STEP Bermuda Talk To Be Held On Wednesday
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners will be hosting a STEP Talk entitled ‘In ESG We Trust? Exploring ESG Risks and Opportunities for Trustees’ on Wednesday [Sept 23].
A spokesperson said, “STEP Bermuda Chairman Ash Fife said STEP Bermuda is looking forward to Wednesday’s STEP Bermuda talk [in collaboration with the BBDA and BALT]: ‘In ESG We Trust? Exploring ESG Risks and Opportunities for Trustees’ by Yindi Gesinde, Gemma Willingham [each of Baker McKenzie] and Gina Pereira [Meritus Trust].
“Register here.
“Covid-19 highlighted the importance of sustainability and accelerated the ESG agenda for business operations and investment decisions. Simultaneously, trustees must consider financially material factors when deciding which investments are in the best interests of beneficiaries.
“How does integrating ESG into investment policies and practices impact fiduciary duties? Are trustees at risk of a breach if they consider material ESG factors in their decision making – what risks exist if they don’t?
“Join our speakers to explore these timely and topical questions and learn practical steps trustees can take to make the best investment decisions while complying with their fiduciary responsibilities.”
“Problems registering? Please contact”