79 New Cases, 205 Active, 3 People In Hospital

August 31, 2021

The Ministry received 10,128 test results — spanning 4 days of testing — and 79 were positive for the coronavirus, so there are now 205 active cases, and sadly the Ministry confirmed that “Bermuda has recorded another death of someone who was Covid positive.”

16 of the new cases are classified as imported, 27 as local transmission with known contact, and 36 as under investigation.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Health received 10,128 test results since the last update, and 79 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.8%.

“These results are from testing done on:

  • “Thursday, August 26: 24 positive out of 3188 results [0.8% positivity]
  • “Friday, August 27: 31 positive out of 2843 results [1.1% positivity]
  • “Saturday, August 28: 12 positive out of 2308 results [0.5% positivity]
  • “Sunday, August 29: 12 positive out of 1789 results [0.7% positivity]

“16 of the new cases are classified as imported with history of travel in the previous 14 days, with details as follows:

  • “1 non-resident who arrived via British Airways BA 159 from London on August 12 and tested positive on their outbound test
  • “1 resident who arrived on Delta Airline DL 617 from New York on August 14 and tested positive on their day 14 test
  • “1 resident who arrived via British Airways BA 159 from London on August 15 and tested positive on their day 14 test
  • “1 resident who arrived via Jet Blue B61731 from New York on August 16 and tested positive on their day 10 test
  • “1 resident who arrived via United Airlines UA 1985 from Newark on August 22 and tested positive on their day 4 test
  • “1 non-resident who arrived via Jet Blue B6203 from Boston on August 23 and tested positive on their outbound test
  • “1 resident who arrived via American Airlines AA 1863 from Charlotte on August 23 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 resident and 2 non-residents who arrived via British Airways BA 159 from London on August 26 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 non-resident who arrived via United Airlines UA 1985 from Newark on August 27 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 resident who arrived via Jet Blue B61731 from New York on August 28 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 resident who arrived via American Airlines AA 914 from Miami on August 28 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 resident who arrived via United Airlines UA 1985 from Newark on August 29 and tested positive on their arrival test
  • “1 resident and 1 non-resident who arrived via American Airlines AA 1863 from Charlotte on August 29 and tested positive on their arrival test

August 31 2021 Covid cases calendar Bermuda by Bernews

“27 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as associated with known cases.

“The additional 36 new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.

“Additionally, since the last update, there were 28 recoveries and 1 death.

205 Active Cases

“There are 205 active cases, of which:

  • “202 are under public health monitoring and
  • “3 are in hospital with 0 in intensive care

“Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 2923 confirmed coronavirus cases, out of which 2684 have recovered, and sadly 34 Covid related deaths.

“The source of all active cases is as follows:

  • “41 are Imported
  • “98 are classified as local transmission of which:
    • “98 are Local transmission with known contact/source and
    • “0 is Local transmission with an unknown contact/source
  • “66 are Under Investigation

active cases Covid Bermuda square text

“Active cases by vaccination status, transmission, and type:

  • “Imported cases: 35 [86%] are fully vaccinated, and 6 [14%] are not vaccinated.
  • “Local/Under Investigation cases: 42 [25%] are fully vaccinated, and 122 [75%] are not vaccinated.
  • “Of the active cases by variant type: 0 are Alpha, 0 are Beta, 159 [78%] are Delta, 0 are Gamma, 0 are wildtype, 25 [12%] cannot be determined, and 21 [10%] are not available.

“The source of all confirmed cases is as follows:

  • “458 are Imported
  • “2382 are classified as local transmission of which:
    • “1875 are Local transmission with known contact/source and
    • “507 are Local transmission with an unknown contact/source
  • “83 are Under Investigation

“As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. For information regarding age distributions and overall transmission categories, please refer to https://www.gov.bm/coronavirus-Covid19-update.

“Bermuda Currently Meets The Criteria For Community Transmission”

“The seven-day average of our real-time reproduction number is above 1 [according to analysis by Public Health England]. Although Bermuda’s current country status is listed as “Sporadic Cases”, data indicates that Bermuda currently meets the criteria for Community Transmission.


“We have completed 33 weeks of vaccinations. Since January 11, Bermuda has administered a total of 85,415 vaccinations.

“Of the 85,415 vaccinations given as of August 28:

  • “52% are women and,
  • “48% are men

“83.3% of all residents over the age of 65 years have had at least one vaccination and 82.2% are fully immunized

“To date, 66.7% of the population has been vaccinated [1 dose], and 65.4% of the population has been immunised [2 doses].

