Bermuda Carnival Rebrand & Parade Route

May 28, 2019

The Bermuda Heroes Weekend Carnival is being re-branded to the ‘Bermuda Carnival’ the organisers announced today, and they also revealed the route for the Parade of Bands which is set to take place in Hamilton next month.

A spokesperson said, “We are less than one month away from officially celebrating our 5-year anniversary. Are you feeling the excitement buzzing in the air? We certainly are!

“In the build up to this distinctive milestone, our team has been promising surprises, along with a few changes to make our events in June bigger and better. Finally, it is time to reveal the one change that you, our supporters, with your unfailing dedication have inspired.

“From the beginning, you came to our fetes, you got dutty and wild in J’Ouvert, and you proudly wore those stunning costumes as you danced feverously on the Bermudian streets.

“Then you brought your friends, and they invited their family members in the Caribbean, cousins in North America, and classmates from as far away as London. All together, your participation made this festival the Fastest Growing Carnival in the World.

“Leading us to today, where in tribute to your efforts, and hopefully with your blessing, we are re-branding the name of this celebration from Bermuda Heroes Weekend Carnival, to simply Bermuda Carnival! Just two words; but two vital words that reflect and represent your enduring commitment to our team over the last 5 years.

“From our team to all of you, we thank you! Also, from your DMs and emails, there is one more piece of information you need immediately from us. The route of the Bermuda Carnival Parade of Bands, hosted and presented by the City of Hamilton. We know it took awhile but here it is!

Bermuda Carnival 2019

“Each band will begin the Parade from their respective parks, and then proceed clockwise around the route.

  • This route runs West along Front Street, giving you those beautiful Harbour views!
  • Then make a Right Turn, North onto Par-La-Ville Road,
  • Up next, another Right Turn, this time East onto Serpentine Road and straight onto Dundonald Street.
  • After that, dance those legs into a Right Turn, South, onto Parliament Street.
  • Then a Left Turn, East, onto Reid Street.
  • Put those hands in the air and make a Right Turn, South onto Court Street.
  • And finally, with the music pushing our energy levels higher than high, we are making a Right Turn, back to moving West along Front Street.

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Comments (41)

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  1. sage says:

    Kick the heroes to the curb, dutty.

    • sandgrownan says:

      They ran out of candidates?

      • PBanks says:

        Separate matter – we can blame Govt (and maybe the general public) for inaction on the whole Heroes nomination and selection and honouring process.

        • CHRIS says:

          it was dumb to start. let’s just call it Parade Day and put all the parades into this one.

        • sandgrownan says:

          I don’t honestly care…

          • PBanks says:

            Right, there are several like you who would have preferred retaining the old Queens Birthday holiday instead of National Heroes Day, but I think the govt and much of the public at the time wanted to move on from it for various reasons. It is what it is.

  2. Toodle-oo says:

    * Are you feeling the excitement buzzing in the air ? *

    What I’m feeling in the air is mass anxiety over how we’re going to deal with massive increases to the COL and where we’re going to find the money to pay for monumental hikes in health insurance.
    This ‘Carnival’ isn’t going to alleviate any of that !

  3. Mark says:

    OJ might as well leave his spray paint down to mark his spot.

  4. question says:

    another firkin parade?

    • Aaron says:

      *Dj Khalid voice * ANOTHER ONE! :)

    • PBanks says:

      Technically there’s still Labour Day, Remembrance Day and the Santa Claus one also on the calendar

  5. Fisherman says:

    When participants learn to dance the entire route, I will watch. During St. David’s events, most were walking..,.definitely not Carnival atmosphere.

    • Aaron says:

      .its nt meant for us to just dance the entire way and you to sit on the side and watch… we do not do this for you’re enjoyment. So stay the….. Home… we dont care what you think or your feelings. We are living our BEST lives!:)

    • Aaron says:

      Also.. idk if you have been to other carnivals around the world.. people walk.. “chip” … even friggin jog down the route … so nah.. do us ALL a favor and.. stay away:) ..PS allllll these beautiful sights on the road and ya worrying about whether we dancing the entire way…smh

      • Peach says:

        Thank you!!!!!! This is not a spectators event. If you don’t like what you see stay home or shut up.

