Facts before comments says:

      Get your facts straight first,as this was not the case. Found out last night and others this morning.

  9. Freshair Fiend says:

    Funny way of boosting the numbers for the “Preserve the Closet” crowd.

  10. skeptic says:

    The statement from BUT Leader Shannon James seems pretty vague and does not give a clear idea why they would abandon their professional development day to do this. Surely there are other measures that a professional negotiating team could have used to signal concern with the lack of progress, rather than this?

    • Zevon says:

      It’s because professional development takes effort and professionalism. Both are missing with this lot.

    • Onion Juice says:

      They”ve been in negotiations since January and there has been no progress.
      Do you have any brilliant ideas to offer?
      My guess is there is negotiation about wages and they are told there is no money and money dont grow on trees.
      But we spent about $100 Million on a sailboat race for Billionaires which didnt have to pay no duty for all de stuff they bought in.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        So , you’re back up to 100 mill today. The other day it was 80
        When are you going to toss out 200 mill ?

        • Onion Juice says:

          Its called unspecified interest.

          • Zevon says:

            Since it hasn’t been paid, where does the “unspecified interest” come from?
            Oh yeah. Burt economics.

      • Trawling says:

        Onion juice, constantly trying to creep that figure up. try the truth for once Onion Juice. And if you are just ignorant and don’t know the truth , well try not to repeat ignorance.

        There is no money because the PLP spent everything we had in the bank when we took over, spent more, borrowed more and have millions more unaccounted for.

        If we can find where the money went, we can all get a raise.

      • Zevon says:

        In that case we wasted $80m on Global Hue and $50m on Grand Atlantic.

        See how easy it is?

    • Whimsical says:

      Measures that have been IGNORED…

      Would be helpful if people were privy to the FACTS before commenting..

  11. blankman says:

    The cynic in me says this is just a poorly veiled attempt to artificially boost numbers for the PM event

  12. A Chap called Vanz says:

    Just give notice.

    This is a wildcat strike.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Hey Dreamer, school was out anyway.

      • Zevon says:

        But WHY was school out, meathead?

        What makes you think it wasn’t inconvenient? Do you think that when schools close for “professional development” that parents (like me) just get the nanny to watch the kids? Is that how it is for the PLP elite?

  13. BRIER says:

    VERY SAD our school children are affected again.. not good not professional..

  14. Time to change the name back UBP 100% says:

    This is the other half of 2 Bermudas. The Premier needs to call the election after America’s Cup and stop being afraid of the PEOPLE!

    ALLOW MY PEOPLE TO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • New Bermudian says:

      Who are ‘your people’ who are not allowed to vote in elections now? Expats? PRC’s? Stop the drama with the divisive language. All citizens are allowed to vote. The election hasn’t been set. Soon come. I’m sure ‘your people’ will have the same opinion whether the election is now or in February. Stop. The. Divisive. Language. It’s okay to be unhappy and upset. It’s not okay to perpetuate division. Together we are much stronger, don’t you think?

      • Real Deal says:

        I think you see what you want to see. when he says my people i see Bermudians. what do you see? i see pass your falseness .

        • New Bermudian says:

          I’m Bermudian. I’ve never not been allowed to vote. Who exactly is this poster talking about? I see ‘pass’ your disingenuous comment. Divisive and ridiculous.

      • Onion Juice says:

        I dont know how long you’ve been in Bermuda, but devisiveness has been a part of Bermudas History.
        And its a part of our racist system.

        • New Bermudian says:

          And so that justifies its perpetuation? My question wasn’t answered. Whose people aren’t allowed to vote?

  15. Teacher says:

    1. It was short notice. The masses found out after 2pm on May 24th as the email was sent at 1:30pm on the 24th.

    2. Teachers are working without a contract. It has been how many years now?

    3. The walk to cabinet had nothing to do with preserve marriage and the teachers were gone before the perserve marriage crowd arrived.