“Another Death Of Someone Who Was Covid Positive”

“It saddens me that Bermuda has recorded another death of someone who was Covid positive,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend my deepest sympathies to the bereaved family and friends. I am sorry for your loss, and my prayers are with you.”

“The pandemic is far from over, and as we now find ourselves living with Covid, we all must do everything we can to reduce the transmission of this virus at all levels.”

“If you have cold, flu or coronavirus symptoms, stay home and call your doctor or the Covid helpline 444-2498 for advice about getting tested.”

“The vaccine against Covid-19 is one of the single most important measures to keep our community safe. The vaccine prevents approximately 80% of symptomatic infections and prevents approximately 96% of hospitalisations and deaths.

“Vaccines also appear to reduce transmission. With the outbreak we are experiencing now, 62% of the active cases are not fully vaccinated, and the transmission is spreading through households and workplaces and in social situations.”

“The Ministry is advising parents and guardians that if an unimmunized child travels and returns home, and his/her parents are immunised, then he/she should:

  • “Comply with the on-island testing requirements on days 4, 10 and 14
  • “Not attend school or day care until receiving a negative day 10 test result, in accordance with a medium risk setting of the Safe Return to Work after Travel Guidance.
  • “Conduct remote learning

“A day 8 test will be acceptable until the school year’s start only for families with existing travel plans. Call the Covid-19 Information Hotline, 444-2498, to make arrangements for a Day 8 test.

“There will be a pop-up vaccine clinic at Lindo’s in Devonshire on Tuesday, September 7 10 am – 2pm, and Thursday, September 16 3 – 7pm.

“The vaccine clinic at the King Edward Memorial Hospital is open for appointments and walk-ins, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm – 7pm, and Saturdays from 8am – 4pm.

“Considering All The Evidence Available On Booster Vaccinations For Covid-19″

“The Bermuda Advisory Council on Immunisation Practices [BACIP] is presently considering all the evidence available on booster vaccinations for Covid-19. It will be setting out its advice to the government soon. This advice is needed before the Ministry of Health can plan for the operational details for rolling out this vaccine.

“As always, to decrease the odds of getting the coronavirus, avoid the three “Cs”: closed spaces, crowded places and close contact settings.

“Each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask indoors, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app.”

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You can find more information on the links below and also on our dedicated website BermudaCovid.com, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

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Comments (12)

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Without seeming to be callous, 3 in hospital out of 205 seems to imply that the symptoms are not that bad. Another death? How any deaths have there been to people who have been unable to receive medical treatment because of lack of facilities at the hospital? This fixation on positive Covid results needs to be reviewed.

  2. Rig says:

    To those unvaccinated, please do the right thing and get vaccinated.

    To the Government, please get tough on them. I am so sick of these selfish, ill-informed minority.

    • MelD says:

      Why are they not posting the vaccinated status of the hospitalized….all of a sudden!?!? How do we know that the person who passed wasn’t fully vaccinated?
      Questions that need answers

    • Wow says:

      Chillax, just get ya some SafeKey.

    • Grace & Compassion says:

      Please stop lumping all unvaccinated into one group. Not everyone is eligible for the vaccine. Our society could do with less judgement and negativity and more grace and compassion.

  3. Question says:

    With 35% still un-vaccinated it’s going to get pretty interesting around here. Everyone will catch it in the next 6 months or so, one way or another.

  4. Observer says:

    More than 200 cases and rising fast. No word from our leaders and the safe key is not being respected by owners and patrons in a host of establishments. No word on a booster shot despite our neighbors moving ahead with enthusiasm. Seems like the bus drivers have again caught the government running for cover and the pay checks are still being honoured. What a mess and more on the way.

  5. Joe Bloggs says:

    And the CDC has moved us from “Level 2″ moderate to “Level 3″ high level of COVID-19 transmission. It is only a matter of time before the UK lists as a “Amber” for travel.

    All of this because people will not follow the rules and Government will not take a hard line on rules breakers. We are doing it to ourselves.

  6. Pitt’s Bay says:

    Of the 16 “imported”, I would suggest that a good number of those were local transmission. Arriving on 12 Aug and testing positive on your outbound test more than 14 days afterwards sounds more like local transmission than imported.

    • trufth says:

      Absolutely, but Govt doesn’t want to admit and announce that tourists are coming here and getting infected. Not great for the few tourists we have conned into coming here.

  7. LMB says:

    Why do they count those testing positive on day 14 or departure test (in the above case at least 13 days according to their arrival date) when it’s extremely likely if not certain that they contracted the virus on the island?