Family Centre Assisting Through Covid-19

December 8, 2020

The Family Centre says that it is available to “help families manage many of the emotional, behavioural, and social stressors that can accompany the necessary health and safety precautions that must be followed” in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A spokesperson said, “As the number of Covid-19 cases in Bermuda rises, Family Centre knows this may cause increased stress within the community and especially in our school-age children.

“Family Centre wants the community to know we are here to help families manage many of the emotional, behavioural, and social stressors that can accompany the necessary health and safety precautions that must be followed.”

Dr. Sandy De Silva, Executive Director of Family Centre, said, “Predictability is a significant stabilizing force for children and adolescents. This has certainly been disrupted since the rise in Covid-19 cases.”

The spokesperson said, “Children have many worries related to the consequences of COVID-19 such as whether they will see their friends and relatives, go to school or get sick. It is very important for caregivers to help calm children’s anxieties because of this uncertainty.

“Parents are also facing unpredictability during these extraordinary times. According to Dr. De Silva, this can interfere with a parent’s usual ability to address their children’s emotional needs. These are the times when it is important for families to reach out for help.

“Families want to avoid anxiety, sadness, and even anger spreading through the family system as we live and have to function within the confines of a pandemic.

“International research shows the pandemic is affecting the mental health of our children and adolescents, and that depression and anxiety are prevalent. The team at Family Centre knows connection with others plays an important part in emotional healing.

“Family Centre continues to connect with families to help reduce the adverse effects the pandemic is having on our children and families in Bermuda.

“Dr. De Silva encourages the community, and especially families with children, to discuss how they are feeling on a consistent basis.”

Dr. De Silva said, “Giving voice to your concerns and understanding what other members of the household are experiencing helps to share the load and reduces the stress that can build up if one remains silent concerning one’s fear.

“It is a unique opportunity to strengthen the family bonds and open important dialogue with each family member at this time.”

Susan Richardson, Director of Counselling Services, said, “At Family Centre, we find being heard is underestimated as a way to understand and find really good solutions to many challenges.”

The spokesperson said, “As we progress through the pandemic and its fall out, Bermuda along with the world, is experiencing an increase in families and children reporting feelings of anxiety, feelings of isolation, depression, feeling unsafe, vulnerable, and fearful of themselves or their family getting sick.

“Family Centre’s therapeutic team also cautions that families and children can become overwhelmed by too much information via the news and social media, as well as concerns regarding their basic needs being met.

“These feelings, left unaddressed, can lead to social withdrawal, aggression, acting out, self-harm, or other behaviours or expressions that clearly show distress of some kind.

“Family Centre is here to help families navigate through this trying time. Our team is ready to assist you without judgement. Our services are at no out-of-pocket cost to families. Our goal is to strengthen families and provide the tools that each member of the family can utilize to work towards a brighter future. We all need a little help sometimes.

“If you are a family with children aged 4-18 years and you or your children are experiencing any of these challenges, please call us at 232-1116 or contact us at to find out how we can help.

“We are here for you.”

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As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.

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