    4. Teachers are still doing professional development as there is an afternoon session.

    5. Students are not in today. Therefore, they are not being impacted.

    6. You should support the teachers and educate yourself on why they did what they done.

    • New Bermudian says:

      All other public servants are working without a contract. Please. Just an excuse to be disruptive.

      • jt says:

        “why they did what they done”

        You’re a teacher?

        • Onion Juice says:

          All other public servents are having their negotiations and de way how it looks, this will be repeated.

          • jt says:

            It’s de grammar and de way how it looks from de teacher.

    • 32n64w says:

      If teachers are spending time walking around town rather than engaging in mandated personal development opportunities, they are absolutely impacting their professional growth prospects and as a direct result their teaching capabilities.

      Was this a paid day of work? If so, how do these selfish actions equate to the betterment of our academics?

      • Onion Juice says:

        Blah, blah, blah.
        This Government has money for eveybody else but not for their own educators.
        Blah, blah,blah.

    • Zevon says:

      Students ARE being impacted. And their parents. There was no school today. It was a day wasted.

      I can’t wait for when the teachers start saying they want another day for “professional development”.

      • FYI says:

        Actually, educators participate in year round professional development, much at their own expense.
        It’s really sad professionals have to spend their own money purchasing resources and supplies to support and deliver a curriculum to standard.
        FYI…Parents, make sure your child is in the class of a single teacher with no children or mortgage, who has the means to fully stock their classroom with adequate resources for 20 kids (primary) and 80 kids (middle).

  16. Sage says:

    All the more reason to send your kids away!!

  17. PBanks says:

    Honestly, if there’s something worth marching for and protesting, it’s what’s happening in public education. We should demand better.

    If what the BUT are looking for, aligns with what the public needs out of our education system, then I’m all for it.

  18. Jrsmith says:

    United we stand….

  19. Former Educator says:

    This is totally disgusting! You have a paid PD day but some how decide to have a march. What has happened to the professionalism in teaching. Of course there’s no details as this is all part of the politically motivated Union stance to continue to attack the Government. Timing is highly suspicious. We really need an independent body over this area.

    • get in the trench says:

      When would you propose our membership meet. The mere fact that students have not been affected makes this a good time to meet. How can we professionally be developed when our work conditions are horrible, which means learning conditions are horrible. How can we be professionally developed when ALL advancements in education.are linked to technology. Technology we don’t have. As you are a former teacher I ASSume you are far out of touch with what we a dealing with… which makes your comment… redundant. Perhaps if you used your time to volunteer at a public school your perception would be better. Instead you use you time to make comments to attack teachers… wow get back in the trench.

      • 32n64w says:

        When did technology replace good teaching? Hundreds of millions of students and teachers each day are meaningfully engaging with one another absent the latest and greatest in tech.

        • get in the trench says:

          Unfortunately your lack of knowledge in what they are introducing in our education system allows you to make comments like this. Those hundreds of millions that you refer to are in countries that are financially strapped. Those countries did not just spend 75million on a sailboat race. Hmmm do you feel that way about the 10 million dollar facility that BHS is building to house their STEAM Programme? A Programme that the ministry/govt want teachers in public school to implement without the facilities or technology. We want to compete with the best, right? Or be apart of the hundreds of million who are suffering more severely than us? Hmmm. Good teaching can never be replaced, but if we want students to compete with those that we fly and ship in… we have to move.

    • Truth hurts says:

      Very disgusting indeed…..that students have to go to school with serious mold issues, water issues, bird and bug issues…the list goes on. Disgusting that parents have to put out money for doctor visits to figure out why their child is unhealthy….when the condition of a public school is the root of the cause. Disgusting that there is a lack of funding for even the BASIC needs in a school….were not talking every child with an iPad or other norms of an up to date 21st century education…we can talk about outdated curricula all day in Bermuda…

      You have teachers in this system who buy children lunch because they haven’t eaten since the day before, teachers who wash clothes for children because they don’t get washed at home…I could go on…but teachers right? Seriously?