        • No way says:

          Definitely staying home! This is an excuse to watch women and over indulgent men shake their arrogant a$$e$ in public! It’s the look at me generation! Party on and once your money and partying runs it’s course good luck!

          • PBanks says:

            ” It’s the look at me generation!” – isn’t that young people in general? It’s not like Mardi Gras, Carnival, Crop Over, Caribana etc. was invented in 2010 or something

  6. Jah says:

    Bermuda carnival too self conscious

    • sandgrownan says:

      Why is there even a Carnival? And shouldn’t it be during Lent? It is, after all, generally held in countries with large Catholic populations?

      • PBanks says:

        There are several Carnival-like celebrations in many countries that operate outside of the Lent period.

        • CHRIS says:

          it’s NOT part of our culture. next.

          • PBanks says:

            You’ll have to define “our” – because there are several here who would suggest it is, based on their experience with soca or reggae concerts on the island over the years… and for the older crowd, even traditional calypso.

          • LaV says:

            “it’s NOT part of our culture. next.”

            It most certainly is! Bermuda embraces the culture of homophobia and racism!

        • sandgrownan says:

          Agreed, however, most have some sort of cultural significance to the population – generally based around (western) Christian and I think some greek orthodoxy. Could be mistaken.

          The point is, this isn’t the case here or rather the driving force behind this isn’t the traditional focus for carnival. We don’t have that tradition here.

          • mixitup says:

            We don’t have that tradition here? First off who’s we? Normally it’s ‘they’ with you…. Second, please don’t speak on anyone’s behalf, especially when you really don’t care.

          • PBanks says:

            I think that’s why they’re trying to develop the culture here – because for some partying, soca, etc., is popular within part of the overall community. Maybe you can chalk it up to a substantial audience of those of West Indian descent. I mean, there’s a significant population of Portuguese descent here that celebrate certain aspects of Portuguese culture, for example. We at one point had our Filipino community have representation in the Bermuda Day parade. It may not be seen as organic because it’s a bit of a ‘production’.

  7. Leisha Choe says:

    Oh goodie! Love the route, I can go out to watch this!

    • sage says:

      Not a spectator event, so stay home.

      signed: Participants.

      • PBanks says:

        My impression is that the participants are against spectators who only attend to talk smack about the revelers… “why she wearing that costume”, “she looks a mess”, “that so-and-so’s husband she dancing with” as opposed to spectators who watch and or cheer them on or just listen to the music.

  8. CHRIS says:

    Can we please have 24th May back to appreciating BERMUDA. The marathon, swimming and enjoying the stunning BEAUTY of Island. Take the ‘parade’ that let’s face it is a somewhat new thing on 24th May and put them all on the Queen’s Birthday aka Heroes Weekend. “Carnival” is not Bermudian and does not bring much in tourist dollars, but if we have to have it let’s put all the parades on the one day. You’re welcome!

    • sandgrownan says:

      Exactly, Carnival is a Catholic pre-Lent festival…mardi gras if you will.

      • CHRIS says:

        exactly. I’ll wager not a Catholic among them!

    • Peach says:

      Did you not see the numbers that Carnival put back into this country last year? Go do your homework. And as we are growing more people coming this year I’m pretty sure we will exceed last year. Bore me less.

      • sandgrownan says:

        No I didn’t. Evidence please.

      • question says:

        So suddenly you understand the concept of making an investment to stimulate visitors and the economy. Suddenly you’re talking about numbers.
        The concept finally got through to your brain then.

      • CHRIS says:

        where are those numbers?

    • PBanks says:

      I think the whole idea behind BHW-now BC I suppose, was to attract visitors to participate in festivities alongside locals. But in any event it’s separate from the Bermuda Day parade which was envisioned as a heritage thing. Whether or not it’s devolved is a matter of opinion, I suppose… but it apparently remains a popular spectator event.

      • No way says:

        This is all locals! Minimal visitors!

        • PBanks says:

          This is where that previous question on how much tourist traffic it generates. The BTA invested in the event last year so they must have an idea on how many visitors attend, etc. Probably not ‘minimal’ if they were involved? Maybe Peach or Chris knows the number.

  9. PBanks says:

    Not feeling the new logo and title, although I get that it may be better for branding/marketing purposes.