Parliament: Audio & Order Of Business
[Updated with live audio] The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [June 16] and statements scheduled to be delivered include an Update on the Support provided to Local Small and Medium Businesses since the Global Pandemic, OECD Inclusive Framework, Marine and Ports Services Ferry Retrofit Programme, Fourth Update on the Stimulus Programme, Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2020 and Extending the Term for Financial Assistance of Abled-Bodied Unemployment Recipients.
In addition a number of questions are scheduled including queries on the total number of fully vaccinated travelers who have tested positive for Covid, the total number of quarantine exemptions issued, the exemption given to the St. Regis to conduct construction during the Stay-at-Home period in April which was later rescinded and more.
Update: Live broadcast has concluded, and the audio of part of the morning session is below:
The Order of Business is below [PDF here]: