Court: Driver Fined $800, Banned For 12 Months

September 18, 2018

[Written by Don Burgess]

A Hamilton Parish man pled guilty to two charges in relation to being stopped on suspicion of DUI.

On September 16, police stopped Shaquille Codrington, 25, on Palmetto Road in Devonshire.

While speaking to the defendant, they asked him if he had been drinking and Mr Codrington apparently said, “I had two beers.”

They took him to the Hamilton Police station where they observed that his speech was slurred and there was a smell of alcohol.

He was asked to take a breath test, but refused saying “How much will I be fined?” and “Don’t I have a right to know how much I will be fined?” for failing to take a breath test.

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo fined him $800 and banned him for 12 months from driving for failing to take the breath test.

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