Pembroke Council Pledges $2K For Playground

April 19, 2021

The Pembroke Parish Council has pledged $2,000 towards rebuilding the Pig’s Field playground that was recently destroyed by a fire.

A spokesperson said, “The Pembroke Parish Council announced today that it has pledged $2,000 towards rebuilding of the Pig’s Field playground that was targeted by arsonists recently. The Council has echoed the dismay of the community and the outrage felt by many, as the fire completely destroyed the playground.”

Fire Bermuda Playground April 10 2021  (1)

“As part of the Pembroke community, the Pembroke Parish Council condemns the arsonist attacks that have plagued the Pembroke community,” said Council Chair, Ms. Patricka Ferguson.

“We are in the midst of a pandemic. This is a time for us to come together, not cause more harm and chaos for the community. It was a heartless deed, made even more callous by the fact that there is no apparent reason behind it.”

Deputy Premier, Minister of Home Affairs, and Pembroke East MP Walter Roban recently announced that it would cost approximately $60,000 to refit it.

Chair of the Council’s Community Event Sub-Committee, Mrs. Pamela Wade spoke with Minister Roban to advise of the donation and offer any other assistance needed.

In the meantime, in light of today’s news of yet another fire in Pembroke, the Council is appealing to the community to cooperate with police investigations.

“If you know something, then please say something,” said Mrs. Wade. “The Council needs everyone to get on board and involved to prevent another incident from occurring.”

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  1. Fisherman says:

    St. David’s s in need of a playground. Dark Bottom is the ideal spot. Equipment corroded and removed leaving swings.
    Thank you

  2. Captaincodfish says:

    $60k is ridiculously overinflated. I have never seen more than 6 kids use it at any one time. Standard is approx $1k per child, so a suitable playground should be $6k. Add shipping and duty, $6k, install, $6k, so $20k max.

    Not sure where Mr Roban is sourcing his figures, but if he’s asked a PLP-approved contractor, then I guess we can see why Government waste so much money.

    I assume that blanket insurance will cover some if not all of the costs? Perhaps not as the playground was in a such a deplorable state before it burnt.