City Responds To Supreme Court Judgement

March 31, 2021

“We will use every legal option at our disposal to protect our democratically elected system,” Hamilton Mayor Charles Gosling said, adding that “we believe that there are a number of grounds on which we could launch an appeal.”

A spokesperson said, “The Corporation of Hamilton has today received a decision from the Supreme Court of Bermuda regarding the current legal case between the Corporation and the Bermuda Government. The legal case involved several matters; in particular a decision by the Government to convert the Corporation to a ‘quango’ and a Bill to achieve that end.

City of Hamilton Mayor Charles Gosling said, “Although we are disappointed that the Court did not rule in our favour today, this decision is not entirely unexpected. Respectfully, despite the ruling, our legal advice has not changed and we have not been dissuaded or discouraged from our position.

“We will use every legal option at our disposal to protect our democratically elected system. We have met with our lawyers and we believe that there are a number of grounds on which we could launch an appeal. Our lawyers and internal team are in the process of reviewing the judgment.

“The Corporation has a legacy of success when it comes to running Hamilton’s affairs and we stand firm with our position.”

Graphic courtesy of the City:

Mayor Gosling Bermuda March 2021

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