Video: Greenpeace Visits The Sargasso Sea

November 8, 2020

Greenpeace launched an expedition from Bermuda to the Sargasso Sea in August of last year to “study the impact of plastics and microplastics on marine life, and to document the importance of this unique ecosystem for protection under a new Global Ocean Treaty that is being negotiated at the UN.”

The Greenpeace ship Esperanza departed from Penno’s Wharf in Bermuda and sailed the Sargasso Sea over the course of nearly three weeks.

A Look At The Sargasso Sea [footage courtesy of Greenpeace]:

At the time of the expedition, Greenpeace’s Oceans Director, John Hocevar, said, “The world’s only borderless sea, the Sargasso has been a source of mystery and myth, from the lost kingdom of Atlantis to the Bermuda Triangle.

“Today, the Sargasso Sea continues to challenge us with questions that could affect us all. Is our reliance on fossil fuels and throwaway plastics transforming this vital sea turtle nursery area into a death trap?

“We hope our findings from this research expedition will shed light on the health of this unique ecosystem.”

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