Information Commissioner’s ‘Monthly Roundup’
The Information Commissioner’s Office has released the first edition of their “Monthly Roundup,” which they said is “intended to keep you up to date with the work of the Information Commissioner’s Office.”
“We will share newly released Information Commissioner’s Decisions, informal resolution outcomes, new guidance issued by the Information Commissioner, links to relevant news articles from Bermuda and elsewhere, learning opportunities, special events and outreach,” a spokesperson said.
The Information Commissioner’s Office is described as an “independent, non-governmental office that promotes and oversees the use of the Public Access to Information [PATI] Act.”
The full Monthly Roundup follows below [PDF here]:
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Another excuse to give someone a job and spend $$$
Is this a joke? How much public money is given to this office? Surely after nearly 3 years in existence they can come up with something better than this amateur “roundup” that really tells you nothing. Where is the Annual Report? Surely that would be better information