Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit

February 22, 2021

The Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit is being held at the Bermuda Society of Arts until March 9th, and an African Cultural Marketplace will be held on Saturday, February 27th at the exhibit.

A spokesperson said, “Ashay University and sponsors present The Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit being held at The Bermuda Society of Arts. Located on the third floor of City Hall in Hamilton, the exhibit runs from Friday, February 12th to Tuesday, March 9th, 2021.

“The 16-foot long, 4-feet high timeline provides a brief overview of the first people to live on the earth and their many contributions that created the foundation of world civilization.

Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit Bermuda Feb 2021

“The African Foundation Timeline was created by veteran educator, Mwalimu Melodye Micëre Van Putten; she has utilized it as a powerful teaching tool to show children and adults alike that Black history does not begin in slavery, but at the beginning of time.

“Beautifully rendered by Bermudian artist Mrs. Angela Ming-Bean, the timeline is a visually exquisite teaching tool that is a must-see. The exhibit is sponsored by Channel 82, Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda, Titan Tours, Mr. Anthony and Dr. Cheryl Ball and Ashay University. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10am to 4pm; Saturdays, 10am to 2 pm.

“This Saturday, February 27th, the Ashay U Community is hosting an African Cultural Marketplace at the exhibit from 11 am to 1 pm and will feature books, African clothing, jewelry, pillows and delectable eats.

“After the exhibit, the Mobile African Foundation Timeline will be available for lecture programmes at schools, churches, etc. Come and be inspired by the excellence of African people as exemplified by the Mobile African Foundation Timeline!”

Mobile African Foundation Timeline Exhibit Bermuda Feb 2021 2

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