Chief Justice: Legislative Support Appreciated
“In light of recent complaints made by him about the lack of support on the administrative front,” the Chief Justice considers that it is important for him to publicly express his “appreciation for enhanced legislative support” the Attorney-General and her Chambers have provided to the Judiciary.
A statement from the Judicial Department said, “On 30 May 2018, the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Senator Kathy Simmons safely piloted the Evidence Audio-Visual Link Act 2018 Bill through the Senate.
“The Act will enable parties and witnesses involved in civil and criminal proceedings to give evidence remotely, saving expense, protecting vulnerable witnesses and addressing security concerns about bringing certain prisoners to court.
“It is an enhanced version of an outline legislative proposal first made by the Judiciary in December 2012. The Chief Justice acknowledges the dynamism shown by the Attorney-General in bringing this longstanding legislative project to a successful conclusion in the first year of her present term of office.
“In light of recent complaints made by him about the lack of support on the administrative front, the Chief Justice considers that it is important for him to public express his appreciation for enhanced legislative support the Honourable Attorney-General and her Chambers have provided to the Judiciary since her appointment in relation the Evidence [Audio-Visual Link] Act and the drafting and publication of new Court rules.
“In this regard the Chief Justice is pleased to announce that on 1 June 2018, the following Rules of Court came into effect:
- The Human Rights [Appeals] Rules 2018
- The Supreme Court [Bermuda Immigration and Protection] [Appeals] Rules 2018.
“The Development and Planning [Appeals to the Supreme Court] Rules are expected to come into effect on 15 June 2018.”
This is confusing.
Is the Chief Justice apologizing to the Attorney General for his recent complaints about staffing levels in the judiciary?
Well it’s long overdue due! Having innocent people do the dirty work and prisoners get to still live iin their country
some witness living in Exile and innocent families torn apart! The innocent who had to suffer for the guilty because we so behind the times! How yo have crime stoppers and leaders of he ountry telling you come first and nothing there to protect the innocent! Clap clap you still got a long way to go, thank you for the overdue changes! This should save a lot of Money! And stop turning people into vulnerable people! Sad it’s come so late just shows how we deaf and blind we are as country! So are we honestly movinhg from the medieval ages? Or is there a catch for some people is it a choice or Prosecutions have the say on your life once again ? Hhhmmmnnn I don’t believe them!!!