      What’s really disgusting is your outdated opinion on the current and real truth of public education in Bermuda…

      “Any community whose top priority was not education only lasted a short while” – History

      • New Bermudian says:

        THe ‘mold issues’ are no worse than in their homes or outside in the yard. The bird issues are not an ‘OBA sucks’ issue, it’s a Public Works sucks issue- and, haven’t they always? Every child with an iPad???? Are you freaking kidding me???? Who ‘gives’ their kids that? Which school? So iPads will make them smarter and more competitive? Fine, we have a few gems. But do NOT tell me that ‘all’ are cut of this cloth, they’re not. Not by a longshot. Why don’t you poll the parents, then? Why not find out just how impressed they are with the quality of teaching here? My kid came home with some bites. You know what I did? I put some cream on them. I couldn’t verify they were from a classroom, or from the grass, or maybe even mosquitoes in our own house. Drama. That’s what this is, just drama, based on what? We haven’t had a raise? Our schools are moldy? Please. If this were anywhere else, those teachers would be FIRED. Taking a professional development day and making a complete mockery of it. If they were professional, they’d find an actually professional manner in which to make their point. But they don’t- it’s grandstanding because of AC.

        • Onion Juice says:

          Well AC has had everything served on a silver platter, while our children are in buildings that are neglected.
          So are you saying that our children have mold in their homes?
          Would you say de same about children that go to private schools?

          • New Bermudian says:

            Exactly the same. It’s not a facilities issue, it’s a management issue. I bet you any amount of money that those who are complaining most bitterly about conditions in the schools have similar conditions at home, with the exception of the bird mite drama. When management is poor, facilities ‘issues’ rise. I would also bet you, based on what I’ve seen of many private schools, that they have similar issues, but you don’t hear about them- or, they’re not that big a deal to the staff. Those schools are run much better than ours. Maybe we should invest nothing in attracting the world’s business so that our children have even less in the future, would that work for you? AC is a one-off, and an important one. If you can’t see the benefits, then you aren’t being in the least truthful. Stop the divisiveness. The amount spent on AC would be a drop in the bucket for the ‘issues’- they aren’t going to be resolved until management gets the finger out. The facilities matters are nothing more than smokescreen on other morale and working issues. One big one is that there are some very vocal teachers who will do anything not to be held accountable for poor work. There are also loads that get swept along in this current- who doesn’t want what’s best for kids? And if you for one moment make this an OBA thing, you are ignoring 14 years of lousy management with plenty of things that were complained about as well. You would like it to be all the ‘fault’ of a political party. It’s way deeper and more complex than that. Parental involvement, discipline, management, etc.- loads of things that money won’t make a single blessed dent in fixing.

  20. BLIND SHEEP says:

    It’s all a plan to derail amererica’s cup at any cost.

  21. BLIND SHEEP says:

    It is all part of the big plan to derail America’s cup at any cost.

    • Whimsical says:

      That’s saying anything ‘BLIND SHEEP’….. Clearly you are BLIND to the actual issues at hand…The stance had NOTHING to do with trying to derail the AC…. SMH… Typical comment tho from someone on the OUTSIDE looking in…

  22. Starting Point says:

    ‘We have yet to agree to anything……’

    And there you have a summary of the Teachers union.

    • Zevon says:


    • Onion Juice says:

      The summary is, the Teachers are not sattisfied with the forward progress in their negotiations, while Government is bending over backwards for Americas Cup.

    • 32n64w says:

      You’d think ensuring excellence in teaching, accountability, measurement and results would be a common denominator. Apparently not the case with the BUT leadership. It’s all about the dollars at the expense of our youth and their opportunities.

      • Onion Juice says:

        So can we say de same about AC and the people of this country?

      • FYI says:

        Quite the contrary. If you research further and listen carefully, you will hear those sentiments from the educators.

  23. Marie says:

    They have a meeting today and don’t even present any of the items on the table for negotiation to their members. When asks at the meeting what the items are, the union informed their members that they have to call the union to get a listing of items. Who operates like this. If your members are paying union dues, you should have printed off the items and presented that list to them so that they could review the list and give the union feedback. Maybe the negotiations are stalling because of the many issues you have on your list.

