MP Experiences Challenges Traveling Home

June 21, 2021

Some Bermudians have experienced problems while traveling, and among them is MP Kim Swan, who said that while there were some challenges he “encountered firsthand” when flying home on Sunday, he brought the issues to the attention of his government colleagues and is confident they will “make this process more user friendly.

Mr Swan told Bernews, “I arrived home Sunday June 20th, ironically on the first day of the new Bermuda Government Travel Authorization [TA] process and there were some challenges that I encountered firsthand.

“I brought these issues to the attention of my government colleagues. In my case, I was at the gate in the final leg of my journey and was able to make it clear that Bermudians cannot be denied entry into our country.

“I was able to board my flight home and thankfully, the Government has issued a statement reinforcing this point and recognizing the problems being encountered by inbound travellers.

“As a Member of Parliament and as a Bermuda Tourism Authority board member, I am confident that we will make this process more user friendly for all residents and visitors.”

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  1. Trudi Pugh says:

    And your point is, Mr Swan, to those who were not as “in the position” as you????? In my humble opinion, you should have kept quiet until you spoke with your colleagues. As you know, I am not a PLP voter.

  2. Trudi Pugh says:

    Forgot to remind you and the Government that this is a long weekend. I don’t think that many would agree that you are our heroes this weekend. No excuses for the stress you have inflicted.

  3. Wing nut says:

    Wonder if flip flopper would have the same tone had the OBA been in ppwer.

    • Paul says:

      IS it time for the dictator,to say so long bye bye, before his cabinet kick him out.

  4. Beam ne up Sparky says:

    l travelled back on Sunday and had no issues whatsoever ! Only people that had issues were people who didn’t get the proper documentation.

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    Everything is just fine until a PLP MP is inconvenienced. Gotcha.

    Somebody tell us what the purpose of the TA is in the first place. Are US or Canadian citizens required one, or similar, to return home? I think not.

    What are passports for? What makes it the responsibility for airline agents to check Bermuda Government documents?

  6. Hard At Work says:

    Maybe they should cancel the need for a pre-approval document for Bermudians/residents, and only require proof of a negative pre-test on arrival at the airport. As more and more people travel, the processing is being taxed and cannot handle the volume of applications. Simplify it for Locals and take them out of the pre-approval process. If we can’t be denied entry to our own country, why the requirement for a pre-approval?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Correct, Bermudians cannot be denied entry into Bermuda.

      But even Bermudians are subject to the law once in Bermuda and if, for whatever reason, a Bermudian is not fully vaccinated then he or she can be quarantined.

      I am NOT in favour of one law for Bermudians and another law for everyone else.

  7. The Real Terry says:

    Wonder “whose dime the ticket was on” ??? LOL

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Kim Swan was the last leader of the UBP. Your guess is as good as mine.