CURB To Hold Virtual Tag Day Fundraiser

March 21, 2021

The Citizens Uprooting Racism In Bermuda will be holding its Tag Day fundraiser virtually over the next two weeks.

A spokesperson said, “The charity Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] has annually held its Tag Day fundraiser on 21st March to celebrate the U.N. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, but sadly had to cancel its plans last year due to Covid-19’s arrival in Bermuda.

“This year, however, we will be holding our Tag Day fundraiser virtually over the next two weeks, giving the public ample opportunity to offer their support. The public can follow CURB on Instagram and Facebook to learn about CURB’s current work in the community and the many programs we run.

“Despite the challenges of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic CURB has been highly active in the community. In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, and Bermuda’s Black Lives Matter March, CURB began receiving a high volume of requests for training on structural racism from businesses, schools and groups wanting to develop their understanding of race and racism in Bermuda; and with our dedicated team of volunteers we have been able to respond rapidly to the increasing needs for knowledge, understanding, community building and solution-seeking processes.

“In addition to experiencing a surge in demand CURB has had to “pivot” and amend its programming to virtual platforms. This includes its flagship Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations and Restorative Practices Bermuda trainings, which have relationship-building central to their impact. Fortunately, CURB has received consistent feedback that, despite the training being virtual, the programs, trainings and workshops have successfully managed to remain empowering and transformational.

“As demand remains consistent, CURB is also proactively seeking ways to expand its outreach with new programming and engagement strategies and, must remain adequately resourced to continue having the impact that is necessary to bring about a positive paradigm shift in our society around racial justice.

“Any amount of support that the public can offer during the charity’s 2021 Tag Day two-week fundraiser is whole-heartedly appreciated by the entire CURB volunteer team and is received most gratefully. Donations can be made by direct transfer to CURB’s account at Bank of Butterfield, 20006060952140100 or email or call 707 1496 for further information.”

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  1. Community First says:

    Transparency and accountability are the frontlines of Social Justice.

    Where are CURB’s financial statements posted including their 2021 budget? They don’t appear to be anywhere on their website.

    It is important for CURB to help Bermuda understand what money is required annually to do this work, how the requested donated funds are budgeted in 2021 and how historical donated funds have been spent.

  2. Lynne Winfield says:

    So many charities have Tag Days and all sorts of fundraisers. Yet this question is rarely, if ever, asked of them. It makes one beg the question why this question would be asked of a NGO anti-racist, volunteer, organization?

    Not sure of the intent of the questioner “Community First” and perhaps s/he will take the time to explain why s/he felt the need to question CURB’s financials in particular?

    However, the impact of this question about CURB is such that upon reading it several CURB members felt it was a racial slight, one that would have not been directed at another organization. Perhaps on reflection “Community First” can understand why people were offended that CURB in particular needed to be reminded of accountability and transparency.

    We file our annual reports and FS with the Charities Commission and have done so since 2006, we are a Company Limited by Guarantee, as we were advised it was best practice in the not-for-profit arena, and we are registered charity #768. We are overseen by two regulatory bodies, i.e. Register of Companies and Charities Commission and comply with their legislative requirements. We are a member of the InterAgency Committee and work closely with them training. Plus we have an anti-money laundering compliance officer on our board.

    • Unbelievable says:

      Lynn, I 100% get what you are saying and yes sometimes those questions are coming from “non-supporters” who would like to see CURB go away (I do not) but I will also admit that not every question of CURB is coming from a racist bias. CURB is asking for donations, ok fine. In that case, it has to follow the due diligence that every other charity or NGO has to.

      I don’t know if “Transparency and accountability are the frontlines of Social Justice” (meaning I just don’t know) but I also don’t think it’s healthy to push back at every instance and claim the line of questioning is biased.