    • Onion Juice says:

      So did de Government present de people of Bermuda with information when they negotiated de airport deal.

  24. Mr.D says:

    I stand with the teachers! nobody has cared enough to do something about our public education system in so long its absolutely disgusting! the teachers are not interrupting school as there is no school today so people should not be griping but instead empowering the cause… get behind our teachers and bring change..its long overdue!! i dont see how making a large investment into the public education system has not been done yet, instead it is slowly being killed and our children will suffer and continue to suffer if something isnt done to improve the whole system.

  25. Concerned Parent says:

    How much does the public truly understand about the condition of public education? Teachers are continually being asked to do more and more with fewer and fewer resources. Classrooms and buildings are falling apart, filled with mold, infested with various types of vermin, etc. Teachers are taking so much on themselves, from providing materials for their students, creating resources to use in class, to educating themselves on how to work with children with a variety of needs and challenges (sometimes they’re not even told a child has challenges!). How can our children learn when the environment they are working is unhealthy and attitudes from some of the highest in the ministry are archaic? We need to get out their and support our teachers and schools and be the change for Bermuda’s future.

    • Zevon says:

      Teachers do the bare minimum. Every day they have “special assemblies” for 90 minutes to delay having to teach. It’s no wonder many kids aren’t literate or numerate.

      • FYI says:

        Not again, Zevon! What has happened in your past that has made you so bitter. I would think educators would be most upset for 90min assemblies daily, if this is true as you say. I would think they would advocate for teaching and learning. I would think they would give up their lunches, after schools, and even holidays to offer additional teaching.
        Wow, Zevon, I encourage you to adopt a school and get involved. Start by mentoring a child in need, donate food to the breakfast and lunch programs, or donate supplies for science experiments/steam projects. There is much you can do.

      • Lora says:

        And you know this how?????

        • Zevon says:

          My children are in public school. I know what goes on.

  26. hmmm says:

    The BUT are not the ones to strike wildly. I think we need to wait for some more details regarding this.

    • Redamtibi says:

      Where is this “wild” striking to which you refer? The gathering looked orgsnized and peaceful to me. I guess it is okay for our kids to spend 8 hours of their day in poor hygenic conditions…and the teachers? Screw them right? Maybe you would like to come down out of your palace and spend some time with the trampled majority? Have the lungs of your previous little one breathe in the mould? Of course you could care less because you are not affected.

    • FYI says:

      I agree.
      They were in their right to silently protest. There is never an opportune time but it looks like they considered sacrificing their time instead of the students.

      • Patrick m says:

        They sacrificed pay for non show at their place of employment

        • FYI says:

          Good point, Patrick!! OMG, they sacrificed their pay and their time. There must be some serious concerns. I think we need to find out what all the issues are.

  27. Peter says:

    They would be better served if they all took a bucket of soapy water and bleach and cleaned the schools instead of moaning

    • Concerned Parent says:

      You are obviously completely ignorant of the problems in the schools. If only a bucket of soapy water and bleach could handle the problems – ceilings falling down, infestations of roaches, mice, etc., mold growing everywhere.

      Teachers haven’t had any pay increases, in spite of a spiraling increase in the cost of living. Plus, as funding is cut, they are paying for supplies out of their own pockets.

      Also, please note that students were not abandoned today. A certain other media falsely reported that teachers walked out of classrooms today, when, in fact, it was a professional development day. It was planned that students would be out of school today sometime last year when this year’s school calendar was published.

      • stunned... says:

        i had a 2% COL raise once in 2013, nothing in the last 4 years AND i work in the finance industry…so pls dont start about not having a raise.

    • mixitup says:

      You should have went to the March and said that.. How about you all send people down to do that… Teachers work very hard and this is your response? Typical.

      • Rasta says:

        Some work hard but most just want a pay cheque, bring g in foreign teachers so our children get educated.

