Volunteers Wanted To Test New Terminal

September 24, 2020

Skyport is seeking volunteers interested to serve as “mock passengers in trials” designed to test the new passenger terminal building.

A spokesperson said, “Skyport is opening the doors at the new passenger terminal building to members of the public interested in serving as mock passengers in trials designed to test out of the new facility.

“Trials and testing will take place once the construction is completed, but before the new terminal opens.

“Between October 20 and November 19, Skyport will host a total of nine trial sessions, inviting more than 800 people to comprehensively test facilities, systems and procedures in the new passenger terminal building.

“Mock passengers will play an important role during these trials because they will simulate all arrival and departure processes including check-in, security, US Customs and Border Protection clearance, boarding, disembarking, Immigration, baggage reclaim and HM Customs clearance.

“Volunteers will also be assigned different roles to simulate potential real-life scenarios, from a medical emergency, to a passenger arriving with invalid travel documents. The trial operation forms the last step before the physical relocation to the new terminal building and the formal commencement of operations.”

Mikaela Pearman, Marketing & Communication Officer, Skyport, says: “We are looking forward to opening up the new terminal to volunteers to act as mock passengers so that we can test out every area of the building. This is a unique opportunity for members of the public to get a first-hand look at the terminal before it opens to the general public. We would like to thank the public in advance for their cooperation.”

“Trials will be held every Tuesday afternoon from 4pm to 6pm and every Thursday morning from 9am to 11am from October 20 to November 19 and will adhere to strict Covid 19 safety protocols. After each trial, participants will receive lunch or dinner as well as a gift box.

“To register to be a volunteer for the trials, please visit trials.skyport.bm.”

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  1. Any Thing to Help Out... says:


    That is the link to get to the website to volunteer.

  2. Boston Whaler Owner says:

    Offer a Green T Shirt,Peas n Rice and you’ll get more people than you can manage.

  3. Not for working people says:

    This is will be good for those that are notg working due to the timing.

  4. izzypop says:

    Saw videos of the new airport. What a waste of space
    Sky port must be expecting tens of thousands a day with that ugly thing

  5. I'm Special says:

    Ok what flight will we be on? I wanna go to Atlanta.

  6. Jevon Ray says:

    The new Canadian airport looks nice…

  7. Bermudian says:

    Signed up! An airport that Bermuda deserves.