Coldwell Banker Recognizes Top Performers

August 4, 2021

Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty recently awarded five of its employees as top company performers, including Adam Birch, Rochelle Swan, Angela Hanwell, Rob Newton, and Mike Chlebek.

A spokesperson said, “During a company breakfast held at the Hamilton Princess last week, Bermuda Realty Company Limited – trading on the real estate agency side as Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty – recognized top company performers.

“A total of five awards were presented at this gathering: Professional Services Highest Revenue Award, Professional Services Revenue Growth Award and #1, #2 and #3 Sales and Rental Agent for the fiscal year 2020-21.

“From the formation of Jones Waddington Limited in 1977 as a surveying company to the amalgamation of L.P. Gutteridge and The Bank of Bermuda’s Real Estate Division [Bermuda Realty] in the early 1990s, the Bermuda Realty team has been key players in every major shift in the industry.

“Bermuda Realty is Bermuda’s largest full service real estate organization and 100% locally owned and operated. Since the affiliation with Coldwell Banker in 1998, Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty has earned many prestigious awards in all areas of business, including top Island Affiliates company nearly every year since 1998.

Adam Birch, Rochelle Swan, Rob Newton, Angela Hanwell and Mike Chlebek

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“After the opening remarks at the recognition breakfast by Brian Madeiros, President and CEO, thanking the staff for their dedication and hard work during the pandemic, Agency Manager Susan Thompson presented the awards.

“#1 Sales and Rental Agent 2020-21 fiscal year – Adam Birch.

“#2 Sales and Rental Agent 2020-21 fiscal year – Rochelle Swan.

“#3 Sales and Rental Agent 2020-21 fiscal year – Angela Hanwell.

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“Adam Birch has been named #1 Rental Agent numerous time before, but this is the first time that he won the coveted #1 Sales and Rental Agent award.”

Mr. Birch said, “I would love to say thank you to everyone around me who freely offer support and guidance. I am honored by this award as it was such a team effort getting us to this point. My managers, my friends, my family, my customers/clients who give me continued business, they all helped me to find the success I’ve always geared towards.

“It’s been a great ride and can’t wait to push forward!”

Rochelle Swan, recipient of the #2 Sales and Rental Agent award, who has been recognized repeatedly over her career as one of our leading agents, said, “I’m so very thankful to everyone who has allowed me the opportunity to assist them with their real estate goals.  Additionally, my work colleagues are such an amazing source of knowledge and experience, and I continue to learn from them every day.

“We all experience seasons of peaks and valleys, ebbs and flows, highs and lows in this business. I’ve found over the 20 years that I have been doing this, that it is important to have shoulders broad enough to get over the disappointments, a mind and heart strong enough to keep moving forward when it feels like things aren’t coming together, and a spirit that remains teachable because none of us knows it all.”

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The spokesperson said, “Rounding out the top sales and rental agents, in third place was Angela Hanwell. Angela has held various positions within the company and is a relative newcomer as a sales/rental agent, but shows a passion and determination that has catapulted her rapidly to one of the top three.”

Ms. Hanwell said, “My real estate career started over 15 years ago. I’ve gained so much experience and knowledge during this time as a sales assistant, residential property manager, sales agent and now sales and rental agent.

“I cannot express how grateful I am for each and every customer and client who has made this award possible. And a Big Thank You to Coldwell Banker who have allowed me to grow within the company”.

The spokesperson said, “Following the real estate sales awards, Professional Services Manager, Paul Matthews presented the Professional Service Highest Revenue Award to Senior Appraiser/Property Manager, Rob Newton and Professional Services Revenue Growth Award to Property Manager, Mike Chlebek.”

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Mr. Newton said, “I knew it had been a busy year but had no idea I’d be up for the award for highest revenue in the Professional Services Department.  Nice to see hard work recognized!

“It’s been 17 years since I started with the company and time has flown so quickly. Colleagues, systems, data sources have all made the job that much easier to do at a high level. The collective experience of people in the office and the solid data make for a reliable and robust valuation environment. I’m grateful for that”.

Mike Chlebek said, “It was an honour to receive this prestigious award. I have to thank my colleagues and family, whose help and assistance over the years have helped make this possible.”

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