  28. New Bermudian says:

    Sorry, but this totally pi$$es me off. I took a day off work, burning a vacation day, under the guise of professional development, and THIS is what we get? Seriously, if the teachers show they care about the students FIRST AND FOREMOST, maybe, just maybe, they’d get some love from the rest of us. I’ve had a kid who had a CRAP teacher last year, without a bit of care from administration, despite complaints. He was victimized, singled out, and we weren’t communicated with when he backslid from a 90 in one subject to barely passing- not a single blessed note sent home, let alone homework or tests. We had no idea at all. Sorry, bird mites? In the ceiling? This isn’t the Ministry, it’s Public Works. And that’s not a matter of ‘the OBA don’t care’, it’s a matter of Public Works can’t find their rear ends with both hands and a flashlight. This shouldn’t be political, but it is because some morons want to bring down the country during AC. Tell me something, just how did the teachers have it better under the PLP? What great strides in education were made then? What great advances and superior treatment did those poor, hard-done-by teachers have then? This entire thing makes me sick. And not in sympathy with these alleged pillars of our society. Over and out.

    • FYI says:

      Go HOME

      • New Bermudian says:

        Where? Here? I am home already.

      • New Bermudian says:

        And, again, you sidestep the question with your xenophobic response. How well did education fare under the PLP? How many times did teachers march during their tenure? Don’t want to answer that, do you? Or do you want to resort to name calling instead, because everyone knows that ad hominem attacks always prove your point. Tell me. Exactly how did teachers have it better under the last administration?

    • Extraordinary says:

      Thank you :-)

  29. Triangle Drifter says:

    Who pays the bill for the trashing of the Cabinet grounds after so much was put into it to get it looking good again?

  30. Janice says:

    Well hold on till the PLP get back in power they gonna fix everything they will borrow more millions from somewhere and give everyone a handout , and anyone not on board will leave.

  31. Patrick m says:

    Usual Teacher support for the plp and the …. who are due in court on Friday
    Hopefully, they lose pay for today
    What did the banner say Education for Responsibility
    This is why Teachers give there union dues to charity instead of the union

  32. 32n64w says:

    If these issues have been simmering since January, why didn’t the BUT choose a time over the Easter holidays to march? If today was a paid professional development day, will the teachers refuse their daily salary?

    • Extraordinary says:

      They could have used the Ag Show Day …

  33. Cole Simons can do NOTHING. He does as he is told to do.
    Shame on the oba. Too focused on ac. There is, obviously, no time for the teachers.
    This is the type of government Bermudians want in 2017?

  34. Natural says:

    It’s all about America’s Cup and the rich folks. When is the Election? can’t wait!!!

  35. parent says:

    Teachers talking about nothing done since January when last you as teachers recorded students information in power school like you should go teach with a purpose and stop being lazy put that energy into the class room

  36. Realist says:

    Want better conditions? Consolidate a few of the schools and renovate extensively! Clean out the trash piled up in vacant rooms. Limit the amount of Para educators babysitting and upskill teachers with vigorous and consistent PD. Get rid of all the beauracracy at the Ministry and give Principals autonomy over hiring and firing. It’s NOT about the AC but calm heads working towards solutions. More money isn’t the solution if you don’t change the culture with work conditions.

  37. rodney smith says:

    Teachers need to be in the class room. It is not the OBA , because you walked out on the PLP also. We have created an environment where the salaries are increasing , along with vacation time and sick days, better pensions, and professional days . The only things falling behind are the students test scores and overall performance .It’s not just the government who is playing football with education. What is needed , ONE IS PERPARED TO DO . Please prove me wrong .I’m counting the Education Ministers over the years,: I,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13 , 14 , 15, ………..need I count any more.

    • stunned... says:

      I would have loved to have been a teacher over the AC events. I would have negotiated day passes and taken my class to see the AC Village and races. In an age appropriate manner, we would have learned how sailing is integral to Bermuda’s history, we would have learned about the design of the Bermuda Sloop and contrasted that with the new technologies employed with the AC’s catamarans. We would have seen the importance of eating well, and conditioning the bodies as we talked to the team sailors about their roles and functions. We would have learned about geography, languages and various flags and so on. I probably would have done that on my professional development day…